/balt/ + /ausnz/

Suicidal edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


literally just fucking straight up stabbed a knife through my laptops keyboard in anger and it doesnt turn on anymore what the fuck bros

Well your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya
She tied you to her kitchen chair
And she broke your throne and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

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based retard

>my face on the left
>my soul on the right

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based retard

Mornin' ya jack wagons

Drinking myself to sleep lads

Wine +vodka

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>keyboard breaking lithuanian
>laptop stabbing estonian
be on the lookout for the monitor smashing latvian

bros im fucking fuming right now what the fuck

>four posts early
the valytojas won't appreciate this

Don't forget phone stove breaking Lithuanian

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Isn't limit like 300 on Yas Forums?


What happened?

Well, there was a time when you let me know
What's really going on below
But now you never show that to me, do ya?
But remember when I moved in you
And the holy dove was moving too
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah

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how short? you know that's not a problem in LTU user, all my short ex's have hot gfs...
how much cancer? did you do 23andme?

Maybe there's a God above
But all I've ever learned from love
Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya
And it's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

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It was a better time.

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And love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

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>laying down on bed browsing /balt/
>play with a pretty large knife
>usually just stab the side of my bed with it lightly
>instead decide to put the blade under a key cap
>accidentally pull a keycap off
>the keycap riser is broken
>pretty fuming
>decide to take out another keycap and use its riser
>riser falls down into the bed frame
>cant find it
>hit my leg on the bed frame
>max fuming
>take the knife and stab the keyboard like 3-5 times
>laptop is fucked
>ultra fuming now

Blet atsiminiau kodėl nustojau piešt. Kuo labiau stengies tuo didesnis bybis gaunasi.

Estoniabro see a therapist


why im not retarded

>telling your therapist your far right views

>Kuo labiau stengies tuo didesnis bybis gaunasi.
daryk biznį iš to, manau rasi mecenatų iš /d/ ar /aco/

brah stop being a faggot. tau puikiai gaunasi. vienintelis dalykas, kuo """menininkai""" skiriasi nuo visų kitų, tai kad jie nepasiduoda ir toliau stumia savo šūdą ant visų kitų. THAT'S IT. su talentu tai nesusiję. push your shit into our mouths bro it's not like we have anything else to eat

based retard

im so fucking angry right now im gonna go out and vandalize something have a good night manes

kuvaldaga juudi hauatahvlid puruks

How to stop being sad piece of shit?

I call Eu police

why are all estonian posters far-right, asocial-aggressive types ? im seeing patterns here

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quit Yas Forums

what are they going to do?

Become my friend :3

hey, thanks

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Are you the same multiculti fag?

I'm here since 2011

yes, I'm here since 2003 you despicable faggot

>is on Yas Forums
>why are everyone agressive antisocial and far right here

>nupiešiau vietoj pistoleto rankoj bybį
>atsiminiau kad mėlyna lenta
pizdu, labanakt, ryt bandysim iš naujo

And yet Lithuanians are not like Estonians

we are the jolly southern type according to them

MB 150-151cm

Maybe it's to do with me growing up in a raion, but short dudes would take a loooot of shit from other dudes and specially gopniks. At least when growing up(no pun intended). Specially if they couldn't fend for themselves, which becomes harder if you have the natural size disadvantage.
Idk, maybe it's also 'cause I'm above average height and maybe I'm just being a bias tard.

Her mother's uncle died from cancer, her grandmother and her mother had problems with cancer, she had problems with cancer. Someone on her dad's side (though not the dad himself, but his line) can't recall exactly - but also had to battle cancer.

so far I know of these estonian, and only estonian, exploits:
>drunk girl robbing
>ukrainian mugging
>tranny stalking/chasing
can anyone add ?
also, based


>Pedophile Estonian

>that Estonian who works in intelligence center, always recognize him
>2 russians
>race traitor user
>carl gustav user

>why are all estonian posters far-right, asocial-aggressive types

Confirmation bias

Jew guy - I agree. I wouldn't see you as not Lithuanian anyhow. Heritage might be a fun thing to discuss and all and I love those types of differences to talk about, if the person is into it - but all in all on the cultural foundation and ability to relate - we are truly the same people.
>Love you, muh German/Lit/Etc. Jew guy

yor parents lived in ghetto, filthy litvak ?


do you have chances of getting a healthier gf that's as good as her?
honestly the short meme sounds very american to me, I personally was beaten up for being a short girl but dating wise I feel like my shorter friends have had better success.
regarding cancer, you really should do genetic tests and find out what kind of cancers you're supseptible to. also, is having kids your absolute main priority in life? me and my boyfriend both have diagnosed autism and we think adopting a kid couldn'r be much worse than the genes that we already have

im not far right, tard.

That's one person

Top three are all me

>drank 8 cans of REALLLLY cheap beer last night
>my guts and head were fucking dying the entire day, today
>decide to drink more cheap beer to fix the issue
>it actually works
motherfuckers don't think it be like this but it do
I can't feel my kidneys anymore and liver is kinda iffy thou

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see this
While we are at least tolerant of the other cultures. (sort of)

wasn't there a rapist in there somewhere as well? or is that the same person as ?

Dude, you're literally showing your confirmation bias

What's your favorite song of all time?
Mine is unironically youtube.com/watch?v=y8AWFf7EAc4
this one.

While I listen more to rap/ rnb/ indie nowadays, and make RnB music.

Its a single person, he's the far right nazi poster. He's underaged pay him no mind

mine changes all the time but atm my mood is:


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Well, he's the most seen

Because it's not only one person. There are like 2-3 posters who shitpost with far right stuff.

Reminds me of this German band

dont believe him, he's the PR representative of the Nazistonians
there's a whole legion of them on /balt/

But then again, it goes back to this then
There's like 1 Lithuanian who is far right, yet as our general /savizudybe/ showed there's more than 20 of us in here

ALTER tai primena man šitą jaunystės dainą

i guess i'd consider myself far-right as well, but not in an estonian (collaborant bootlicker) way, as seen here

These are all my posts

You should like this song
My swiss friend showed me this song

>collaborant bootlicker
mad because himmler didnt trust shithuanians