UK and Germany

Who is better and why?
they are europe's most important countries

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France is important too

UK is the Patrick Bateman of Europe, Germany is the Hannibal Lecter of Europe.

France doesnt influence anybody

The UK is, was and will always be a dick.
The most recent example: immediately after the referendum, London began to play the other countries off against each other.
Germany is trustworthy.

it influenced your petty hatred tho

Clearly UK, because who buttfucked who 2 times?

21st century history, Germany

France strongly influenced both.

>immediately after the referendum, London began to play the other countries off against each other.
Holy fucking based

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the british are less cucked than the germans, i am sure your average farmer there doesnt give a shit about how many irish potatoes were murdered by the kingdom

this, you can't trust anglos, i think you can trust the germans.



This. Bongs have this sense of superiority over everyone and secretly hate us "continentals" its always been like this.
Germany all the way.

Trump has anglo-german blood

his mother was highland Scottish so not anglo and he sees himself as American above all else

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European Council leader: Charles Michel BELGIAN
European 'president': Ursula German from BELGIUM

literally the two most important positions are held by Belgians. UK is irrelevant 3rd world country filled with shitholes outside of a couple cities. move the FUCK over.

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Your artificial country should be disbanded

very bäsed

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We're good at completely different things.

Why are mexican posters cucks?

>Germany is trustworthy.
Ask the Greeks.


t. speaking Spanish
Need I say more?

Whislt we *are* dicks, you're certainly not trustworthy.

Brits are good at invading places.
Germans are good at gassing people.



germans are good building stuff, anglos are good destroying it

you ever heard of the german empire?
me neither

Lmao is that even a question. I'd pick the germans over the conniving bong backstabbers any day of the week and twice on a sunday

why are frogs always butthurt at you, i remember when my sister told me people in france hate everything related to your country

Das rite
An American holds the highest nonhereditary office in the UK

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literally no idea they are just salty
probably bongs in france not even attempting to speak french and it makes them seethe

You and me are better I tell you. Not the clowns who pretend to represent these beautiful flags of humanity. Have some self respect

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I don't know why but there are so many brits I met that had no morals. Like real subhumans you don't see that in most of germans.

maybe they are salty that your language is more important than their faggy french

And they do well to do

Yeah, superiority based on what???
>hurrrr we wuz colonizerz n shieet
No, Nigel, your great great great grandfather was a coloniser. Meanwhile you're unemployed, on social benefits and weight 300 pounds, live in an impovernished suburb on the outskirts of Gloucesterthonshire upon Thyne.
You have nothing to be proud of.

brits see your country as an absolute non country, even if just subconsciously
literally do whatever the hell you want it's not even a proper country
deep down all brits believe brits are superior, because we are

meanwhile germanoids are ashamed of their country

are you finally kicking out all the pakis and irish niggers from your country

You sure about that?

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boris is bringing in some heavy restrictions so no more will be let in

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I want you to get angry and say out loud: I'm angry and I'm not gonna take this anymore! Im a human being and I deserve some respect goddamit!

i wish you could do ethnic cleansing on northern ireland
was not hitler enamoured with muslims

>Yeah, superiority based on what?

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Yea, he totally will, I mean, he's like super based, isn't he

Fact: Brits black wash their own history

You tell me

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what does that have to do with the fact they are good building stuff and you are good destroying it ?

best we got so far
immigration is next on the agenda anyway once wuhan virus is dealt with

No, not exactly, unless you believe cuckservatives and have never read Mein Kampf

british stereotypes are that they are dress like in the victorian era and are educated
german stereotypes are that they are hardworkers and enjoy playing truck video games during free time
french stereotypes is that they are smelly and a bunch of assholes

We are talking about people not country. Yeah I don't live in a great country so fucking what? You don't chose where you born but you chose who you want to be and I see you have chosen to be scumbag

mexican flag stereotypes is that they are proxies


But you german, tried to exterminate Europe for fun.

and you have chosen to tell me this in english

Based, but...
>Germany is trustworthy

And so did you
It's just banter

Barron is a german-anglo-slavic boy

based and strategicpilled

why would azerbaijan speak english ? from what i see he's speaking american on an american website.

>british stereotypes are that they are dress like in the victorian era and are educated
In 2020 lmao no. There stereotype of the modern brit is this

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this is such a cringe cope

Turbo-superficial class-obsessed narcissistic sociopath vs. sadistic power-hungry cannibal

you mean like larping american achievements, yeah fucking cringe indeed

France is a slut that broke up the british - german eternal bromance.

He's the same "mexican" who was obsessed with trannies. Don't mind him or believe him or give him yous. He mostly just fetishizes germans and concoct fairytales about what "someone said" about other non-german euro groups. d&c poster