>favorite Vidya/game genre
Other urls found in this thread:
For me, its DS3, or any fromsoft game for that matter.
Half life 2
I've stopped playing games years ago.
Recently I downloaded CK2 and VtM(with a few mods). Pretty nice I think.
I played Dofus when I was in highschool too.
inb4 the thread is deleted by stupid jannies
post vidya before its too late my baguette
paradox grand strategy games
patrician taste
I used to play Quake Arena too. Legacy of Kain was great too
Medieval 2 total war
also this
>why yes, my favourite games are League of Legends and Civilization V. What gave it away?
>US of A
hows that new HOI4 DLC? ive been thinking about picking up Stellaris.
Fav genre is open world
Persona 3
Mitsuru best girl
hearts of iron 4, victoria 2 and tf2
>anime games
is tf2 really that good? or is it csgo tier? give me a quick rundown before i install it
>Why yes, I still hunt GTASA mysteries, what gave it away?
csgo is pure shit, people only play to gamble weapons skins, at least people play tf2 for fun, there still people playing the game, its very fun
platforms (donkey kong country: tropical freeze, super mario Galaxy, rayman legends, super meat boy)
Metroidvanias (castlevania AoS, Guacamelee, Hollow knight)
finna download this shit right now my guy, better be good.
you are going to have a bad time until you learn everything from the game
>playing video games
How does it feel like to be a manchild?
How does it feel like to fail at life?
How does it feel like being a virgin?
How does it feel like not being respected?
How does it feel like not having a stable, paying job?
How does it feel like knowing that you'll die alone?
cs 1.6 was the real deal. I remember playing surf and block building(I think that's the word)
I wonder if there's still good servers
cs is a good game, i hate csgo micro transactions, this killed video games
>browsing imageboards
How does it feel to be a manchild?
Those old GTA myth videos were kinos
and how will i do that
says the cockroach
>>playing video games
>How does it feel like to be a manchild?
>How does it feel like to fail at life?
>How does it feel like being a virgin?
>How does it feel like not being respected?
>How does it feel like not having a stable, paying job?
>How does it feel like knowing that you'll die alone?
spending 1000 hours in the game
I spent hours doing that kek
Bigfoot, aliens, the corpses in the desert(actualy true that one), leatherface, area 51, sharks, UFOs
Europa Universalis 4
Victoria 2
seriously bro?
>Fallout series
Tf2 is the greatest shooter of all time. Or it was, but valve left it and now its a playground for hackers.
feels great, how does it feel to be a reddit spacing subhuman shitskin?
Are you posting on /sp/ right now?
I'll give it try anyway and hope you're wrong
Is it full of hackers? csgo level of hackers?
Fallout 2 best game desu
way worse than CSGO. But people kick them pretty quickly. Learning the game is gonna be a bit rough im afraid, there isnt a prooer tutorial and the mechanics are pretty advanced. Start with Scout, easy to into if you have decent aim.
>Tf2 is the greatest shooter of all time.
Based I love you my little brother.
fallout 76 is the peak of gaming, it even has battle royale mode
TF2 is currently in a crisis with hackers. But they get kicked very quickly.
Yeah it is good game but I am more into 3 and new vegas.
i don't see many hackers
GTA vice city
Stopped caring about video games years ago
Based department?
I guess it's an EU servers thing then. Not really sure about the South American one.
New Vegas is good too. Legion is based as fuck
even hackers here are poor, can't afford hack
i stopped playing like 10 years ago, but i liked secret of mana, metal gear and resident evil.
>metal gear
you might wanna try Phantom Pain, its fucking amazing, ans thats coming from a guy who hates stealth games.
deus ex is the best game
i dont have a favourite game tb.h
currently im playing hitman 2016, civilization 6, beamng, left 4 dead 2, tomb raider
Based. For me it was the best GTA.
fugg, wish me luck bros sounds like a fun but hard game.
Phantom Pain was such a good blast. Too bad it never got finished as intended.
Just download it
There is fanmade audibook about fallout series. First episdoes are good but later ones becomes shittier and shittier just like TWD.
survival horror
i don't have consoles and i have a potato pc but thx for the advise
learning curve is worth it. Soldier is fun as fuck too, you can rocket jump around at insane speeds.
you have to pay for lmaobox
For me?
More arcadey shooters (i hate tactical ones), jrpgs, rts
Dota 2 is probably my favourite game ever after reaching a level where people at least have the basics down (4,5k mmr)
i have 2000h on tf2 and still don't know how to rocket jump
When I played Combat Arms I downlaoded it
Get on jump academy, or get on hightower with the market gardener. Never gets old to shit on snipers.
i don't have many brain cells to learn it