Military wives edish
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your allowed here, not encouraged though
wie is deze wifey?
aucune idée
Bonjour le peuple
Goedemorgen het gepeupel
Is that some FN herstal weapon? If that's the case I would lick it too
horrendous edition desu
Tu me donnes le boipussy s'il vous plait.
Va niquer ton père :)
I don't speak French but nobody is posting his boipussy in /nederdraad/
Fuck off faggot retard
Correct. FN FNC!
paal je jongenskutje
Very sexy
No you....
I really like the design of this one, looks comfy and cute
The only time I get the chance to see those is when a soldier walks up in metro stations or touristic places
having a hot cross bun
i'd sell my bollocks to own that place
such thing doesn't exist
/fr/ or /deutsch/ or nothing at all
Is this a flemish general?
>/fr/ or /deutsch/
I see you're well versed on the topic, retarded friendo
Soldiers protecting metros and tourist places have FN scars?
Whatever those are
That is the same weapon as in the OP.
Sick! It is an expensive weapon so I thought only special forces used it.
I think it depends on the soldier but irl I have seen FN-SCARs anyway
Dag mon petit frère!!
FNC zoomer
Ah yes. A real mans gun.
It's pretty cheap too, 600-800 EUR instead of paying 5k for a fucking SCAR
And you get a superior gun instead of that polymer zoomie crap
Not going to lie, looks pretty
Kom terug
And it can fire rifle grenades.
thats either a gigantic rifle or a tiny man wtf
I really like that guy albeit that I don't share his views, and his gf is smart too
That's a gigantic gun on a big guy
For me it's frozen pizza and tap water. The patrician meal during this crisis.
Hello niggas, i have returned.
Today i will be posting old and new Brussels again, but this time, the commune of Ixelles/Elsene to be specific.
Thank you. I'm doing this for fun, and i might as well post the pics here for any interested anons, keeps me busy too.
Just next to the uni, I remember kinky stuff now
>I remember kinky stuff now
What did he mean by this?
Why is the thread so fucking dead, get in here niggers, get out of nederdraad and francofil you assholes.
Good innocent times
Also if you go all the way down that boulevard, you end up at Trône I think
>kinky stuff
>innocent times
I don't believe you mate.
And yeah, halfway down that street it turns into rue du Trône and does indeed go all the way there.
Flagey is french hipster central, also have vague memories that the Ixelles burgemester distributed some folders with the marseillaise printed on it lmao
I like the neighborhood quite a lot actually, in summer i grab some beers, sit down on a bench next to the ponds and shitpost. 100% comfy.
Top photo in this one is a chapel that stood where the plaza is now located, got demolished in late 19th century if i'm not mistaken.
Don't know where it stood exactly and from what angle the picture was taken, but i'll post it anyways.
>next to the ponds and shitpost.
That's where the potheads were proposind me some weed once lmao
Also the drunk students piss in it
ik mis bloempot
I usually get there at around 10pm and remain until 1am, just drinking and phoneposting on Yas Forums, can't fucking wait for summer, that's the only thing i miss about that season.
But yeah, people do try to sell drugs constantly, i never buy because you can easily just find some stoned/drunk students, find an excuse to sit with them and smoke some of that herbal jew.
I am also guilty of pissing in the pond, gotta evacuate the beer somehow.
>i miss flower pot
Please elaborate and explain.