
Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 12.20.42 pm.png (1550x762, 1.69M)

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This is the thread buddy


If he ain't got the max cash STACK I ain't gon' throw this ass BACK mmmmm

Any yardies in?

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Do yourself in you boring fag. I'm tired of you

Hmm yes NHS workers, hmm yes clapping, aren't we cucks lads, cuck, cuck, cucks

Not loving the NHS just got added to the list of terrorist organisations.

right so we need to flatten the curve to extend this nonsense out for as long as possible to ensure that the nhs is always overloaded for the next 18 months, rather than just getting it over with in a few months and having a bunch of deaths in one go?

don't get why everyone is glorifying health workers
they're doing a shitty job as far as I'm concerned.
bring the death rate down to 0.1% then we'll talk

bitter little toad aren't you

Yooooo this bitch got tits more spread out than the red sea we talking apartheid levels of separation here nigga shiiieeeet

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@metpoliceuk ARREST THIS MAN

respect to the other op
right message

why did he delete my thread which was made first

genuinely grown old and wise at aussies over the past years. they're nothing but fags kids remember it

he's off his fucking rocker

this isnt funny anymore

i mean ill take 5 months paid holiday

but i dont want my grandparents to die

He's supporting the NHS


they're literally banning cyclists in parks unless they are NHS workers
if you don't see the problem with this then there is no hope for you

they should die for how shitty you're acting lad

The pure state of nature, or "the natural condition of mankind", was described by the 17th century English philosopher Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan and his earlier work De Cive.[4] Hobbes argued that natural inequalities between humans are not so great as to give anyone clear superiority; and thus all must live in constant fear of loss or violence; so that "during the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called warre; and such a warre as is of every man against every man". In this state, every person has a natural right to do anything one thinks necessary for preserving one's own life, and life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" (Leviathan, Chapters XIII–XIV). Hobbes described this natural condition with the Latin phrase (bellum omnium contra omnes) meaning (war of all against all), in De Cive.

having a read

But that was about NHS clapping too

Tits look like they're drawn on with biro

aussies cannot come up with an original meme and it's honestly saddening bros

ah yes, tuning into today's episode of lonely nerds get angry at flags again

stop trying to get attention lad it's sad

stop replying to him

Mum's coronavirus test came back negative but it is likely a false negative.

Is another clap actually happening tonight

don't remember tuning into this episode of lonely nerd gets angry at lonely nerds get angry at flags again again

how else are you supposed to use this horrible place if it isn't for attention? you're a douchebag bud

why are you the way you are currently

i swear to FUCK if hiro's banned me

Why not just read hobbes you fucking brainlet





My vibes completely

Is Scottish heroin even that good?

you know how they've used religion to control the masses for thousands of years
thats literally what they're doing now only the religion is the nhs and they're using it to make us accept the police state

finna go to gookmoots basement and demand emojis for /brit/

love how aussies think they're one step ahead like they have everything figured out. but in reality, you're all complete fucking idiots

Seems 4chanian

dont care

you wrote this yesterday

Literally listened to Fountains of Wayne out of nowhere yesterday and now I find out the guy died.

you will, in time
but then it will be too late

>you know how they've used religion to control the masses for thousands of years
>thats literally what they're doing now only the religion is the nhs and they're using it to make us accept the police state

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100 IQ take

holy fucking based

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Why what? The swabs were not taken appropriately


They don’t want the NHS to completely collapse.

Be thankful that the lockdown most likely won’t be anywhere near as long as 18 months.

and ill write it again tomorrow and every other day after

Bruce mate, he's got ya bang to rights

uk is perhaps the greatest country on earth

he's actually right though

>you wrote this yesterday

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didnt ask

he's right though

This is house arrest. You'll have to get a licence to coof soon enough

Use a combination of tying a knot and leaving it in a bread box after

>he's actually right though

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i eat all my bread in one go

you are skirting the fact that you want yer own, unconditionally loving, mum to have the 'ol ccp virus. shame on you


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mental how you can show up positive on the 'rona test even if you have a common cold

Never understood this shit.

What is all this lawful neutral bollocks

cuddling with the gf

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Im a twist and tuck man myself

cannae really be bothered

aye it is

good fucking lad. you're a growing boy needing his nutrients

looks like a fucking monkey

he is

Though he's right, actually

looks like a fucking ape

get the tearjerkers on for the sociopaths


had sex with your mum

Looks like an orangutan

>he's actually right though

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only good lads take their nutrients daily

appears to be a chimpanzee

>i eat all my bread in one go

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In history? Yes.
But at this present moment? No.

no she doesn't
be quiet

when you truly think about it 'rona virus isn't a big deal and even if it was why would 5 billion people worldwide be under house arrest right now?
something much bigger is going on

lads I've only got two 'dora pics saved have mercy

Why were old graphics so much more comfy? youtu.be/8Fa6HsY4ZC8

how does she open bananas?

who are they

Snow Patrol are absolute reddit but this song does make me feel feels even though I know it's whiny overproduced shite.

No, I don't want my dad who has been ordered back to work due to staff shortages in the hospital to infect more people you snivelling cretin. Considering close colleagues of my mum have all come back positive it suggests a false negative
