The English have yet to apologize

You may use this thread to do so.

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Maybe he thought glassing him meant something different.

[glass him]

That's what you get for going to a club like a monkey. Stupid fucking normie

don't they give you warnings about this shit when you fly to third world countries? he knew what he was getting into

>Jonathan and Ian Hockaday are US citizens who arrived in the UK on the 13th April for a family holidays. on the first night of their trip they attended an event at the Minworth Social Club. Mr Kelly engaged them in conversation and in particular was asking them questions about Donald Trump. The Prosecution’s case was that Mr Kelly’s motive was not to engage the brothers in political debate but to goad them. In fact it was Mr Kelly who became agitated and aggressive and initiated a fight with the brothers. Others intervened and as matters began to settle it was alleged by the Crown, and duly found to be so by the jury, that Mr Kelly ‘glassed’ Jonathan Hockaday with a stemmed pint glass causing extensive damage to Mr Hockaday’s left eye to the extent that the entire globe required removal.

>It was a sensitive and difficult case. As part of the defence case witnesses were called that suggested that in fact it was the Americans who had been the aggressors and all Mr Kelly had done was act in reasonable self-defence.

>Plainly the jury rejected the account of Mr Kelly and the witnesses called on his behalf.


Rapefugees are majority in there


nah, fuck it

I wonder what the someone would have to do to make smashing a glass on their face be "reasonable self-defence"


>racist attack

If they were getting knifed.

Stay safe ameribros the euros cope and seethe and hate us. Don’t let them sucker punch you!

Based thug

Americans are a race unto themselves

insult small heaf


>james kelly

There should be travel warnings for low class areas

I went to UK most of the people there were fine. They were all kind of serious and somber, men there just don't smile, even if you smile at them they dont smile back. Women still smile at least. But nobody was ever violent or started a fight. Just kinda sad.

This was Somerset btw.

chat shit get banged init

I was studying abroad in Germany when I took a trip to London, so the people didn't seem particularly somber


Never leave the US.

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Why would you smile at somebody, especially if you don't know them?
Bizarre yank creep. Bet you shout everything and don't queue either.

Yep, stay there in your corona infested shithole please

Why go to night clubs with aggresive shitheads on drugs anyway?

Not all Americans smile at randos, and we're always getting neatly in lines (not the poster you responded too, so maybe he's smiling all the time)

>12 years
Was it worth it?

No, he wasted many years of his life. Hopefully he will commit suicide while he is in jail.

He probably deserved it

if someone swings me and im holding a glass bottle what the fuck am I supposed to do.
Like that's a blunt weighted object that will probably knock you the fuck out or at least daze you and i'm holding it in my fucking hand.

>Mr Hockady and his family started a GoFundMe page shortly after the attack occurred to help pay for the mounting medical bills, travel expenses and the prosthetic eye.
do yanks really

someone on Yas Forums made a reasonable point about that
>either thats a blunder by some green haired shitskin dyke who is just in the habit of calling everything racist, or it may be one of the 1st signs that the brit mob is going to start backing whites over shitskins in this new post brexit economy. It fits in with the new ' everyone go back to your country and stay there' basis of nationalism thats happening

knew a northerner that had a sad on about moving to london because nobody would say hello or good morning to him on his dog walk, it's not just yanks

somerset might as well be purgatory with the average age


Why didn't he shoot his attacker?

>someone on Yas Forums made a reasonable point

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that's generally fine so long as it's reasonable and proportional and you can convince a jury of it, at least in the uk anyway
the court found that he was the instigator in the situation despite claims to the contrary and the jury outright rejected the self defence plea

it's either that or the daily mail is unironically making an 'everything is racist' point
most google images for "james kelly" are middle aged white men

say you don't much care for very warm beer

>Americans in charge of handling banter

Americans really are an obnoxious bunch.

You can get cold beer in most pubs now.

Ah! Progress!

cellar temp beer. Which is actually the correct temperature for maximum beer flavour.

A lot of people here turn into sub human mongs when they drink. Especially when they mix it with coke or MDMA (most of the time it is PMA)

>very warm
Which is what? Hot?

>beer flavour

Probably was being a cunt

why can't american handle bant?

You've been able to do that for decades.
No idea where this Yank meme comes from.

>go to Birmingham, England.
Play stupid games, win stupid prices

it's true.
Every form of alcohole has a best served at temp for maximum flavour.
Google it.

there were instructional videos made for GIs warning them not to be alarmed by warm british beer

Oi you got a loisence for being a yank here?

Americans are spastics. What do you expect from a nation that fills everything with HFCS?

haha owned

offputtingly not cold, a texture of tepid soup, or sun baked water

Based Trump trash getting BTFO

That is what he gets for going to a third world nation. I would even say its fourth world at this point.

>Birmingham thug

>what u gon do m8, don't you need a license to carry a plastic fork, ahah
>*high fives jock friends*
>gets shanked
>cries like a bitch

stay fat

you are FAR more third world mr 53%