>average salary in the USA is 56k/year
What the fuck?
Is it even possible to be poor in the USA?
Average salary in the USA is 56k/year
>hahah yeah bro I suffer in the US making 100k per year and having some of the most sexually-open, hot and playful women around the world, driving a brand new car and living in a house of my own
average is misleading, use median.
>average salary
Head in the oven, feet in the freezer
>median income is $2500
>bottom 10% makes $600, as low as in Poland
Basically you have ultrarich multimillionaires, small middle class, and the working poor which barely scrape by each month
Memes aside most americans are poor because they are fucking consoomers. As an american you always have to have the newest phone, the newest car and you can never look like you're doing worse than your neighbor. Its in american culture. This is why most of them go into debt even though they could be quite well off if they spent reasonably but NOOOOO, you need that upgrade from Consoomphone 10 to Consoomphone 11
>Memes aside most americans are poor
...we are?
>The median household income in the United States is $56,516, according to 2015 data from the U.S. Census.
americans don't know pain
That's per household, not per person.
now divide that by how many working people are in a typical household.
what i meant to say was that most poor americans are poor because...
Damn....makes you think.
For the record, the lowest 20% of American household (mean income $10916) have an average of 0.5 earners. The highest 20% of American household (mean income $177851) has an average of 2 earners.
Turns out the key to a good life in USA is not being an incel or a NEET. Who knew.
>The U.S. Census Bureau lists the annual median personal income at $31,099 in 2016.
56k is nothing, what can you even do with that kind of money?
56k a year/ 12 = 4666 dollars a month
They say 30 percent of your income should go to rent
0.3* 4666.67 = 1400 dollars a month
The average one bedroom apartment in Toronto is 1500-2000 a month and even more in Vancouver. You cannot even afford rent with this income really if you live in a big city
This is what an senior manager would get here, the fuck are you talking about?
here's your 56k/year job with thousands of dollars in debt and a terrible housing market bro
What the fuck, is cost of living super cheap there? I wouldn't be happy without 100k AT LEAST
I make 54k€ a year and I’m very priviledged
You told me to divide the median household income by median earners. You get $43473. Median personal income is probably calculated a lot differently than median household income/median earners per household.
I live in Chicago (a more based city than Vancouver or Toronto) and I pay $1100. Not sure how much dollars that is Canadian but there is a good chance Canuck are getting ripped off.
>the mental gymnastics in this thread
Yes, everyone here makes a shit ton of money compared to Europe or the rest of the world. The reason why we have problems is because most people are shit with money and use credit cards to spend 3 dollars every time they make 1
>it's another "foreigners haven't yet come to terms with the fact of U.S. hyperinflation" episode
$56k is barely liveable in most cities.
i said divide it by the number of workers in a typical household. since that information isn't available off-hand i figured i'd just spoon feed you the answer. the median income earned in the USA makes 32k, far lower than the average 56k stated by OP.
Wrong. I make 60k and own a house in CT. I'm 26. Get a real job, move out of faggotland fudgepackafornia
14k is minimum salary here.
You can live with it, but you can't do much
100k is CEO tier
I hate California but holy fuck dude lmao that's still a shit tier state
it is fine unless you live in a big city like nyc
that's per household, i think which is a joined two-person income. the average US citizen lives paycheck to paycheck buys things they cannot afford in installments they default on and pulls about 24k anually, and sells their mother's pain pills on the side.
Vancouver and Toronto are both overpriced shitholes. But really everyone in this country is getting ripped off. Our currency and economy both suck ass and on top of that the taxes here are super high.
What's the median? Because that's the one that matters.
It is available off hand the answer is average 1.3 earners per household.
Inflation is actually super low, people were bitching about it just recently:
Now with corona, they are panicking that we will go into deflation at this rate, thus the need for trumpbuxx .
The only things that seem to actually be inflating are healthcare prices, college, and some meme-tier city rents.
I lived comfortably with $30k in Lansing (capital of Michigan), even was able to save $1000 bux a month to pay off my student loans. But I know if you live in a meme city in a meme state then you have a rough time. It depends.
nigga what are you talking about? unless you are trying to live outside your means then $56k is plenty for a single person to live off in most cities except the most expensive like NYC, LA, SF
>100k is CEO tier
100k is the bare minimum for living in an upper middle class neighborhood here.
Yeah, every american can be a millionaire with just the bare minimum effort.
LOL you should take in cosideration higher cost of living and also that 1 euro 1 dollar, also consider that class inequality is higher than in europe try to remove your top 0.x1% and see
I make 56k in honolulu hawaii
im poor
my rent is $1800 for a 1bed
I was about to accept a job offer in sweden last month, until I realized that the wage calculation will work like this:
$80,000 < current salary
-25% < lower wages in sweden
-30% < extra taxes in sweden
-20% < extra cost of living in Stockholm
$34,000 < what my $80,000 US salary would turn into if I took the exact same job at the exact same level in Sweden
I was disappointed, living in Sweden sounded fun. But I'm just making too much in the US to give it up right now.
THIS, most Americans live beyond their means.
Someone did the math and by saving something stupid like 10% of your income (assuming you’re making 80k) you’d be a millionaire in 30 years (miracle of compound interest). Maybe had to do some mutual fund shit, I don’t remember.
>hahah yeah bro I suffer in the FRANCE making 100k per year and having some of the most sexually-open, hot and playful women around the world, driving a brand new car and living in a house of my own
What the fuck?
Is it even possible to be NOT SUCCESSFUL in the FRANCE?
>Why yes I do include those rich fucks making 100 billion a year in calculating the average
> most people are shit with money and use credit cards to spend 3 dollars every time they make 1
I think this is more boomer culture. They love to buy on credit and live big. I dont think millennials are the same, possibly because student loan debts make us scared of other debts.
My dad just bought 2 brand new ATVs on credit. For what purpose? Why not just save up so he can buy cash-in-hand rather than pay interest on it? This is what I dont get. The more money he earns (and right now I think he+my mom are getting $140k/yr and only one of my siblings is living at home) the more weird stuff he wants to buy on credit.
my friend makes less and he bought a house and got married a year out of college. his wife is a new teacher so doesnt even make much either.
>saving something stupid like 10% of your income (assuming you’re making 80k) you’d be a millionaire in 30 years (miracle of compound interest). Maybe had to do some mutual fund shit, I don’t remember.
that's literally how retirement planning works. you need to be at least a millionaire to retire for most people. it's not magic.
that was only to illustrate that the number was less than 56k, by stating he must divide that. the real answer is for personal median income in the us is, as stated by the US census, 31099 far lower than the 56k stated by op.
Not a millionaire but if you aren't a NEET and you aren't an incel you can get $100k household income. Full time wage earner median is $50k. Get a wife, $100k. There you go. Obviously if you and your wife are retards (more retarded than the median American even) it will be less.
Of course we also have to pay big for medical care so maybe it balances out somewhere idk
>now divide that by
divide by pi
then multiply by the circumference of the earth
then add length of my dick
angry leaf retard
medical care here is fine if you have a job with good insurance. this country is the best in the world if you're on the side of the 'haves', and the worst in the developed world if you're on the side of the 'have nots'
oh so much angry. much pleased.
>Russia above Poland
Their average salary is about $600 a month which is lower than minimum wage here ($620). Median is probably even lower
That shit's fake
I made just a little over $100/k last year. I lived in California, about 50 miles North of SF. After taxes, I made around $61k. Average rent is around $2k/month. Takes me 2 hours on public transit to get to work, which is 8 miles away, so I rode my bicycle everyday instead.
Wasn't that great, really. Not terrible, either.
post your hourly salaries Yas Forums
Or you can save 100k, move to a third world shithole where your shitty 100k will be wortth 2 millions and enjoy your life in a tropical paradise
this is meaningless without a cost of living adjustment. 55 is great in some places and meh in others
look at the median and it is still high compared to most countries, but these numbers also include over 100 million cletuses, niggers, and spics. if you cant do better than that you should just be shipped to africa t.b.h
Does this account for cost of living?
Europe is expensive.
Why is the cost of living so high over there?
>Not a millionaire
yes you can, even in western europe actually, anyone can study for free or almost free, even americans, they are just too self-centered to even think about going abroad even when the one and only language they speak is the one used by unis around the world, americans have absolutely no excuse to get into unpayable student debt
I'm an electrician and work for myself, I only work for a few small factories, and take a few service calls. I could make double what I make if I wanted to, but I don't take every job.
I think you should do more research than that. You're probably gonna have more to spend in the U.S but there are certain benefits that make up for it in Sweden. Pensions, health insurance, child care and not to mention working hours. Unless you're in a yuppie job like consulting you're gonna be working 30-40h weeks with loads of paid vacation time.
>Study in highschool (dont be a full retard)
>Get scholarship to Uni
>4 years degree
>Median personal income for a fulltime earner with bachelors degree (dont be a NEET): $56,592 in 2017
>Get married (dont be an incel): $113184
Now of course many Americans squander it anyway because its just our culture to spend on shit.
ITS NOT ENOUGH... I want ... MORE.
Nigga what do you think PPP means?
pure penis penetration