Imagine being religious in 2020

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seems a bit to high desu

Careful, they might post soyjak memes to mock you for this OP

>muh ateism

reddit tier, you can't have a strong society without a factor that keeps it united, like religion

that's why Poland is so much better than Czechia

Yikes imagine!

its SOJAK, SO-JAK, soybean in polish is literally SOJA. WOJAK + SOJA = SOJAK

Japan would be more religious if their traditional religion weren't paganism

To be honest, I see atheists intelectualoids who dont think by themselves as ridiculous as religious fanatics.


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>strong society
>this is what poles actually believe

if you don't believe in the salvation brought onto us through Jesus Christ, then don't larp as a religious person.

>Haha, it is *I*, the centrist with no opinion that has the correct stance!

I didn't grew up with religion so i have no idea why anyone can believe this stuff.

Polan faith stronk

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i live in place where it's common to help strangers, we are politically divided but we are still one family

>Sweden and UK cringe capitals of Europe
>Hungary with the most morn "stars" per capita in Europe
>Czechia gay porn capital of Europe
makes you think

religion is prepared for relief to someone with lack of fullness in their lives, requirement to make you united is only nationalism movement and sophistication.

why would I care if someone goes to church or not, I'm not anyone to judge just like I don't do it if someone likes going to a shopping centre or a cinema

what counts is only what actual living standards are and this chart clearly proves there's no correlation between atheism/religiousness and economy/quality of life

if I can live in a fenceless cozy house in the suburbs it doesn't matter if I believe in God or not

Wonder how much that would be here if you don't count muslims

>polish society

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i don't think nationalist movement without God is very good

nationalism in Europe was always deeply rooted in religion
even Nazis needed to create some Nordic religion to replace "Jewish" Christianity, because they couldn't unite the society without it

Should be 100%
Lmao imagine believing this

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>nationalism in Europe was always deeply rooted in religion
false, at least for italy. Our country was always against the church at least till fascism. The pope also excmunnicated ministers and king and everybody who went to vote in any elecion.

didnt expect anything else from a literal cuckold.

Imagine being proud of being a cuck

It's funny because atjeists pretend they are not reñigious but they worship Marx

I love christianity, I just don't like their views on homosexuality but it has done much for european culture

And? Your chart only proves that young people here are less religious than the older ones but still our young people are extremely religious by European standards and their parents are even more

face it, churches here are always full during all Sunday masses (usually 6-7 for one church) and a lot of young people are there

quints of truth

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>against the church

doesn't really mean 'against the religion', Luther was also 'against the church'

Not a single one of my friends goes to church and very few identify as religious
Our youth is still more religious than in ofher countries but that's quickly changing, and as boomers slowly die out, so does religion and the church

>"Catholcism is not a supplement to Polishness; its is somehow rooted in its very existence and to an important extent it even forms its existence. The attempt to separate Catholicism from Polishness in Poland, cutting off the nation from religion and Church, would mean destroying the very existence of the nation. The Polish State is a Catholic State. This is not because the vast majority of its inhabitants are Catholics or because of the percentage of Catholics. From our point of view, Poland is Catholic in the full sense of the word, because we are a national state, and our people is a Catholic people".[85]

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Nationalism and humanist values>religion

in my town the young people are still religious and active in parish and boomers are religious not-practicing and old ladies are very religious

>Not a single one of my friends goes to church and very few identify as religious

totally unrepresentative sample as all objective surveys prove the opposite

>Our youth is still more religious than in ofher countries but that's quickly changing, and as boomers slowly die out, so does religion and the church

No proof for that.

This. The pope went as far as saying every chirstian who participated in the political life of the newly formed Italy was destined to eternal damnation, lel

One of the few decent things made by Mussolini was making peace with the Pope and establishing the Vatican city

Well considering Poland managed to reform itself a few times I guess there's some truth to that

I don't believe in God but I don't mind if other people do, why is this basic level of tolerance so difficult for some?

Lithuanian nationalism was based on the Catholic Church even more than Polish.

Yeah no.

>Religion = Cringe
>People who think they are better than others for being atheists and constantly tell people how much better and smarter they are =Extremely Cringe

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same for German nationalism t b h. It was in the beginning against church and nobility
Literally singing "An dem Darm der Pfaffen hängt den Edelmann" = "hang the nobleman with the insides of the priest"

I'd say young people are actually more staunch and active believers than old people.

Boomers just go to church on Sunday and usually that's all, they rarely participate in all these church activities and frankly speaking I've never seen anyone reading the Bible at home, while young people engage in their faith very much, read the Bible, Catholic press, post on Catholic forums, go to pilgrimages etc

why anti-clericals are always violent?

German nationalism had very strong support among the Protestant "clergy". Less among the Catholics.

wait really? I thought the Czech Republic was hardcore catholic

Must have confused them for something else, they're pretty famously atheistic.

Your villages in Podkarpacie don't represent the whole country

Americans shouldn't think about European affairs too much, it never works

Try reading some of the 1000s of books on the subject if you're interested.

That explains why Poland is so fucked up

i live in Greater Poland

Poland is doing well for itself while western Europe is either stagnating or declining


do you think the survey in OP was done in Podkarpacie? i doubt

i am from Warsaw desu

nah, Poland is pretty much the same like all other Eastern EU countries, there's no crucial difference between Poland/Lithuania and Czechia/Estonia, at least not one that would match the huge gap in religiousness.


Because you live in a mostly irreligious country. Try living in a religious shithole like Brazil; you would see the damage retarded people are capable.

I wonder, would you feel any guilt for robbing, or fucking other guy's wife? ?

I'm not atheist, I'm apatheist.

in my home town when only the coronavirus epidemic began the local priest went around the town with a Holy Cross

effect? 0 infected, 0 deaths

deal with it

not the german nationalism of the young germans since nobility and church even the protestant church where associated with the old order. They were inspired by the ideals of the french revolution but the revolution in '48 was defeated


It's true though. Just take a look at Shitaly and Spain.

but Bismarck's nationalism was rooted in Protestantism very much


Don't need to imagine I am religious and it is based

>muh glorious Czechia!!
who cares

The American mindset.


americans who are atheist act like their own little religion, it is very weird. In the Netherlands everyone I know is not religious but a lot of them don't even know what the word atheist means. It's just normal.

>Try living in a religious shithole like Brazil; you would see the damage retarded people are capable.

Religious people created basically all the European civilization. All these beautiful old towns, churches, literature, science etc. were created by people who believed in God. What did atheists create? Commieblocks?

im legit curious.

If you have the chance would you fuck a married woman ? why, why not?

"so" to English speakers is a conjunction, not a root for the word soy

>It's just normal.

sure, and the church in the centre of every Dutch city was just a medieval disco club

yeah. A shame he succeeded. A liberal German parliamentary monarchy in 1848 founded on secular ideas would have saved europe quite a lot of harm

>A liberal German parliamentary monarchy in 1848 founded on secular ideas would have saved europe quite a lot of harm

just like the Weimar Republic did?

>40% of Finland is religious

Do they worship alcohol?

Please nuke B*varia

>liberal parlamentary monarchy


Nigga, I don't worship marx.

Retards don't know about it. People just don't know how important it was always been to develop knowledge, science and livable societies.

Besides that catholisism saved europe from Islam. As the orthodox churche saved the east europe.

l was raised Catholic and used to go to church twice a week but still get fedora posted by contrarian fake-christians who have never even gone to mass

but there are many idols people who worship while thinking they are not religious
some worship the idol known to Romans as Roma and August, some worship Ashur, some worship Mammon

Completely different situation after a devastating lost world war, a harsh peace treaty.
yeah a liberal parliamentary monarchy was best they were hoping for in '48, they didn't want a complete overthrow of the monarch but I think it would have followed sooner or later as an inevitability. It's like UK monarchy will be in a crisis after the queen dies.
care to elaborate?

are catholics still discriminated against in the UK?

If Poland is the same as western Europe then why there's so many people immigrants in the west??

ln Scotland and Northern Ireland maybe but no one in England gives a shit.

>This kills the polish insect

An Austrian complaining about Germany ruined Europe is amusing.