
Fuck the dutch edition

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this is too based for janny to allow

What's that sound

clap if you hate minorities


What do you think about

Lad bible and that

also the janitor just banned me for a vpn, makes you think

reply to me aha

top two trends on twitter
why are normoids such cringefests?

set my tinder passport to ukraine
it's not fair de lads

any horny man in?

Chinkmong aussie is advertising riceniggers again

The US is heading for 42% unemployment by the end of April.

To put that into perspective, during the great depression it was about 29%.

Prepare to repeat the 1930s lads. This is how you end up with fascism and communism on the rise.

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Absolutely crack up while reading back my posts sometimes

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I wonder if there is a strong correlation between not clapping and virginity. I went out and clapped and I’m not a virgin. Made me smile, it felt very genuine and appreciative and uncynical and unpolitical.

However, reckon a couple of years ago when I was a 19 year old virgin posting on Yas Forums all day I’d have cringed at it and not clapped.

Can see it from everyone’s perspective desu.

Clogwog completing a 30second slow captcha to report this thread

Oh fuck he's still there then is he

Shit and fuck


Twitter only has leftist normoids on it. Currently the Tories are polling at 54% but if you read twitter you'd think everyone wanted to lynch them.


kek this is me

balls are itchy as can be. reckon i actually need to finally wash. a month is my limit it seems.

big iron is on the horizon

he wont let any of this stand

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ey up chum haha here we are

saw somebody in tesco wearing an NHS lanyard and I just put my basket down and started clapping and people started looking and realising what I was doing and before long the whole store started clapping and everybody was in tears and we all collectively paid for the NHS workers shopping and I slipped in an extra £100 note and told her to treat herself to something nice


simple as that really

Rate my clapping

I'm a 25 yo virgin and I came out to clap.

I genuinely have forgotten it's an election year
some radical independent or third party candidate could still emerge out of nowhere and sweep the electorate

I should do heroin and kill myself but i'm too cowardly

My parents have started exercising (walks and bike machine) every day in quarantine because apparent theres a better chance with the virus than if not

Then it dawned on me one or both of my parents could die, they're both quite old, people much younger have died of it

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what's this about?
lefties just permanently refuse to accept democratic results

stunning and brave

>if you have any opinion other than mine then you've obviously been brainwashed
the levels of cope here are off the charts

Please post the image if the woman accusing the british election of being togged because all her twitter followers voted for corbyn

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Rorke seething and turning up his Turtle Beach headset his mum got him for Christmas so he can’t hear all the lefties outside clapping for the socialist healthcare system.


Ahah lad

You read ladbible?

aha all my posts

are bait and

People reply tho

Everyone should use trip name

aha gyal

No more ngubu. The only football league playing is the Belarusian league. So from now on it is Ivanski.

>I'm so much smarter than everybody if you don't agree with me politically you are not as smart as me

hold one it says I need to solve another one

been going for daily 30 minute walks
got to keep fit

north wales has a much lower population and lower density

and welsh-born =/= welsh, there are parts of north wales where they speak in the entirely manc and scouse accents that their parents who moved there do

a pre-emptive kafkatrap

The NHS was first proposed by a Tory minister in 1944. Attlee just nicked it m8.

What makes someone want to become a people mechanic? They poo, pee and maybe they deserve to die.


Half the people here are like mikey

They don't know how to use a trip

>Turtle Beach
I own their stock
didn't know what they produced but their fundamentals were good when I bought them

rorke here, listening to a FLAC of Nocturne op.9 No.2 by Chopin on my Sennheiser HD800 headphones that I bought with my own hard earned money

cant do the daily exercise because i can't breath when i walk up and down stairs because of this lung infection. miss running.

the so called scran

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lol lad I don’t use webms

Phone poster ini


Why did people clap

Aha mad

Anyway lad

Do you read lad bible?

aha whatsapp

Thats only the very border of flintshire, like i said in my post
>welsh born isnt welsh but welsh accent with no welsh language and a life entirely devoid of welsh customs and traditions is

Stretch before and after Chad

saw 190 out on the streets of cardiff in his roadman attire, despite the lockdown. Was very intimidating and had a chiseled jawline, could have very easily been a model.

Either way, the police told him to go back inside, he just laid the policeman flat out there and then, he's not someone you wanna mess with lads, just warning you now

>buying from a paki takeaway when none of them wash their hands or obey social distancing
well it was a good ride for you I guess

for doctors is the problem solving aspect of diagnosis and treatment
for nurses it's the humanity side (or so I can ascertain, I'm neither gay nor a woman)

Holllllllly PENGO PENGO

get vlc you fucking mong

'tism the post

>Computer enhance in that name

every doctor is doing it for the power trip . it needs to be tempered by the hindu faith . thats why so many indians are doctors

so, me and my cat were going to die from starvation. but i found a guy, he needed some concrete smashed up and hauled off. i did it. now ive got $120. feeling real good and drinking and smoking now



Westminster voting intention:

CON: 54% (+7)
LAB: 28% (-4)
LDEM: 6% (-1)
GRN: 3% (-1)

, 26 - 28 Mar
Chgs. w/ 14 Feb

Scotland voting intention:

SNP: 38%
CON: 36%
LAB: 17%
LDEM: 3%

, 26 - 28 Mar
Chgs. w/ 14 Feb


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have heard that stretching before working out in general isn't good to do to because rather than warm up and loosen the muscles it causes them to tighten up in response to the pressure

There is nothing Kafkaesque about that

Imagine all the pairs of brown hands that will have touched that food by the time it gets to your mouth. Imagine how many doors the paki who delivers in to you has touched today.

i dont think that's true

Knowing how to trip is a oneway ticket to hell and a curse of bad thoughts forever until your die

does it support iPhone

not an Android virgin

have never had a home delivery in my life
jog on

studying spanish by just using duolingo and pimsleur and then trying to read /lat/ atm
might add some flashcards and verb conjugation cramming in a bit though

any of you lads had model hiring folk give you business cards on the bus? wishing i took the offers. fuuuuuug

why waste what precious little money you get on drugs and alcohol


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Want to go to the pub

There was some mong on yday claiming that the tories had gone down in opinion since the election because ‘lol just look at the public sentiment even the telegraph didnt like them!!!!’
Mad how they drop facts for anecdote so easily and are capable of just ignoring the truth whenever it suits

A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh

good, well done

imagine being so pathetic that you misgender someone just to attempt to upset them

wow yes because I really care about the voting intentions when the next general election is 5 years away most likely

don't reply to me ever again


because that is just what i do. im budgesting real good on it tho.

Very nice

>No can of fizzy drink

doctor here. took a sabbatical when i found out how long this thing will last . you're welcome

Didn't you guys make fun of americans for clapping? Now look where we are.

remember the pub
remember footy
remember work
remember going down the shop
remember going to maccies
remember not having to pay a £1000 fine to go outside

>only on the border of flintshire
it's everywhere until conwy
>welsh born isnt welsh but welsh accent with no welsh language and a life entirely devoid of welsh customs and traditions is
tell me then, what welsh customs and traditions are gogs keeping that south welshmen aren't?

>Latin American Spanish
Utterly grim. Castilian Spanish is so much more patrician.


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need to develop a pallette. all i eat is pancakes and crisps and chocolate and chips and nuggets. want to be the type of lad who gets hungry and whips up a delicious varied snack from one of the four corners of the world.

ok do u want a lift in the morning pal

I called this. My posts will be in the archives somewhere. I said Jezza would irreparably damage the party and indirectly usher in a 1000 year Tory Reich. Sadiq Khan hasn't helped at all, everyone in the country outside of London utterly hates him, and by extension, hates everyone in London because they keep re-electing him.

Hate this meme
Also the closely connected
>if you come to a different conclusion to me you must be uneducated

United Clapton

>Jeremy Corbyn is STILL Labour leader

I'm a member of the Tory party and there are a lot of rumours that we will have to have an election after the crisis because we'll need a new manifesto to deal with the aftermath. So probably another election next spring.

Tell me then if you think you are so smart what makes that post Kafkaesque

Good post lad
Too bloke you are
Really great guy you
Man of the people

heard bat soup is all the rage these days


>another election

what if we all wrote our replies above the post we were quoting?

>I’m a member of the Tory party


cheers mate. thanks for rubbing in how shite i am at cooking.

>Castilian Spanish
not really useful to me
may go to Spain sometime but other than that I'm dealing with Latin Americans all the time

I don't
where are you getting this?

I want to be that fat cunt who wants government regulation because he gets so much pleasure from eating that he can't stop. If i derived that much pleasure from food i would eat non stop

At 7:58 I screamed out my window "Clap if you hate white people" and everyone on my street started clapping at 8ish

had a joe rogan thing on in the background on mute, turned it up, and he was literally in the middle of talking about like how a chimp has all this bone/muscular density and can tear you apart
exactly like the meme

You’ve never been to north wales have you haha
Oh hello chinkmong I hoped it wasnt you but at least you’ve outed yourself
Not going to continue a discussion with a wog who shills for the cco all day lol

If I was him I'd be drinking myself into the grave too desu

On your hands a knees now so I can test your bum hole for signs of Corona

>blacks inherit the the planet the second it turns to shit


There’s nothing wrong with being a Tory

*claps my cheeks*


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nah it shows how easy it is to mix ingredients into something tasty

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Latinos think of it the same way Yanks think of British English. You’ll sound more sophisticated to day labourers and gardeners.

Theres a cause and effect that you’re missing here

If you're a tory and you're uni aged you're likely mentally ill and/or a virgin.

Everyone uni should be leftist, there's simply no reason otherwise. We think you're a freak if you're not.

would shag kenneths arse into next week

Oh dear

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I'm a shagger and didn't clap

It's some sort of cringe virtue signalling 'epic' group therapy session. It started with flash-mobs, and it needs to end.

Wouldn't have seen this in the blitz. Genuine community spirit.. cleaning up, bringing round mugs of teas? Yeah sure. Organised events with people taking photos of themselves clapping for the RAF? No sir.

No, John. You are the freak.

>He isn't

the vast majority of learning material is in Latin American Spanish
plus the gf is Argie so I ultimately plan on learning and developing an Argie accent which is considered a nice variant

too embarrassed and have been shamed by irish lads on this general about my drug addiction. but sometimes i need to talk about it. been a heroin addict for almost two decades now. need to let it out sometimes. woe is me unironically lads

exceptional and accurate post. No idea why everyone here is so jaded and edgy

maybe 50 years ago retard

why arent i applauded for doing my job every week

felt like I made a corker of a post earlier today and it didn't get any replies
still been in the back of my mind, bit disappointed

remember this meme?

Not the case I’m afraid decent attempt decent attempt

>/brit/ needs to listen to me because i shag

no, you're the cringe one you'll find