Dudes rock

Dudes rock

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all women are whores

One is making $50,000 salaried as a nurse, the other is making $200,000 with immense benefits,

yeah it's almost like one doesn't take twelve years of school dipshit

Incentive isn't the same, bongtard. The doctor will get praised years to come, and the other is a easily replaced wagie, why should they care as much?

>assuming she’s a nurse and not a doctor because she’s a woman
Nice job being a sexist while trying to white knight, you fucking loser

Could care less if they are a roastie or a guy either way. I feel the same for our "essential" workers in walmart, they shouldn't bear the burden for boomers and fatties

lmao actual roastie
shouldn't you be squirting blood on /cgl/?

his money isn't going to save him from death

dude is based and compassionpilled

i don't get it. literally nobody's sick bitch how the fuck is anybody yelling at you

EU doctors don't make 200k. That American nurse probably makes more than him

>the other is a easily replaced wagie
RNs are still one of the highest demand jobs in the country

Based. Left has been a wageslave for life and has the slave mindset ingrained into his head. Can't be more cucked than that desu.

>Italian doctor making that money
>Italian pensioner making that money
Lmao no

Left has no reason to fear getting sick since he's going to die soon anyway

But still easily replaceable. The demand only exists because it's such a shit job with shit pay.

>50 thousand muttbucks
She is earning much more than him 100%

Which is weird because nurses does a mass majority of the work in hospitals.
It's only going to be a matter of time until ai phases out doctors

>all women on Yas Forums browse /cgl/
Ok, retard.

braindead. Those exorbitant unrealistic salaries are the reason why corporate america outsources all their workload offshore


You can train nurses to do most surgery work. It's been done plenty of times and it would REALLY help reduce surgery wait times since you can use the trained surgery specialist guy to do the actual big stuff that needs supervision/oversight.

Depends. Most RN nurses only get bigger salaries after they go into management OR they take on extreme overtime hours.

And hospitals love to abuse their nurses such as underhiring them, more responsibility but not the compensation to make up for it and straining them with back to back overtime shifts. It's worse in other nations where RN's either aren't a thing or they are treated like grunts in the heirachy.

I don't understand why people choose careers and complain once they are in their career.
For example, I chose engineering as my career path. I did so despite having an excellent understanding and passion for anatomy and physiology.
All because I realized I would be signing up for shit like this. No thank you.
Designing an engineering solution doesn't mean it'll be yelling at me and giving me abhorrent conditions by design, unlike the public service (e.g. medical) industry.
Eat shit, you chose a HARD job with LONG hours and only now do you complain.

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in the grand scheme of things we're all going to die soon, why try to diminish his contribution like that?

let me guess, you also think unions are a waste of time and money and haven't done anything for you

Public sector unions, yes. Normal unions, no.

The one on the right is a nurse, 90% of nurses are complete retards.

Because it's a lot easier to train a nurse than it is a doctor, they're more expendable and get paid less. Most of the work they do is grunt work anyone could do.

You'd be surprised at how many doctors don't know how to put in an IV

Incompetent people in any profession exist. But it takes significantly less to train a competent nurse than it does a competent doctor.

The women is right on this one though. I wouldn't give two fucks if they expect me to work in third world conditions while riscking my life

he's 85 and done with life
she's just starting hers
it's really not a fair comparison

unions cause change by complaining and agitating for change.

self preservation>caring for old fuck who i dont know

>she's just starting hers
She looks like she's 35

Outside of surgeons, doctors are just memory banks.
AI will get to the point where they out perform doctors and only surgeons will be in demand. Doctors will just be there to translate the findings the machines spit out.

Nurses are dumb and rude. I have met many nice ones, but most only got into the field to be in a position of advantage over the old and sickly, watched too many hospital dramas, or are only after money.

Sure but I'll believe it when I see it. AI hasn't even killed truckers yet people keep talking about this AI revolution on the horizon.

Stone w*mem

Because people expect public service employees to be expendable and to not complain and to be given the token reward of "respect".

this would be a baitable strawman argument if it wasnt for the fact that both are working regardless of their stances

i thought you guys were being ironic about the incel shit

Lot of surgery work can be done by nurses though.

Most old people now say that they don't care if they die.

I mean the woman has her whole life ahead of her, maybe a family with children. The doctor on the left already lived his life, he's 85.

lol, if you really think ai isn't going to replace doctors then you need to stop talking in this conversation

Most nurses aren't comfortable actually leading a surgery or taking responsibility for anything that could happen, and if anything goes wrong it's a lawsuit waiting to happen. And most people aren't going to want to have a nurse leading their operation, so even if they can do some surgery work or minor stuff I doubt we'll ever see actual surgeries performed without a doctor present.

Lol get some reading comprehension. I'm sure eventually they will, or at least lower the demand of them but that's a ways off and kind of irrelevant to the conversation at hand where AI tech currently is.

another intelligent based redpilt anime poster. incredible.

Yeah that can only work in areas where nurses doing that type of stuff is more common/needed

Nice back peddling

lmao okay call it whatever you want dude

AI (and talented/trained dogs) can diagnose cancer better then most top level professionals.

The people nurses are more likely to replace are like family physicians and internists who are already seeing a lot of encroachment from nurses. I'm pretty sure surgeons will be safe for a while.

Euro doctors don't earn shit.
But here's the thing....that means they go into it for the """right"""" reasons.
Most Americans go into medicine for the nice paycheck and perceived stability. They never asked for this shit. We aren't a country that does "sacrifice". Its not our culture to say "hey I guess Ill go die for the sake of others hahaha".

This is a Euro vs American pic, not a man vs woman one. Maybe a little bit of man vs woman but not a lot.

Okay? There's more diseases from cancers and even if I accept specific cancers can be currently diagnosed by AI or dogs, doctors are hardly being replaced en mass by AI any time soon.

Based we should get dogs to cure cancer and corona all in one swoop

>Most Americans go into medicine for the nice paycheck and perceived stability. They never asked for this shit. We aren't a country that does "sacrifice". Its not our culture to say "hey I guess Ill go die for the sake of others hahaha".
That sounds like something a nurse wrote during her 30minute lunch break.
Plenty of Americans become doctors to help, we have teams of doctors we send over seas to help people for free.

That salary is low range for a specialist doctor

cringe and bluepilled retard.
residents do all the actual work.

>We aren't a country that does "sacrifice". Its not our culture to say "hey I guess Ill go die for the sake of others hahaha".

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What's true is that people tend to yell more at female healthcare workers than towards men.


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those guys just wanted an excuse to use their big guy toysq

It's time to ship you back to your shed in yurop, hans

Ok mr touchy you win. Americans can into heroism and sacrifice.

What he said is true. I live in a country where a GP earns around 10k dollars a month, and all the kids who get into medicine either pay 60k year tuition, or have grades to fight 200 to 1 spot on a free public. Everyone does it for money and stable life, I suppose in America it's worse.

>haha right place and right time is just an excuse
You are an idiot.