
Are you grateful, Brazil?

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china lied people died

Chinks should get punished for what they did, but our economy is chink dependant... I feel violated

Better shut your monkey whore face unless you want that equipment taken back.

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Bolsonaro's a good dog

What "plea"? We fucking ordered and paid for the equipment and they didn't deliver it on time, our health minister was pissed about it and empathized how dumb it was for the whole world to rely on a single country for manufacturing.

>Shenzen Bioeasy is not licensed to sell the product and is not included on a list of “recommended suppliers,”
Shenzhen Bioeasy Biotechnology, did not have an official license from Chinese medical authorities to sell its products.

stop buying random shit from alibaba.com


Well at least you guys are recognizing the problem actually still exists instead of just sweeping it under the rug like before

Literally this.

They are flexing, it’s happening to every country. The China era has started


Also I find it funny that the pic used in the article is showing someone using a disinfectant that a local company donated and had nothing to do with china.
>Hydrogen peroxide, which is being donated by Peroxides do Brasil, is known for its disinfecting and disinfecting power. The product is applied at bus stops by Climax 8 Prestação de Serviços. In the tubes, the service is provided by Abaiti Industrial Cleaning. Both companies are volunteers in the project.

That dumbass article in the OP is pure propaganda.

These articles rarely use specifically related imagery. Also it's Reuters, which is British.


spainiards are so fucking stupid.

You were fucked before China answered your 'order'.

>The Health Ministry said on Thursday the federal government’s stock of personal protective equipment for health professionals, such as masks and gloves, had been entirely disbursed to local authorities. Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta said Brazil had to turn to several countries before it could find a taker for its 1.2 billion reais ($228 million) order to restock.

>“The first country said no, the second said no, and we were worried. At the end of the afternoon yesterday, the fifth country agreed and will deliver in 30 days. It is a very large purchase, enough for more than 60 days,” he said.

>That country is China, the Health Ministry told Reuters, adding that the order is for 200 million items.

He said China is not delivering on time, the propaganda article is implying the complete opposite of what happened.

Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta said on Wednesday (1st) that part of the purchases that would be made by Brazil for personal protective equipment for use in the health network due to the new coronavirus "fell" after the United States acquired a large volume of products from China.

"Today, the United States has sent 23 of the largest cargo planes to China to take the material they have purchased. Our purchases, which we expected to complete in order to supply, many have fallen," said the minister. "More than ever, we have to save as much as possible."

He used the example to go back to advocating that measures of social distancing be maintained.
According to the minister, the cabinet has already sought other suppliers, but there is no certainty of delivery.

For the minister, the current difficulty in offering products and inputs is related to the low number of suppliers, with production mainly concentrated in China.

"I hope the world will never again make the mistake of doing 25% of the production of inputs in a single country. This is a post-epidemic discussion."

sure dude, diversify your factories and build them at home at higher cost. than once every 100 years there is a pandemic of this size you can say you were right. kek

Kek you mean your monkey propaganda news is saying the opposite of what really happened.

China should just withdraw its shipments and let you die. Maybe the Americans you love so much will bail you out.

Oh wait, they have negative equipment. LMAO.

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It doesn't need to be at higher cost since China already outsources a lot of its industry to neighboring countries since it's not that cheap in China anymore and we have cheap labor too anyway, their stranglehold on industry is based on bureaucratic power moves more than anything else.

I watched the Q&A live and know he said that.

>Oh wait, they have negative equipment. LMAO.
We aren't out of equipment yet but the minister was planning around the equipment actually being delivered on time so he's urging doctors to ration what they have, Argentina also fucked up our orders of respirators, this is what you get when you rely on fuck ups.

If there's one thing the world learned from all of this, is the need to not rely on foreign manufacturing for essential equipment.

>china takes a piss on you
>here! have a towel to wipe all that off!
>aren't you grateful that i gave you this towel when no one else would?

Well all joking aside I do hope it works out for you but I'm not confident since your president is literally still acting like the virus isn't a big deal.

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He moderated a lot and avoided criticizing isolation measures, he's still pissy about the economy but he's just letting quarantines happen anyway and leaving the coordination to the health ministry, they also think a complete lockdown would be a disaster but are pushing for isolation hard.
The ministry seems way more worried about PPE shortages than anything else right now, I think isolation-wise we are doing fine.

Well as long as the people who matter are taking it seriously then I guess it's manageable.


I don't think Mandetta was even that rough with the Chinks.
It was just Trump going in an absurd buying spree (good for him btw) which left us on the dust.


Still don't get why are you sucking their tiny dick so much.

>the problem actually still exists
Nobody ever said it was not a problem, just that we shoud not panic.

>old friend
awww wuv u Zhongguo

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brown chink
kill yourself
Wish the Japanese had wiped you out of the planet

Remember you only exist because USA stopped Japan.

You're a vassal of China.

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Brazil was one of the first countries to declare a health emergency and the health minister was pissed that WHO took so long to declare it a pandemic but said the government was already treating it like one before the announcement, nothing was ever swept under the rug here.

I like how everyone blamed China for the virus now China is saving everyone elses' ass.

>because USA stopped Japan.


>594,000–609,000 Japanese POWs
>Completely destroyed Kwangtung Army

Feel kind of sick living inside so many infected chinese heads.

We don't even know what shitty country is that where you came from, probably some chimps from Thailand, you're all a disgrace to humanity, disgusting subhumans. Go back to your cave deformed chink

Who gives a fuck? The important part is that those shitty subhuman shemale chimps from Thailand didn't get wiped out because they got protected by actual humans. Fucking cancer still alive till these days posting shit in internet

He's not from Thailand, he's either an expat or a vpn

>everyone blamed China for the virus
Because it was 100% their fault
>now China is saving everyone elses' ass.
Because the shit is made in their country, they seized supplies from even non chinese companies and hoarded said supplies creating a global shortage.

They are "saving" people from a disease that is their fault with supplies that they hoarded by seizing all of it as it was made in their country for foreign companies.

You're a retarded man

Nice bullshit, the country was fucking depleted from fighting the U.S. at that point. They had no real navy, air force or supplies.

LMAO fuck these fucking insects

>Because it was 100% their fault
It was spread around the world by Europeans, you fucking parasite.

This. Fuck white people.

Who honestly gives a fuck about Brazil?

>Chinks all traveling around and making videos about ''we are not a virus hug us"
>it was the europoors guise

not even trying anymore are you poofta?
KYS chink
not even gonna bother

What is this flag

>It was spread around the world by Europeans, you fucking parasite.
The first cases in the U.S. were all Chinese nationals you stupid chink.

we dont want your help and l hope China collapses into brutal civil war


Everyday the people of Brazil miss Lula more and more.

bolso is such a cuck

Gee where is that best buddy of yours, Brasil?



heil the new master race, heil china

bat soup

People here need to understand that the President is trying to do one thing, while the governors are doing the other thing, which is actually the sensible one which is to buy as much medical stuff as possible and put people in quarantine.

Bolsonaro is literally isolated and just talking shit on twitter, the Health Minister is the one leading the crisis now.

Shut the fuck up. You banged pots and pans out at your balcony area. Now you take it up the ass.

bosomato is angry because his coup got derailed

Nah, i voted for him, but i'm not retarded to cope with every shit he does. he's a fucking retard and if there's a better option next election, i'll take it.

What coup?

before this he was ploting a coup because he was angry the congress nor the supreme court were approving his shit

and every brazilian on pol was claiming that the coup was near

I think you're talking about himm butthurt in TV all the way bac kn the 90's.
Yeah he's that retarded, but the military would just stomp him really, even now the military wants to distance themselves from him just so it doesn't shit their good image in the country.

Pretty much that, yeah.
It's not even a "left/right" scenario anymore, hell, i'm left and im glad there's an inteligent rightwing minister dealing with this.