
Thinking of preordering FF7 remake so I don't have to go outside and get corona edition

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shit edition, kill yourself

Imagine being a Limitanei? lmao fucking lame

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>it's literally called FFVII Remake
state of japs

>Thinking of preordering FF7 remake so I don't have to go outside

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are any of you going to be shaving your head cos all barbers are closed

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>Imperial Federation
Reckon this would've worked?

I would avoid purchasing any physical video games as they may contain Caronavirus

fuck off boring loser idiot

my dumbass stoner mate bought this game THREE times because he was so high he forgot he preordered it TWICE and ordered a physical copy after release. What a fucking spastic

no i don't mind becoming a mop head again

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reckon catholics are the biggest wankers and they just say they aren't.

Settled military garrison hands......

ahahaa, big fan of that exchange

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>need a haircut
>can't shave my head because I have a strange lump on the back of my head
guess i'm gonna look like an amerindian then

Where do I acquire a Stacy like this

>try to sort out my life
>find a flat, put down a deposit
>it gets torn away from me at the last moment

Genuinely losing hope for the future and repression during the lockdown is slowly killing me

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already did it today

in Australia catholics and anglicans are all the same because 85% of the country's Christians are non-practising believers

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something off about her face cuz

No but I'm gonna grow an Isolation Beard

Obviously Emmett likes to act like a hardman on here but if you see him smoking a cig in the street and you striked up a convo with him how do you think he would react?

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my god you're so low IQ

good stuff

yeah same gonna use this as an excuse to finally grow a beard

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probably blunt one word answers until you walked away

I think he would genuinely be pleased to be having some human interaction

im a believer

goddamn i love this webm. based anti soy cat

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what did you use
i dont know how to do it, but seeing as this is going to go on for a least another month seems ill have to at some poin

just be yourself bro

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surprisingly down to earth, and very funny

good lad

All professional sports teams will eventually go under after this is all over. Every sports stadium will be demolished and be converted into affordable housing for everyone.

mfw alanah wants to cuddle

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A lot of "Uh huh"'s and "Yep"'s

Moni looks like this?!


no such thing as affordable housing

its a fucking joke we have all collectively agreed a normal house is worth 30 years of full time work for a normal person

the land isnt worth that nor is the materials and the labour. Its all a scam

me irl

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odd that I'm far more drawn to shoving my face between the arse cheeks of a pretty girl than I am to a normal girl
not like her face makes much difference down there

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just a pair of wahl clippers at a grade 3

The Caronavirus can live on plastic surfaces for 3 days

whos this then?

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Amer, the paki bender sex offender

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wrong faggot get off mumsnet you rapist
enough rancid slags

Any snoggers in?

He seems like a fun lad in the actual source of this
Plus I didn't think he'd be German


her name is monica and she is beautiful

wtf i thought Iowa was a good state?


...oh, uh

HER name is MONI and such and such.

no one:
absolutely nobody:
still nobody:
not a single soul:
literally no one:
not even big chungus:
random incel on Yas Forums: Germans were a mistake. Bringing them into the anglosphere was an even bigger one. This is the kind of the disgusting shit they brought and championed here.
[everyone disliked that]
baby yeed: wait that's illegal
brie larson: ok that was lowkey on point
pickle rick: *slaps roof of car* luke did i ever tell you about the time i turned myself into a pickle? it was an epic moment.
luke: *is retarded*
CIA: Bane?
sans undertale: hey don't google HP Lovecraft's cat name
[OP googles hp lovecrafts cat name]
CIA: congratulations you got yourself caught!
stan lee: *flies past in a spaceship* ooooh i dont care what universe you're from that's GOTTA HURT
[everyone laughed]
keanu reeves: you're breathtaking!
area 51 guards:i bet i can take keanu reeves
keanu reeves: you sure about that
keanu reeves: kills all area 51 guards
area 51:wait thats illegal
[everyone liked that]
CIA: am I joke to you?
Alt right incels: there's no way star wars can be good agai....
Baby Yeed: hold my beer
Big chungus joined the chat
Drumpf has left the chat
/brit/: 'Any snoggers in?

Stop spamming these dolled up tarts you waste of space

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all good and well but I can't be forgiving the sex offender part now can I?


woah don't blow your linguistic load in one post buddy

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Germans were a mistake. Bringing them into the anglosphere was an even bigger one. This is the kind of the disgusting shit they brought and championed here.

alright last one

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no her name is monica she is beautiful and you will respect her
i repeat: her name is monica she is beautiful and you will respect her

Germans were a mistake. Bringing them into the anglosphere was an even bigger one. This is the kind of the disgusting shit they brought and championed here.

I wouldn't know how to react if I saw something like that heading towards me

The Queen is German though

>This is the kind of the disgusting shit they brought and championed beer.
ahaha so true xx

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Fuck sake why didn't you cunts keep leinster Dublin was literally the second capital of the british empire in Georgian days, why keep Ulster fuck I wish you just kept leinster so I could still be british, being prod in the south is suffering while I don't want to go to ulster because they're poor and catholics up north would kneecap cripple torture and bomb me for being protestant while the orange loyalists would be as likely to kill me for my accent thinking I was a fenian

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FUCK the queen


wish the chink flu only affected those aged 20-25
would vastly improve this site

haha same

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monica has never committed a sex crime


love when leftypol wheels this one out

home :)

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have reported this post to ASIO for high treason

>The House of Windsor is the reigning royal house of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms. The dynasty is originally of German paternal descent

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hello? GCHQ?

back when i used to post here late night threads were good

fuck happened

weak slag game adn weak obsessed with namefag game

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no they weren't
be quiet

we are all africans :)

Dont care what religion you are

Would knee cap you for being a dirty wee britlover

so does that make all the pakistanis in britain any less british?

The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha of Saxony
Monarchs of the Anglo-Saxons

Idk why you're complaining
This seems fitting to me.


All you had to do was listen to me

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love underage birds me

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nice reddit spaces

I invented /brit/
don't ever reply to me unless you are agreeing with me you little twerp

been doing a bit of reading, turns out modern germans are french-nordic mutts and the original germans were slavs and balts

none of these women are particularly good looking

nationality != ethnicity

Visceral seethe

wonder if she watches disco and picard

i believe if you die in battle you go to valhalla