hey japan!
Hey japan!
europoor butthurt, 3, 2, 1, go!
Yuros BTFO
Are you guys really using reality shows as citations, also, we all know the true champion of edged weaponry.
>our steel is harder than yours
>The harder the steel the better
jap steel is famously terrible, that's why they have to fold their butter knives a thousand times
everyone knows that polish Szabla was the best weapon every created
lmao that was definitely made by japs
>implying swords matter
You have to admire the sheer amount of autism that goes into the crafting of a katana
do you even think that it's no use to debate which is better to cut off stuff when both of you pull cherrypicking pics
Do you not know how steel works? This isn't a jap anime.
the longsword is better because it's blessed by god
>folding glorious nippon steel a thousand time for this
>longswords and katanas
you wouldn't stand a chance against a Pole swinging his Szabla furiously like Olgierd von Everec in Witcher 3
>smashing a vice gripped blade with force
I never understood the point of those weapin comparions. In historical usage, they were mostly used to cut flesh and light clothing, not metal. Also, a held weapon like a sword being struck directly by another sword is going to have a completely different force absorption as both repel each other, not hitting a dead weight held down against a heavy surface along multiple points. That's just odd.
>getting struck by either of them
It's still a metal bar at the end of the day. Even getting belted with a dull edged sword is going to do serious damage from the blunt force alone. Imagine getting walloped across the head with a police baton, only worse, as a best cass scenario.
I think weapon autists fail to comprehend that fights are rarely ever clean or prolonged affairs, be in close range modern war combat with a knive and body armor or several hundred years ago with glorified farming tools and a leather or stuffed jacket.
its quite sad japs need to make cope videos like this because they are insecure lmao
Katanas weren't made for fighting actual fully armored warriors, they were made to cut down any impoverished peasant that stood in a Samurai's way. Do not forget in Japanese warfare on the battlefield they would not charge at each other in formations but instead selected their opponent and proceeded in a series of 1v1 duels between each soldier.
So you had a series of fully armored Samurai selecting malnourished peasants as their opponents and cutting them down one by one.
Yes, it is ridiculous, any non-Japanese army that encountered their style of warfare thought it was stupid and hilarious.
Is that you Shad? How's the channel going, mate?
reminds me of the japanese car door video that korean dude posted every now and then lol. does nip tv really?
maybe japs are just that unathletic
white people used to take it in turns to shoot each other when we first engineered single shot guns for army use, so it's not that stupid really. Literally lines of us stood opposite each other and took it in turns to shoot while the enemy reloads.
japanese tv is very biased, they say stuff like "japan is the only country with 4 seasons" and "japanese people have longer intestines than westerners" and other fake bollocks to try and make themselves feel special
which pales in comparison to katanas blessed by amaterasu the sun goddess
it's useful to cut down zillions of dog and bat eaters kek
katana is better since it goes a lot faster
>japanese tv is very biased
thank you for checking out our TV shows
yes? the TV programs except news are outdated media to acquire the real information and still air the fabrication to draw audience's attention and give fallacies.
and this is not even new and still doing sometimes. most of us already move to Youtube as the latest media we enjoy.
god created the sun check mate
You fool
>japanese people have longer intestines than westerners
that could actually be true, what with them being more full of shit and all.
that's good then. i think as long as you are aware of it on a societal level then it isn't a problem, you don't want to end up like americans all ignorant and insecure.
do young people barely watch tv(expect netflix dramas etc.) now in Japan? In England young people hardly watch tv now, just stuff online youtube, netflix, twitch etc.
Don't meme, someone will take that seriously
No, everyone used line infantry in rows because of the shitty fire and hit rate. You need to pack people into formation to achieve your goals with that kind of arms. If you get "smart" and start hiding around enemy will bulldoze over your ass. Same as with swordsmen or pikemen. Those would deal better with arrow fire dispersed too, to only get their shit pushed in by the enemy advance.
ditto to your situation, zoomers are not interested in TV anymore.
and thats a good thing, tv is shit
Shad as in >shadman?
Now I'm no expert on Japanese or Asian history but I'm 99% sure Japanese fought in formations like everyone else.
They made serious progress in tactics in 16th century, using stuff like volley fire and other stuff. Then Nobunaga (?) banned firearms or whatever.
according to modern astronomy the sun came into existence some 4.6 billion years ago, not in 5508 bc, checkm8
true but a nobody on television still makes more than a moderate celebrity on youtube, if more things move online it just means a lot more wage exploitation.
why are you guys even arguing about this
euro long sword = made to break bones and knock out the ennemies
katana = made to pierce the armor and kill the ennemies
it's stupid to compare those weapons
but that's literal hartz-iv-tv my bro
based binlander
good point, but this is a bait thread where frustrated incels just want to chimp out, so your rational explanation is not required
So you learned the new word yesterday, cherrypicking!!!
Glad to be of service.
b-but he's not a 24th dan sword master, an expert would cut it like butter
Oh yeah, I've saw a couple of his videos back during the game of thrones craze. I think he lives in England or Denmark or somewhere.
someone post the germans who do swordfights basically in underwear chopping up each other like retards
Waz Up?
for me, its the claymore
Both are two handed swords, in the long sword you use the tip of the blade to cut, it is longer and it has better thrust because the shape and in the katana you have a sharp blade to cut that it is shorter, more rigid and expòse more the body in combat, katanas are two handed sabres with shitty guards, if you have to pick pick a sabre instead.
so how was your serverpicking?
asians are smol, a katana is a better option for them anyway
it's pointless to pick a weapon you cant swing
Those are just before and after photos lmao
Daily reminder that /OurChad/ Bayard could literally btfo 10 samurais in a 1 v 10 easily
no you retard
katanas are made to slice the flesh and wood armor
Real samurais used the yumi bow and the spear
The katana was a status symbol and a last resort weapon
While the euro longsword is made to cut flesh, and make damage to light and medium armor
unbelievably peng
imagine seeing that killing machine advancind toward you on the battlefield, mon dieu
>some dude gets to fuck around in armor for a living.