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ofc i can listen to waters of nazareth right after a full morning session of listening to pierre boulez pieces. don't see anything wrong with that


favourite pub on Glos road? for me, its the glos road ale house.

dog shit wog edition

*comes out at 8pm to start clapping*
*pegs it past you through your open door and touches all your stuff*

I'll write the pages you rip out
Back in their places again
One day you'll know what you're talking about
I can hardly imagine
But until then I'll be

Filling in these blanks that you create
Every time you win some petty score
Posing as hardcore, oh yeah

seasideMARK on a mad one

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For me? It was 2011 krautchan Yas Forums

got confused and started clapping outside my house at 8am. very embarrassing

Bristol is literally a cringe city

not worried about the virus
worried about the 10 year recession

I'm worried about the state of my hair

love how loads of people have posted these recent ones but i dont think anyone on /brit/s actually bothered to watch this deranged schizo narcissists shit

wtf how did China do it??

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the cunt's lost it. Mind warped by David Icke broadcasts.

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same, reckon this wasn't worth ruining the econmy over, don't see why they couldn't have only told old people to self isolate

haha yeah
*walks away and talks to someone who isnt a poser*

Australia doesn't get recessions.

NHS is a joke that collapses under the slightest bit of strain. You have literally fewer nurses than us, a country with almost one third the population.
Leftypol uses it as a rallying point, fearful to accept the truth, but the fact is this: the NHS is dogshit.
People that work in healthcare are hardly heroes either. It's just a job they're paid to do.

good posts

I miss them times as well

totterdown looks god tier

basically imprisoned people in their houses/ destroyed roads out of cities etc

massive amounts of fucking lies
same as japan

by not telling the truth obviously, also I don't see why India isn't getting more attention.
they will be the most fucked out of everyone

when I first started posting on this board it used to be so slow that it took an hour for a thread to get bumped off the front page. It's insane how fast it's gotten

So what's the conclusion of all this?

It's called lying.

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One of my neighbours didn't come out for the mandatory clapping of our NHS heroes. The other residents and I discussed the situation in our neighbourhood WhatsApp group, and we agreed to report him to the police. An armoured van arrived at his house this morning, and took him away in cuffs.

The whole street cheered and applauded.

india mad

He's been saying for weeks that Corona is man-made but in his walk video yesterday he says 'I don't think it's man-made'.

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hello m8 :)

because they don't give a shit if a bunch of dalits end up face down in the ganges

wtf I thought Germany was doing really well

Can't even remmeber when I started posting on Yas Forums, it was certainly before /brit/.
Mad that we used to share a general with yanks back in the /anglo/ days

*mentions fatcam, craven, garden centers and the sheikh despite only being on /brit/ since the 2016 election*

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Your country survives on pure luck.

nobody gives a shit moron

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they are testing loads so finding lots of cases
the death rate is very low so they are doing good in that regard

they're doing well on deaths, not cases

yeah aha been here 15 years n that oldfag ting innit

Big if true

why was british music so superior in the 70s-90s?

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kek this is me

you missed out the bollocks busting guy. used to piss me off so much but I miss him now

Just seems weird that we have heard fuck all about them. their lockdown attempts are a joke and their hospitals are dogshit and not at all ready for this

stopped posting here for a few years when I had a gf

I've noticed a slow down over the last year or two. Remember the days of 20-30 minute /brit/ threads? Long gone.

Australia nurses per 1000 people: 11.96
UK nurses per 1000 people: 7.8

shut the fuck up please

What I don't fully get is why people are taking it upon themselves to shoot down the fact that China lied about this and is still lying about it.

Nah for real though, why does it seem like only the developed nations are being hit?, even countries like Turkey and Iran are swamped in it yet shitholes in the middle east, africa etc seem fine

200k extra people every year doesnt put strain on services and infrastructure according to lefties.

Loads of infections not too many deaths, there isn't a proper lockdown in the most of the country you can leave the house whenever you want without a reason

he was around well after those

alright globalist, the world's not a fucking whatsapp group

because they're despotic shit-holes who lie to save face.

lmao we're going to overtake italy in both cases and deaths soon

he is about 50 IQ to be fair

came here after the yanks shitted up Yas Forums in '16, never went back

most brits are kings

Went to Tesco and everyone is fucking ignoring the 2m distancing markers on the floor and aisle walking direction

Verified my claim then. Struggling to understand the point of this post.

no we won't
be quiet

you still see bollockposting

You missed Lisicki

* teleports in front of you *

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was never a Yas Forums regualr but would always head over for a happening, mental how Trump completely killed that board

A big 50 though

open the pubs
close the hospitals

nah both of those things were still relevant in 2016

Needs more meat on her

It's not worth bollockposting or runtposting anymore. Might spend 10 minutes writing out a corker and you'll not get a single response, thread goes by. No one will read a post longer than 5 lines. ADHD pricks.


>Mentions the Phamtom Typer, York Uni Library and meet me by the beanbags depsite wasting my life here sine 2012
Better, I always for some reason end up being last and it always hits better because they forget about the others, you stick clearly in their head and you can easily be compared.

If you're first they don't really know where to rank you so get quite an abstract idea of how good you were in their heads.

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Thinking about black dicks again lads

How did I? We have over 200k more nuses than Australia does, you just have more per capita. Retard.

it's a double-edged sword of no-one writing decent longposts and the only remaining longposts being boring reddit tirades

mate, dont reply to that freak.

why don't aussies see humor in rape? i tried to joke about it with a few aussie streamers and they all made me feel shitty. australians can't into rape

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for me, it was porridge. undisputed king of /brit/