This is the new Norwegian air force.
Your silly eurofighters and mirages or whatever don't stand a chance.
This is the new Norwegian air force
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Pic is the number we bought (52). Enough to kill any european airforce.
Enjoy your expensive toys that will get outdated within a decade.
Against a Eurofighter, the kill rate is 15 to 1 in favor of the F35
what are you gonna do with em?
>trusting F-35
guys, should we tell him
Look to the west at dawn tomorrow
I remember when a Norwegian king Olaf something was enslaved
You will be speaking Norweigian within the next 5 years
Why do irrelevant countries even have armies ? No one cares about u and if we wanted we could invade you, your meme planes will only slightly delay it.
But we have no reason to do it, because norway is irrelevant.
what do you propose? a white flag perhaps?
The friendliest neighbors are armed neighbors.
>and if we wanted we could invade you
Your entire navy would sink from our missiles long before you even entered our waters
I LITERALLY don't think France would be capable of invading Norway
>Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy France in a week
TOP KEK FRENCH PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Norwegians are ITCHING for a war with France. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of French soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our
F35s and navy are done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY French pig shit they see. When Norway's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
Also our subs would kill their slow nuclear subs like INSECTS
it would depend if their navy was allowed channel access, do they have enough landing craft? they sure don't have the range in aircraft to reach you guys with a major beach head establishing force
My nigga you do not understand that no one wants to enter norwegian waters. Norway having an army is as retarded as Poland closing it's borders to migrants, it's not like they wanted to go there in the first place.
But if anyone went to war with norway they could just nuke oslo and bergen and basically destroy everyone except for some meme reindeer herders in the arctic.
Sending their army over the sea would be suicide. They would have to walk over Finland, Sweden etc.
>But if anyone went to war with norway they could just nuke oslo and bergen
Same with France and ANY other country LMAO.
They are already outdated. They can be detected by WW2 radar and are far worse than Gripen when facing russian jets.
And you do know the score against the Rafale ? I know and you will cry
but of course they wouldn't have agreements to have that kind of access
it's effectively impossible for modern France to mount invasions like that, across the Mediterranean? sure, but nothing north of their country
>what is WWII
>source: my asshole
>far worse than Gripen when facing russian jets
They will shoot down those Russian jets BEFORE they know we are facing them (same with Eurofighter, Gripen, Mirage and Rafael! - outdated shit!)
Norwegian F35s on Iceland
Pic from vid
He's just mad because his army isn't commanded by a penguin
f35 stealth doesn't work. Gripen is explicitly built to kill russian jets. It uses electronic warfare, which is the only kind that is relevant. It can also be updated, unlike the broken stealth that the f35 has.
>France having a chance of invading Norway
The stealth is not broken.
Also, the sensor range way surpasses Gripen and Russian jets. You would die without knowing there was anyone there.
Germany had a hard enough time when we were MUCH weaker. France today.... forget it. It would be a masacre.
>using manned jets
drones are literally better in every way. Even Obama knew this.
>January 20, 2017
>As Donald Trump assumes office today, he inherits a targeted killing program that has been the cornerstone of U.S. counterterrorism strategy over the past eight years. On January 23, 2009, just three days into his presidency, President Obama authorized his first kinetic military action: two drone strikes, three hours apart, in Waziristan, Pakistan, that killed as many as twenty civilians. Two terms and 540 strikes later, Obama leaves the White House after having vastly expanding and normalizing the use of armed drones for counterterrorism and close air support operations in non-battlefield settings—namely Yemen, Pakistan, and Somalia.
>The 542 drone strikes that Obama authorized killed an estimated 3,797 people, including 324 civilians.
oh whoopsie, did your drones just get EW'd? Enjoy your aircover
Norway are now at war with France. May Allah have mercy on their souls.
French forces in the Norwegian mountain realm. I don't think they would survive for long.
i'm not the other french poster i don't want to invade you, but we actually have some great mountain troops in the alps, including special forces trained specifically for extreme mountain and arctic environement, but again who cares we're not invading you anytime soon + as a soldier i've jumped out of a norwegian plane recently, the guys seemed cool even if they had weird looking camo
But that's more like special forces
no, the population lives in more than 2 cities.
Anyways my point still stands, tiny meme countries don't need armies bc no one wants to invade them anyways and they're all allied with a bigger, more relevant country
We always need something to stop someone
Also, we would be able to stop a French invation for sure. That should tell you something. You would be the meme country after that.
This thread is embarassing.
Funny thing sea shepherd never came back to Norway after this lmao
>no, the population lives in more than 2 cities.
So do we - we are probably the most non-urban country in Europe.
They were entering our waters illegally. They were lucky it was just the coast guard.
Never seen Sea Shepherd since lmao
Too afraid I guess
Now they only pester the Japanese KEK
>le detected by ye olde radar
Yes, it's more easily spotted by older longer-wavelength radars. The stealth is optimised against shorter wavelengths which are necessary to locate objects to an accurate enough degree for missile guidance, for example
>still buying american aircraft
LMAO enjoy your cheap toys, I'll go with SU-57 RVSSIAN CHAD
It can't even remotely compete with the F35.
It's more agile perhaps, but what does that matter when it will get shot down way before it knew anyone was there?
Next time we will sink them for reals.
>Manned aircraft in 2020
>spending billions on any manned system in the current year
LMAO! Enjoy getting blown off the map by a swarm of drones armed with plastic explosives. Same with aircraft carriers. Dumb boomer generals need to fuck off
>what does that matter when it will get shot down way before it knew anyone was there?
exactly boy
Same with overfishing russian trawlers in our waters. Comply or get sunk.
What airforce? Those airplanes must be invisible.
>heat mirages and sand
isn't norway like in the north pole?
Yes but don't have any nuclear tactical weapon.
So you are fuck if you pick a fight with either UK or us.
That's the first thing we take out.
You all shut the fuck up or I’ll kill you with machetes
Mexico is still on bi planes, get the fuck outta here, Mexicans are still in the 1930's regarding military tech
>american shit
expensive gimmicks
>sweden shit
pretty good, but don't want to support their industry
>euro shit
don't make me laugh
>russian shit
ok, but not up for grabs
>That's the first thing we take out.
Lmao, you think you can intercept nuclear cruise missile ? or ICBM ?
Yes you can, easily. That's why we and the USSR made treaties to limit our anti-Ballistic missiles. Because if we didn't, we might take the risk of nuclear war if we could stop 90% of their missiles
I'm not sure UK really has nukes, I reckon Norway could *** them good, but not invade on land, we still have Mistrals for that
What kind of people even join the military in Norway? Is it mostly the lower class and retards like the US?
Thank you, monodigit IQ, but my sentence was that they could never stop all of our nuclear arsenal.
Of course they have, and no Norway could maybe think some warship, but no more than that.
No you didn't even add a plural you stupid frog, France only carries 10 operational icbm's, which are poultry for a alert military, you need atleast a 100 to overwhelm a strong military. Or a 1000 for either Russia or the USA