Whats life like in the European countryside? It look so peaceful and comfy. I lived in the rurals too but this seems different.
Whats life like in the European countryside? It look so peaceful and comfy...
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Really cosy
If I were you I would grab my earbuds and go lay in the grass while listening to some tunes
rural parts in western europe are heaven. rural parts in eastern europe are hell.
The nearest supermarket is 12 km away
and get a Euro-tick bite him and give him Lyme disease.
Boring also severe depopulation, economic decline, nearby bigger towns are 60% empty, etc
ticks aren't that common are they?
I'm lucky enough to be from west Croatia and there are some ok to great villages here.
It's mostly quiet with lots of old people but we have great nature.
When u go outdoors during summer u should check yourself for ticks afterwards
Anyway its fine to chill in nature
Today countryside villages are glorified suburbs (in the American sense).
looks like slavonia without bullet holes
I had one biting into my fucking balls.
The giant tick will settle in the Netherlands for good. We are doomed.
This picture is really pretty but most of the European countryside doesn't look like that. Even in Bavaria it's much more modern buildings and some farms maybe.
It's not bad by any means but it can get boring quickly and a lack of infrastructure can be an issue.
Beautiful. I hate the city. I wish we could go back to live in ethnically homogenous tribal societies
In the Netherlands super comfy,
Most "big city" services (relatively)nearby and high quality life overall
This one is easier to spot, the tiny ones are really sneaky. I think that's a good thing.
Where do you get this stupid idea from?
Majority of villages are absolute poverty with nothing nice going on.
Vienna, Salzburg and Graz are pretty cool though.
>DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favorite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!
That and a lot of mountains.
Slavonia and Lika could look like this if they weren't wartorn.
rural and suburban delusions are a fascinating thing
these bitches can smell you from 10 meters away and follow you for 10 minutes.
man imagine if we weren't so fucking retarded, life would be so comfy
from med climate to mountains to flat lands
literally anything u want
ahhhh get fucked contrarian. have sex.
Everything outside of Oost-Groningen is high tier Achmed
The Dutch countryside compared to even other western euro's is quite wealthy
"nothing nice going on" is subjective
I hate going clubbing but love sailing, outdoors and green so countryside it is for me
t. Fries
A bar with an arcade sounds pretty cool though, niggerman
Vienna is a shithole, Graz and salzburg are ok but I hate the city noise
How are they wealthy? Is it full of retired rich boomers?
they're everywhere
i've stopped going out into nature because of them
boring and grim as fuck unless youre rich
Have you ever considered that ethno-tourism is a thing and the pictures you're looking at are basically rural tourist traps and not actually representative of rural life in Europe? Or that there's no such a thing as European countryside, it differs drastically from country to country/region, here for example it's suicide-inducing in a very literal sense of that word.
>heh, rural retards missed out on all the friendships I made with LGBT interracial couples and the latest Ethiopian-Sardinian fusion cuisine restaurant that opened below my apartment last year, oh and the scat art exhibition!
certainly not western european but in hungary its like
>have every service, shops, a bank, maybe a supermarket etc
>mostly old ppl or ppl who commute
>rest lives on gibs or from agriculture
>everybody knows everybody, gossips
>atleast one pub where alcoholics and social life happens, also bitches
>local shitty football team, now with a stadium
>fields fields fields everywhere, now owned by one person instead of many
>fewer and fewer ppl, young ppl go to cities, old ppl to the cemetary
>know every house, who owns it blabla
>greet everyone with a good day to you
good if you arent a zoom zoom
Tu dois être Corse alors.
Sur le continent il n'y a plus de familles ni de paysans dans les vieux villages. Seulement des bobos qui vont bosser en ville et des retraités.
Not the guy you you'd but lots of (rich)boomers yes, plus most of the countryside is in reach of the "big city" so its common to see people who work in the city not living in the city itself or the suburbs but in the countryside
However the northern provinces (Im from Friesland) do have a problem with an aging population and youngsters leaving for the Randstad (Holland and Utrecht)
However all in all the countryside is quite wealthy compared to other countries even in western europe. Life is quite good if u prefer tranquillity and the outdoors.
that sounds like a small town, I live in one with everything that you greentexted
rural countryside the real villages, half of them are dead
I was never bitten by a tick. feels good living in a tick-free zone.
lol even in the backwater part i live in we got stuff going on
So Dutch countryside is equivalent of suburbs here. Canadian boomers live in suburbs away from the city and commute to work
Netherlands doesn't have a countryside, it's a tiny country with an extremely high population density
I want to find the man who wrote that pasta and shake his hand
250 people in my village. Farmers and old people. The last shop closed in the 90s. Nearest bakery is in a bigger village 10 km down the road. When I meet a stranger and they hear my name they say "oh you're the grandson of P". Most of the local families have known each other for generations. It's very comfy but there's no anonymity so if you're a shithead you will face consequences
its nice, i live very close to where that image is
In the south it's quite nice because the proximity to larger cities and all its conveniences but in the north it's depressing as fuck
nothing to do no telephone signal
The Netherlands has about 10.000 villages and out of those 1.000 are very nice and wealthy because they act as suburbs for rich people to raise their children in and live in some beautiful old house.
Another 1.000 are not rich but beautiful regardless because they used to house a lot of wealthy farmers in the past.
Other 8.000 are absolute garbage. And I know that because I grew up rural.
Name a village u would consider nice and wealthy, one u would consider okay and one u would consider garbage
Not refuting u but I wanna know ur standards
Yes, it's pretty comfy, atleast here. Our whole country is basically a countryside except for the capital
If we Asians live in the European countryside, we will suffer severe racism, especially in Eastern Europe.
It's become pretty comfy since we don't need to give 10% of our income to the Monastery.
Nice and wealthy: Zuidlaren
Nice anyway: Vries
Garbage: pretty much 90% of Groningen and 80% of Friesland
Hiking, biking, hunting, and I get steady 4G along the road a bit outside of the village, near the cemetery
i have an ethnically chinese mate round here(british countryside) and he's got loads of friends and is popular. Stop making yourself a victim
and imagine growing up in the asian countryside as a non-asian, you would stand out so much and definitely be bullied. Even adults hit this half black guy when he was a kid growing up in rural japan
This is where I live now, medium sized town with loads of nature around it - ~30000 folk live here
Really good connections to all the big cities nearby (30 mins by train, and the trains are every 15mins) and close to the mountains (30mins by car)
Really comfy, nice place to be
But I grew up in a small ex-mining village, grim as fuck to live in as an adult but tons of cool shit to do as kids (explore the old bings and mining shafts, tons of nature in all directions)
Fuck living in the big cities, they're decent for a night out, but the middling medium town is the best
Boring and depressing, at least in the UK. They're generally poor places and few of them look like that picture, they're mostly full of ugly new square buildings or postwar monstrosities for when the government tried to shift people out of the cities and into the countryside.