Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 10.08.19 am.png (1544x768, 1.74M)
Aiden Green
Other urls found in this thread:
Ryder Foster
bristol metioned
Brayden Rivera
William Robinson
I am so glad travel restriction is stopping me from going to the poppy seed shop
Elijah Richardson
It wouldn’t have been too bad compared with any other time being a peasant
As I said, it would still be unbelievably grim by today’s standards
Brayden Fisher
why doesn't anyone ever praise bin men? they're really important
Daniel Parker
Still chuckling at the vf in the last thread thinking he's entitled to his dad's money
Jordan Myers
The eternal coomer
Henry Garcia
Yeah on the upside I haven’t smoked weed in over a week now and I’ve been a daily smoker for nearly 5 years
Ethan Wilson
so happy lads
soso happy
weedman said he can sort me out tomorrow
cant stop smiling
so chuffed
so happy
Camden Watson
Stop posting grim British places you're making me depressed.
Easton Hughes
wasn't worth Spamming/flooding in the first place, let alone double redditspacing a triple link in the new thread
wind your fucking neck in
Kevin Jenkins
good on you. haven't smoked weed in a year me. it makes me care too much about what others think
Caleb Brown
didnt ask then
and I'm not asking now
Elijah Powell
that looks like it could be literally any town in yorkshire
Joseph Hughes
how is that spot grim it's one of the most beautiful towns in england
Mason Myers
Autistic freak
Josiah Turner
how would you know? bet you've never been to mansfield have you
Dylan Fisher
yeah drugs and that
Jeremiah Wilson
are dark net market vendors still operating?
David Torres
Adam Hughes
same. go a bit mental with the over analysis of everything. wish i had a big bag of it for lockdown though.
James Stewart
Brandon Jones
I didn't ask for your excuse, I said wind your neck in
Jonathan Russell
hobbies and interests? nah i just smoke weed mate
Josiah Bailey
meth addicts must have ripped their eyeballs out by now
Jeremiah Peterson
10 bag and a few bockles coming on strong for you my leeeed
Jayden Perez
I'm from Ilkeston and Mansfield still manages to be more grim
Joseph Rivera
That looks like Hebden Bridge.
If it is it's a small former industrial city that when the industrial revolution left they sat on their arse for over a hundred years doing fuck all and as a result there's not really anything there.
It gained a bit of a libertarian (in the social, not economic sense) feel and is now full of druggies and weird vegan hipsters, there's fck all around, there's fuck all to do and nobody has any money. Grim grim grim.
How are you even finding these places?
Daniel Campbell
hobbies: smoking weed in me nan's front room with two other men I don't even know
Ryder Sanders
I said you're an autistic freak
simple as
Dominic Fisher
>hobbies and interests
where do you think you are?
Brayden Thomas
that really doesn't look comfortable to wear
Josiah Jackson
Aiden Lee
beginning to understand why prisoners sustain profound psychological damage from being locked up
Adrian Jenkins
if(attr1=big_bunda, 'coom', 'no_coom')
Brandon Bell
Uganda be kidding me
Justin Ross
We seem to think that once you test positive. You just have to isolate for 14 days and if you develop no real symptoms you're free to go? This tweet doesn't fill me with confidence.
Joshua Stewart
what are you missing most?
Jayden Cooper
For me, it's Todmorden
Michael Cook
that picture has literally nothing to do with anything and you already posted it two threads ago
that's pretty fucking autistic, go cope with your strange compulsions somewhere I don't have to see it
Jason White
Brody Carter
might have a go at making a video game
John Miller
Ugunda be kidding me haha
Hudson Rogers
I would assume so, haven’t looked myself
Hudson Ramirez
what were you thinking about making it with?
John Jackson
might cop
Nicholas Price
Robert Edwards
pretty sure I bought rpg maker on steam like three years ago
Justin Lee
You're an autistic freak
That's the truth of the situation, simple as.
Ryder Diaz
John Baker
Anthony Green
looks gay as af
Cooper Russell
gave rorke a rinsing
Levi Myers
James Green
Carter Davis
nothing wrong with a bit of colour lad
Austin Scott
Benjamin Hill
repetitive nonsensical compulsions are a symptom mate, go get yourself diagnosed before you start throwing that word around
Dylan Brown
Asked tinderberg if she had snapchat and she replied 'of course I do, I'm not a boomer' and that was it. Should I take the hint and delete her or tell her my id?
Michael Torres
China Town?
Sebastian Phillips
stand on the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honour matters
Luis Morales
You should make a game where you play as leftypol heeming rorkes.
Adrian Flores
bet shes never had an original thought in her life
Nolan Young
every story about harry just makes him more and more unlikable. shitting on the royal family while unwilling to let go of the tit is too much
Chase Diaz
David Ross
i always just reply with "didnt ask"
William Anderson
Based yank village poster
Jaxon Flores
you are an autistic freak, aren't you?
why does being so if more bother you?
Simple as.
Blake Roberts
Chase Ward
Maybe if your country and culture weren't so batshit uninteresting I wouldn't have to blogpost here for 4 hours a day.
Brandon Sanders
you've literally posted all of these images already
I don't know what bizarre cope this is for you but they're off-topic here and we don't need to see them
Carson Murphy
HATE that everyone is expected to have snapchat these days, I have it solely because you need it for women these days. But my snap score is abysmal and makes me look like a right freak, awful pointless feature
Evan Adams
can't be arsed with combat just want to make an adventure game like grim fandango. got the idea while i was playing grim fandango
Matthew Perry
didnt ask
Aiden Gomez
>if your country and culture weren't so batshit uninteresting
this coming from an australian
Xavier Roberts
Aiden Ross
Elijah Johnson
reckon it will be rubbish mate
save yourself the effort
Grayson Richardson
Because I have them saved on my desktop and I know it triggers autistic people like you so I like posting them.
Does that get under your skin autismo?
You have autism, simple as.
Jaxson Ortiz
And if we should die tonight
Then we should all die together
Raise a glass of wine for the last time
Bentley Gonzalez
Just get their insta
Benjamin Barnes
I identify as a Marxist
Austin Wright
ok good luck
Jeremiah Roberts
just gave one of the newer of montreal albums a listen and it's just him crying about trump for forty minutes
Alexander Hill
they say it as lonely at the top as it is at the bottom
Jose Long
making rubbish stuff is the first step towards making good stuff
Jack Campbell
but I don’t have insta, should have got it when it started. would have plenty of mates on there and pics but it seems pointless getting it now.
wouldn’t know who to add and me and my mates never take photos anymore
Juan Jenkins
Agreed, couldn't have done it in a worse way if he had tried.
>Says he wants to leave
>Also wants to retain titles
>Gets told no
>Wants to keep the grants until financially stable
>Gets told no
>Gets money off dad anyway
>Flies to Canada, Cvoid 19 break out
>Moves into USA despite everybody else being banned
>Uses his influence to get her acting voiceover jobs
>Preaches holier than thou
Genuinely terrible
Robert Jenkins
magistrate called me a hoon
Zachary Roberts
Levi Nelson
post this on the #music slack channel instead please mate
Tyler Nelson
>reckon it will be rubbish mate
definitely will be but I've got nothing better to do and I've been posting too much here lately
Cameron Howard
me when rorke starts getting gobby
Christian Bell
feel like shit just want him back
Nathan Howard
Jayden Brown
Me on the right