
/asean/ thread prank edition
what kind of prank we will get later indobros?

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surprise martial law

i'm in the mood to punch MKL

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Rate my anti-duterte game, /asean/


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Tok Tok

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The openess to express in regreting voting for Dutz seems to be spreading as well these days

The Twitter user also accompanied her question with a screenshot of Panganiban’s old Instagram post in April 2016 where she declared that Duterte was her president.

“Yes. Nakakalungkot,” the actress replied. “Pero oo. Patawarin niyo ko.”
(Yes, It's sad but yes, pls forgive me)

After her remark, her fans quickly expressed their support for

“Gising na siya (She’s awake already)! OMG. Welcome back! @angelica_114,” one @xxixicv said.

Panganiban shared the post, saying, “Sorry natagalan".( Sorry, it took this long)

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What about political games like ?

Ada juga bias kognitif yang dinamakan ‘optimistic bias’. Kayak quotes, “Everything will get better in the end”, kita cenderung berpikir masa depan pasti lebih indah dan cerah.

Makanya jualan tentang akhirat laku banget untuk manusia.

sarapan apa gan

Ambag means contribute

This is for the mkl seethe (you) score later

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Dota or lol?


All that pseudo intellectual garbage for what amounts to a shitty pixel game

why would you be anti Duterte? He's legitimately the GOAT

Hungry people Yeah kill'em


Libtards being libtards


>limit your internet use please
>ban most of the site
what did they mean by this??

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why don't the philippines use chavacano as a lingua franca instead of tagalog?

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For dutertards and mkl tier marcostards
And now superman lmao

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It's a cuck language for visayan spic slaves.
It is what it is

Im more hype for his death than the china virus lockdown ending.

no it's not, it's a creole language


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>China calls Islam terrorist
>Saudi Arabia calls Atheism terrorist

Who is right?


>usa people need to file for unemployment because their job get delayed to get benefit
What kind of third world pussy system is this? If you are unemployment you shouldn't get anything like payment
Also what with European visiting here but not locals like Thailand or Viet?

That's the deluded blue pilled description

she look retarded

why does her nose curve?

I think it can be a neutral alternative to tagalog

>his nose doesn't curve


fuck u

did duterte catch the veerus?

It's really bad for nation building


why? a neutral language should be better than a language of only one of the ethnicities, right?

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What do you expect from that wanker?

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>language of only one of the ethnicities
Thats literally what chavacano is and its not even wide spread only spoken by a city

Who knew vico is they key.
Tho I think he has marcostard conncetions like Isko

then what is the most widely spoken language in the Philippines before independence?


then why are visayans so mad for having to speak Tagalog? or are they not?

Toxic regionalism. Currated by thier corrupt oligarch politicans to monoplizwd thier regions and futher thier political dynastic carrers.
Better keep the nation divided so its easy for them to get votes, worse part is chinese communist party are funding this.
So its easier for them to do corrupt buisness to the islands, build substandard dams, oil rigs so we can be in debt to them.
Thats why ""gederalism""all of a sudden poped out of nowhere the less cenrralized we are the weaker the hold of the country.

Wuhan coronavirus is actually coming from Malaysia. It's 4D chess move from the government by injecting the virus to Chinese Malaysians with telling them it was a vaccine and they spread it in Mainland China where they are coming from.

one of the thing i will miss a lot from this country(if i ever get back to indo) is the internet
>city wide partial lockdown
>internet still fast with peak download speed at 11MB/s in steam, and normal download speed at 4-6 MB/s
i guess the news that i read sometime ago about vietnam being the third fastest in internet speed across ASEAN is true afterall

Do Malay women look down on Indo men?

are you that one peruvian that rented a hooker in indo? ngl she looks fine, 9/10 i'd say


>because someone fooled some gullible idiots on facebook the politician sucks
mong logic


I don't like your president. I don't like his joke name, I don't like his joke voice. He looks like a caricature asian Obama.

Why you don't like Jokovic's name?

lmfao based

>LOL at the tagalog trying to cope itt
People who aren't tagalogs really dont care.
No one is speaking tagalog outside Manila and even in Manila the people living outside city would much rather speak English.

The root of the language problem in the Philippines is that tagalogs are too dumb to learn another language, so they insist that everyone has to speak tagalog, to which the entire country justs laughs at them. What they dont realize is that people outside Manila can speak 3-5 languages.

Lol i cant believe this tiggered mkls visayan illocano cope and seethe.
Tagalog was voted by a council from various regions at that time to be the lingua franca.
I'll try and find the link

seething kadrun

t. kadrun
t. irto

Because for centuries
Visayan is know to be a slave maid slum language and people who speak that will be automatically seen as dumb and a joke
Not even trying to flame visayans often get laugh at for the goofy way they speak in general.

>incoming mkl/kaguyafag seethe cope tirade and (you) score

the recommendation of the National Language Institute (NLI) to adopt Tagalog as the foundation of the national language of the country.

Explaining the result of their studies, the language experts who comprised the NLI stated in a resolution they passed on November 9, 1937:

"This conclusion represents not only the conviction of the members of the Institute but also the opinion of Filipino scholars and patriots of divergent origin and varied education and tendencies who are unanimously in favor of the selection of Tagalog as the basis of the national language as it has been found to be used and accepted by the greatest number of Filipinos not to mention the categorical views expressed by local newspapers, publications, and individual writers."

The NLI was headed by Jaime de Veyra (Samar-Leyte Visayan) with the following members:

Santiago A. Fonacier (Ilocano),
Filemon Sotto (Cebu Visayan),
Casimero Perfecto (Bicol),
Felix S. Salas Rodriguez (Panay Visayan),
Hadji Butu (Moro), and
Cecilio Lopez (Tagalog).