
Bulgarian Chads edition

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I haven't fucked anything in almost 1 month. Im getting depressed already.
When this ends though, every pussy will be more than willing to get fucked

yyyyyyy чopбapииии


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Why Rasha?

Yes, fren?

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>hopped up on caffeine
>feel overwhelming desire to take a nap

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Greek military is really powerful compared to the countries size

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you can tell his IQ is somewhere between gorilla and neanderthal

read Lombroso

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Pathetic beta cuck

To piss off iki.

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Pathetic beta cuck

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Yes Ebola queens love the big Bulgarian dick

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kek he looks nothing like bulgarian
this is about as western-looking as you can get around these parts

>why yes i save bestiality pictures with maymuns to anger white people

>he is western looking

Take them

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Iki do you go to Yas Forums?

Too much sugar, you've become lethargic.

>this infuriates the rashoid

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>why yes i save bestiality pictures with maymuns to anger white people

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Faceless is best. There's some ugly-ass nibbas out there.

Not at all. This is some funny shit.

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Yes its better than int

Than stay there ok

Cuck i hope your parents find out what you do

perfect greek couple

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Greeks hate maymi

Why cant nubian queens just say no to the big Bulgarian dick? Is it cause we also make ape sounds at their men?

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Yes, you're a retard, hope u and your entire race get ass-raped by Turk orcs for 500 more years.

>uskupistani gets corona and has to isolate
>he comes in Ohrid and walks outside, even is arrested outside

Why are Uskupistanis such vile creatures?

I unironically get demoralized when I see someone uglier than me fucking hot girls on camera

>rasha too afraid to own up to his BBC fetish larping as if he doesn't like their faces
same story as sashko "fucking" with a condom

There. So much better. Though he now looks like a potato. In my view of perfect BLACK aesthetics, it's just a robot with a single-color skin mask and no identifying features.

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absolute state

Big bulgarian cocks..

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Turds with pubic hair

Now they are.

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>Please give me your bbc Bulgar
Look at his smug face

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poor dude

Unpopular opinions:
I'm always right on any topic

No sugar, I'm on a diet only carbs I've had in the last days were the stuff they put on the schnitzel.


Yes its better than int Cuck i hope your parents find out what you do Greeks hate maymi

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You might've actually started to go into keto, you might have keto flu.

I only respect xNTx opinions


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Unpopular opinions:
I'm always right on any topic sheboon

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>In UFOlogy, Nordic aliens are humanoid extraterrestrials purported to come from the Pleiades who resemble Nordic-Scandinavians. Professed contactees describe them as typically male, six to seven feet tall (about two meters) with long blonde hair, blue eyes,[2] and skin tones ranging from fair to tanned.[3][2][4] UFOlogist George Adamski is credited with being among the first to claim contact with Nordic aliens in the mid 1950s, and scholars note that the mythology of extraterrestrial visitation from beings with features described as Aryan often include claims of telepathy, benevolence, and physical beauty

Wtf is this thread...

92 iq nation what did i expect?

>Galactic Federation of Light
Malaktik Pedereisan af LARP


You tell me. Parents are always home and I can't go to the store to buy booze. I had to return home to live with them because of this. I'll be thirsty as fuck when it ends and will go on a 3 day long bender.

>27 new cases of chink virus
>23 new ones in the shitskin camp

this is it bros WE DID!


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My ancestors btw

I actually feel like you and I are very similar, İki. I'll be honest with you on this one. But I don't want to end up like you...

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I only respect xNTx opinions 92 iq nation what did i expect?

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LMAO ok tranny

I use Discord for my business.

Yo /balk/ I have a business proposition for you neet ass losers. Let's make a site like strah.bg and you niggas can write articles.Think about it all you do is post made up shit all day every day. We can make mad bux from Q boomers.

I've been losing 200 grams a day on average in the last 13 days, I assumed I was already in keto.

Sucking cocks?