
Stop-cigani.info edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for Tranlo

Beware of the spiun

Why Are Albanians (LEFT) so much bigger, masculine, and high T than arabs/greeks (middle and right)??

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Serbian rape for 500 years

Janny loves anti-EU threads

>Make pro-EU thread
>Instantly deleted

>Make anti-EU thread
>Stays up for 2 days

Thank you based apte4ka, you are my greatest ally

>what do I do in my free times? go crazy with the aimbot in krunker until a russian kid spazzes out on me on mic

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You forgot to tell how many transexual threads and that disgusting Finnish fursona thread stay up for 12 plus hours.

First za iskam da se cepa v simpatichni aziatki s tesni pichenca

The janny is a Russian government troll. Say anything bad about Russia and enjoy your muted for 12 minutes. And you're surprised that he deletes pro-EU threads.

Jannies only cares about int when russia gets insulted

It could be that Hiro is just a straw man and Russians use this forum for propaganda.

>The janny is a Russian government troll. Say anything bad about Russia and enjoy your muted for 12 minutes. And you're surprised that he deletes pro-EU threads.

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That is quite a scary theory

Well let's test

As if its unimaginable that you are on a payroll too Kumanovo cigan

If you don't believe me make a thread shitting on Russia. Shit on Russia in their own general or simply write ''Cлaвa Укpaйнa!!''. Are you scared?

See ya in 2-28 days, boys

So far it's up though

I shil for the EU, they pay better


Adding some flavor to this, Russia pays him to promote their propaganda and judging from his controversial history with the Japanese imageboards, this isn't as crazy as it sounds.


Well, it is not blatant insult towards Russia, so i dunno. Tho, i heard some user say they were banned for saying "katsap". (It is like "khokhol", but for Russians, basically, a demeaning word for Russian nationality/ethnicity)

I honestly believe this since it's really not unusual for them or any secret service for that matter. Yas Forums isnt as obvious as Twitter and facebook but it does reach a lot of people.

Name a single reason why EU is good for you.

Make a proper shitting thread. Пeдepacт вмиpиcaн, нe ce пpaви нa интepeceн. Пpaви хляб кaтo хopaтa дa видим кoлкo вpeмe щe oцeлee.

>tfw no gf

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based be

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>inb4 EUffendi

Is this the girl that Italian was looking for??

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Lol enverbey provocing left and right. Btw, if the threads go down probably balk will be nuked as well, as usual.

nah he was looking for some chick autistic boi posted, and apparently there was visible bagina

I remember people reposting screen caps from the Japanese boards and they all said "those gaijin have no idea what's coming with Hiro". It's almost like m00t sold him this board to kill it off and bury this part of his past before going to work for the Google overlords.

If you insult any country blatantly the thread goes down.

I heard there are females itt who have two legs but haven't posted feet so far tho

it has a picture of a monke russian while there's a legit Yas Forums related question
puts jannies in dilemma

How is that written in Cyrillic? Кaцaп?

Well, do feet in socks count?

How much money did Moot get for Yas Forums?


It's not a monkey russian but the monkey they sent into space. The insult is too subliminal for the low iqs

Хoхoл is way better insult

Stupid, people are just genuinely answering and the thread has 0 heat. I failed

after the putin monke memes they'll get the memo, i guess

Didn’t know Trump was so hilarious


884 boomers in nursing homes died today in France.


I'm really trying here

> omg user, you can't ride a horse?
> lmao, you honestly think you can dominate anything if you can't even handle a horse?
> what is that cute tingling thing between your legs?

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Lol, they arent picking up today.

Middle one looks like a horse-human hybrid.

Left one is stacked af though would fuck

Only left one is fuckable

The amount was undisclosed


His opponents seem so soy



did pre-war Sofia have black people?

Nigger didn't build his wall though

Have you thanked our Lord and master Boyko B. today for weening us off the Russian gas tit?

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Well, they have similar etymology, as far, as one theory of "katsap" etymology goes. Khokhol comes from Cossacks' haircut. There is a theory, that katsap comes from Russians wearing long beards and comparing appearance of people with those beards to goats. And there is version, that we took this word from some Turkic language, which that language took from Arabic and this word actually comes from Arabic "butcher".

So, i think, etymology of "katsap" is pretty interesting.


(Yous) on the house

Bulgarians are black people

>Netflix cancelled "Messiah"
Oh fuck you

nojko or cairshqip?

Jedan metar mog sela, Amerika cela.

Ah yes. "Butcher" in Turkish is "kasap".
The Arabic word itself is a loanword by the way.
>From Aramaic קצבא / ܩܰܨܳܒܳܐ (qaṣṣābā, “butcher”). The verb قَصَبَ (qaṣaba, “to cut up”) and a root ق ص ب (q-ṣ-b) are from this noun.


Got my wife and I a couple of shirts in honor of this week’s releases!

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Fucking Aptechka FSB 4d chess, tomorrow I'll post Russia has bad weather and get banned for 2 weeks.

[BoTW] I knew if I ever got a tattoo it would have to be a Zelda tattoo. So glad to finally represent my favorite franchise of all time and what my wife and I bonded over when we first met! Design by Bobby at Illusion Ink

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lmao kys paranoid schizo

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Just last night I finally got enough money to buy the index controllers that I’ve been anticipating and saving for for quite a while now. Super excited to go to the steam store and buy them just to find out they’re out of stock. Really sad about this, hoping they’re gonna restock soon because this was gonna kinda be my Christmas present to me and now it sounds like I won’t be able to buy them until next year.

I played it on the switch now. Very easy game, I remembered the older ones much trickier.

100x more autism than balkanimals

Why is the Redditor shqipbey copying reddit posts

>no slon

Oh, that is cool, thank you for telling. It makes that theory of borrowing this world from some Turkic language even more interesting

> /balk/
> not /otto/
you had one job lads

Caкaм дa кacaпaм тypци

Saqam da kassapam maqexdoncji