How has she and her army of babes handled the corona-crisis?

As far as I know only the thickest far-right idiots online disagree with him. Even the top brass of True Finns-party are supporting him.

It's interesting to see what they do with our Northwestern land border with Sweden as the virus will probably wreck them.

It's still open for the nurses who live in Finland but work in Sweden. I can see that stopping real soon.

Attached: sanma.jpg (1200x630, 298.99K)

Swedish Norrland is in big trouble if nurses from Finnish Lapland are not allowed to make a trip over the border.

she qt

She competent as well.

Her party gained +4.4% in the last polls. We love our queen.

There's also a rather large number of +40 year-old-men who absolutely can't stand that a woman is leading us in the time of crisis. They're absolutely helpless and grasping as straws while and Sanna's Finland is the South Korea of Europe.

Attached: Sanna-Marin-Feet-4669655.jpg (738x960, 63.63K)

>There's also a rather large number of +40 year-old-men who absolutely can't stand that a woman is leading us in the time of crisis.

And you don't see a problem with this? I'm starting to smell roast beef...


Attached: 1477064782.jpg (475x543, 49.32K)

No I don't, the millennial women have done exceptionally well so far.

We don't have gendered pronouns in Finnish so it's a really basic mistake. I'm sorry to crush your dreams.

Attached: MG_8869.jpg (2000x1333, 518.94K)

kill yourself tranny

Attached: 6eb[1].jpg (1009x624, 118.71K)

fuck you racist cracka

Lol, I could try but Sanna and her socialized healthcare would bring me back to life and fix my mental health after.

And it'd cost me nothing.

>tfw no Finnish QVEEN gf

Sanna should spend more time doing this, and stop pretending to be a world leader.

Finns party is absolutely going destroy her next elections.

lol you did that intentionally so you could brag about this. How desperate are you?

Aren't you paying taxes?

Why though?

She's doing great, her parties approval rate is up 4,4/% from last month, biggest rise ever.

Even the haters are starting to love her as we're pretty much killing the virus in Finland because of Empress Sanna and her lockdowns.

We are probably one of first nations that is able to ease the lockdowns.

brag about what? i do not understand

I'd love to bottle her farts and sell them on the black market

Why would I brag about linguistic differences? It's just a common mistake that happens, don't sweat Adolf.

something is off about her

It only happens to people not educated enough to understand basic english. Are you one of those people?

Oh, that's why you need a real government

Attached: despair.jpg (482x427, 91.32K)

She's attractive at first glance but then you notice she has this dead eyed look, like a fish.

No it doesn't. It happens more to people who don't have gendered pronouns. It's pretty obvious.

Your native language is almost a dialect of English and you're bragging how you know it better than me?

How is your Hungarian? Or Estonian?

>No it doesn't.
Yes it does, you brainlet commie. Englannista M? Never mind that - you strike me as an amis elämämkallu. Your obsession with the nanny state, social democrats and "equality" paint a clear picture.

So you don't understand elementary school level english, you don't pay health insurance since you believe socialized healthcare is "free", and you are self-admittedly mentally ill. You sound like the typical green/feminist party voter.

I understand your elementary level babbling for what it is. That's something right?

Go back to Ylilauta, Jani.

The only thing I'm babbling about are your personal and mental deficiencies so don't be too hard on yourself.

[Last poll]
It's Finland ready to be cucked?

Attached: EUcpAFZWAAA4YjK.png (1840x989, 120.97K)

where is laura :

Ok, Adolf.

Chill out, don't start the ovens just yet.

lol KOK..... tell me more about them

Kokoomus, National Coalition. Neoliberal, right-centrist party. Pretty much like Democrats in the USA.

Why would you be afraid of my ovens, do you see yourself as a victim?

Not really but I have basic empathy for the victims of the next crazy Austrian.

Finns are afraid to touch each other, what do you know about empathy? You are just copying whatever Sweden is doing.

Still convinced that she's a reptilian in human disguise.

And you're like that with Germany. What's your point?

Lol Hans stop being baited so hard, he obviously did it intentionally. Pekka's playing you hard

is that her

i'd lick her feet

In opposition/Brussels.

I wish Sanna would grasp my balls in the same iron grip she has on our country while looking at me in the eyes with this exact malicious hollow smile.

Attached: 1578026159-800px-prime-minister-of-finland-sanna-marin-2019-cropped.jpg (800x1074, 148.82K)

I'm not bragging about imaginary strengths and my struggle with elementary english.

Ok good for you baby :)

This is unprofessional.


Yes. She was in Vogue-magazine this week.

Attached: VO0520_SannaMarin_01.png (1600x1360, 3.02M)

Even if it's quarantine you're getting boring so suck it up.

"Sorry for my bad English!"


The King of Finland

Attached: 6666611416604132081-1488949546.jpg (1201x1801, 1.21M)


>le conveniently timed exit
The beta green voters's way of coping with getting btfo.

I'm not letting you off this easily, we probably have sex before it's all over. :)

Attached: bec.jpg (1044x664, 61.53K)

Nice meme.

I want to lick your shaft.

He mouth is smiling but her eyes aren't.
There are a few photos where a hint of genuine human joy emanates from her face before she quickly seals it back inside behind that porcelain smile.

Attached: Finland%E2%80%99s-Prime-Minister-Sanna-Marin-poses-for-a-photo-at-the-World-Economic-Forum-Annual-Meeting-in-Davos-Switzerland.-January-22-2020.-Thomson-Reuters-Foundation_Belinda-Goldsmith-696x373.jpg (696x373, 30.46K)

You people need to elect the Finns Party to government, and Sanna ought to spend more time taking care of her child

Why though? She's doing perfectly well.

They change their name in English from True Finns to Finns Party lol, but in finnish their name is True Finns still