If you saw me in your country with a Japanese gf, how would you react?
If you saw me in your country with a Japanese gf, how would you react?
I'd imagine how your intercourse would be like and then go house and masturbate.
Good day sir.
"Sigh... another Northern European guy with that fetish. He could have got a decent Germanic woman for himself if he tried"
"Sigh... another Finnish guy with that fetish. He could have got a decent Germanic woman for himself if he tried"
Oh look, another foreign loser with an ugly chick who was rejected by her own ethnic! Sad!
"lol faggot yellow fever probably doesnt realize his children will look nothing like him"
"Ugh, another filthy hetero."
>only ugly Asians date wh-
Fun fact, most asian females only have sex with yall out of the same fetish you have. Here, your fucking military pays our women to fulfill your fetishes. You pay us to have yellow fever. The only ones that dont, have white fever, and it notoriously wears off. After that, you're just a worshipping, simp paycheck for them.
Fuck your own women, and leave squints to squints.
wonder why your eyes say "i shat myself" then forget about it and go on with my life
Nothing, I don't care about anyone other than me
You look like a pedo
>an incel with a yellow roastie
You look Russian
Yeah but thats a Chad tho
Look at his jawline jfl he mogs 95% of white men
A Chad like that can get any hot girl
you look like Jeremy Renner
I'd be happy for you if I saw you out of your house jason
"Sigh... another Anglo guy with that fetish. He could have got a decent Anglo woman for himself if he tried"
How did a NEET like you get a Japanese gf?
I don't care or pay attention to stuff like that
“Why is he walking on my wall?”
I would automaticaaly assume that you are american. Every time I see an ethnically deiverse group of people walking down the street that's what I assume since we don't have that here
do you post that image every time someone thinks racemixing with asians is bad
im a white man with a white girlfriend
Post physiognomy.
retarded. almost no women visit Yas Forums(nel)
It's other men making fun of you for being a faggot basing his taste of women off anime
I'm american, so I would think you are a low test beta boy.
I'm not white btw nor asian. I'm iranian. You could have done a power move by dating a latina girl, but you fucked up and sticked your dick in ching by chong.
iranians are asians
i would fuck your gf then fuck you
Why does WMAF bother people so much? Love is love right :^)
future elliot rodger in their wombs
Ok, I'm not east asian or ching by chong. I'm what you may call a sand nigger.
I wasn't accusing you of being a woman, you retard.
lmao. This.
>his children will look nothing like him"
Big fucking deal lol. I have slant-eyed insects with a burning passion, but this is probably the shittiest argument you could come up with.
Now, if you said "his children will look like Chinksects," that'd be an entirely different matter. But "nothing like him" is neither good nor bad, it's like whatever.
Why people give a shit about who fucks who involving people they will never meet will always be beyond me. That's real beta, insecure mentality.
you posted an image of a woman raging and then said it was physiognomy, implying i was a woman. faggot
>"He couldn't even get a regular girl. He got to get a gook."
You are an ESL.
Jason(OP) is a manlet that frequently asks people for pictures of their nipples
id think "what a hyper chad, i when u grow up i want to be like him, i bet white roasties chase him down but he dismisses them for superior asian gfs"
Laugh in your face
why does he ask for pictures of nipples?
>Fucking foreigners.
we wonder the same thing
He masturbates to pictures of pink boy nipples, and insults people with brown nipples.
His aren't that pink, maybe jealousy.
You obviously can't read and you're illiterate. If you aren't an ESL, that is actually worse.
just start mewing bro
Why are yellowfever fags so selfish? They are dooming their future offspring to a lifetime of misery just because OOGA BOOOGA WHERE DA ANIME CHICKS AT
yeah dude i really care about punctuation on an anonymous imageboard
if I didn't get the retarded point you were trying to get across in your post it's your fault for making it unclear. my deduction from your shitty post makes sense
It isn't a question of punctuation, you retard. You failed to comprehend basic English in my posts.
I'm not reading the rest of your post, you sub-90IQ dysgenic incest baby.
he looks good tho, probably has more sex than you incel
Thanks for proving the point.
continue making your posts broad and nerd raging at me when I understand one of the many possible interpretations
>he looks good though
he's a proud virgin
>constantly see white chads with black women where i live
>every ugly white guy i see has a ugly South east Asian GF
why is this?
why do tall buff white guys go for black women?
There is only one interpretation of "post physiognomy", you idiot. You are not human.
white female and asian males scrinching
Let's see your physiognomy, yellow fever faggot
he already posted his face moron
The thing is the whole hapas are mentally ill stuff all started because of Asian guys getting mad they were being cucked
There's some truth behind it though. Like even Charles Murray the man behind the bell curve book has hapa kids and a Thai ex wife. There's also black pigeons speaks who likes BTFOing le roasties and nip wimmen are so trad guys that they fuck the gaijin on the first night!111111
First surprised a little, but that's it....
Basically, I don't really care
Mexicans of Asia.
Do you genuinely think that the average white man Asian female couple is with guys with far right wing ideologies ?
I'm going to see more guys with Asian girlfriends at the university of Toronto engineering department than someone reading mein kempf. There is a reason why most mixed race couples tend to be in large liberal cities as opposed to rural conservative ones
>b-but what about this one Olympic swimmer Surely he represents the average hapa!
Ok here's a half japanese kid who went on a school shooting. Uh based japanese waifu check?
if you weren't calling me a white woman what am I supposed to deduce from this image you fucking dunce
You look like me
I never said it's the average or every white guy is a white nationalist that fucks asians. I just said there's some truth behind it. It's the same personalities who hate "le roasties" and "asian wimmen are so trad guys!1111" "b-bro my hapa kid is basically white, r-right?". Idc if you have hapa kids but this double think is so gay. "Hapas are white!". Yeah no they aren't
Here's john derbyshire, creator of VDARE and a white identitarian. I t just seems so stupid that they want to preserve muh white majority and muh white ethnostate but they can't even have white kids.