>What tongue(s) are you learning? >Share tongue learning experiences! >Ask questions about your target tongue! >Help people who want to learn a new tongue! >Participate in translation challenges or make your own! >Make frens!
FAQ U: >How do I learn a tongue? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects? Read the damn wiki >Should I learn tongue Y so I can learn tongue X? No >What is the most useful tongue? Your mom’s >What tongue should I learn? Whatever tongue will help you learn more about foreign cultures :)
I don't see any point in that, he would likely just make an excuse that everyone can edit a wiki and the information is incorrect. Retarded boomers who can't admit their mistakes are like that.
Grayson Jones
It was when was in catering college years ago.
Andrew Baker
I've been watching a russian youtuber to help with my listening, he was playing a horror game and whenever he got scared he kept saying твoю мaть. Why did he say it in the accusative case?
Christopher Powell
Not an expert on russian, but I'd guess it's a part of the phrase eб твoю мaть, where you would use the accusative.
Brayden Parker
He's right. It's a short form of sorts. Less vulgar too
Oliver Wilson
Cпacибo вaм
Nathaniel Wood
Afternoon /lang/
What do you guys think of the theory that groups Greek and Armenian together in a family?
Nolan Jones
Can any French speaking anons go through the subjunctive tense and when this would actually be used?
Camden Clark
John Cooper
You have to learn either Polish or Hungarian in a time frame of 2 years or you will be shot to death, which language do you choose and why?
Colton Mitchell
I've already been learning Polish for more than two years so Hungarian I guess
Noah Morris
>shot to death I choose this.
Jonathan Murphy
Samuel Thompson
don't second me subhuman
Leo Bailey
Adam Morales
Jeremiah Foster
How proficient do you think one should be in a /lang/ before choosing to study another one? I've studied german for 7 months but wanna learn french aswell now
Liam Johnson
Not very gentleman-like of you, is it?
Landon Garcia
I can't do that. Too scary for me Go to Wikipedia main page in your target language and read through a few random articles. If you experience no dramas, I would say you're probably good to go with another language
Tyler Gomez
like the bird bruv
Zachary Ross
Tyler Robinson
Here's a french user to help you !
Les médecins portent un uniforme bleu et les infirmières portent un blanc. Correct, except the second part of the sentence, there is the pronoun "en", substituting the nominal group " l'uniforme". " Les infirmières en portent un blanc" Comment puis-je vous aider ? Correct Où sentez-vous la douleur ? Correct, but " Où avez vous mal ? " is more common, the verb feel("sentir") in french is less used than in english J'appellerai le médecin. Correct
Malheuresement, votre douleur au poignet est en raison de votre masturbation excessive. Il est temps de trouver une copine, monsieur. Grammar correct The word "malheureusement" is not really appropriate here, or not alone, you could have just translate it in " J'ai bien peur que" or if you want to keep "malheureseument" "Malheureusement, j'ai bien peur que..".
L'infirmière lui a demandé > C'est la dernière chose que je me souviens avant de m'évanouir à cause de la douleur." Perfect ! Another translation " Ne vous inquiétez pas, vous ne ressentirez rien "fut la dernière parole dont je me souviens avant de m'évanouir de douleur."
"Nous devrons amputer vos jambes car la nécrose est trop importante. Vous deviez prendre mieux soin de votre diabète." " Devrons" is correct, another possibility is " Nous allons devoir" which is more appropriate in this context
Logan Wilson
what reason theory proposes? sound good
Hudson Cooper
Why it's more appropriate ? "Nous allons devoir" implies " It's not my fault" so more appropriate in this context. Same problem with " Vous deviez", " Vous auriez du" is better in my opinion, " Conditionnel passé" is the perfect time to express a reproach "deviez" is not incorrect though.
"La pneumonie affecte approximativement quatre cent cinquante millions de personnes mondialement (7% [sept] de la population) et quatre millions d'elles meurent chaque année. L'introduction des antibiotiques et du vaccin dans le vingtième siècle, le taux de survie s'est grandement amélioré. Neánmois, dans les pays en voie de développement, la pneumonie reste une des principales causes du déces."
Néanmoins * Mondialement~ I think " dans le monde " is better, even if it means the same thing. d'elles ~ When you express a percentage, you add "entre" before the pronoun, example : " 77% d'entre vous sont gentils", or you repeat the nominal group, but it was not usefull here, you could just have translate in " [...] Et faisant 4 millions de morts par an " Not " L'introduction" alone " Avec l'introduction" or " Grâce à l'introduction". ( Thanks to ...) A good translation anyway !
Le taux d'obésité augmente aussi avec l'âge jusqu'au moins 50 (cinquante) ou 60 (soixante) ans et l'obésité sévère aux États-Unis, Australie, et Canada est en train d'augmenter plus rapidement que le taux total d'obésité. L'OECD a prévu une augmentation des taux d'obésité jusqu'au moins 2030 (deux mille trente), particulièrement aux États-Unis, Mexique et Angleterre avec des taux atteignant 47% (quarante-sept), 39% (trente-neuf) et 35% (trente-cinq) respectivement.
Jusqu'au (twice) * Jusqu'à au moins (Jusqu'au is masculine words Jusqu'à is for feminine words ( or with a "h" as first letter)) OECD in french = OCDE What else can i say ? It's really good.
Matthew Price
If you want more challenge ^
Extra hard : > Les secrets de la nature sont cachés: quoiqu'elle agisse toujours, on ne découvre pas toujours ses effets: le temps les révèle d'âge en âge, et quoique toujours égale en elle-même, elle n'est pas toujours également connue.
> La concupiscence s'est donc élevée dans ses membres et a chatouillé et délecté sa volonté dans la mal, et les ténèbres ont rempli son esprit..
Matthew Torres
Oops, i just realise i have to give you sentences in english
Austin Flores
What's the best russian dictionary app for android that isn't shit?
Aaron Thompson
does just listening to content in your target language help even if you don't understand most of it or is it just a waste of time?
Anthony Ramirez
time to learn russian
Benjamin Clark
I like to do it because it helps me gauge my level of understanding and practice understanding it intuitively without analyzing it so much.
Parker Ramirez
>Können Sie mir *bitte erklären, was [ein Schuppentier] genau ist? Ich habe noch nie *davon gehört. 'die Schuppe' = 'scale' (the parts of its armor) >Die Polizei hat seine Mutter *verhaftet. >Es scheint, dass sie [gefahren ist (/ fuhr)] während sie betrunken war. 'fahren' has a broader meaning than 'drive' so we usually specify when it's not already clear from context (e.g. you can also get in trouble on a bicycle if you're unlucky). more natural: Scheinbar ist sie betrunken Auto gefahren. >Sie war ganz glücklich, sie hat niemand übergefahren. if a person is 'glücklich' they're happy, not lucky Sie hatte Glück, denn sie hat niemand(en) überfahren. >Diese Gruppe ist/klingt am *besten! we just say 'die Band' nowadays; all the other words for it sound dated but unlike this, unless you're comparing certain bands the English usually doesn't mean that the band is literally the best out of all bands, but just that it's 'very good; awesome' >You're the best! - Du bist der/die Beste! [usually of persons] >Beste Band. [slang] although these are close to the English usuage I'd go for a less literal translation, like Diese Band ist einfach klasse/genial/geil. >Ich würde sie [den ganzen Tag] hören *wenn ich könnte, aber [mein Schwiegervater] würde mich schlagen, wenn ich Musik nach 10:00 [hören würde (/ hörte)]. 'immer', like 'always', would be more like 'every time' than 'all the time' here. because indicative and Konjunktiv II are the same the 'würde' form is preferred. >mein Schwierigvater kek, nice pun >Ich kann (es) nicht glauben, dass du dein Handy [vergessen hast (/ vergaßt)]! >Jetzt *müssen wir [eineinhalb/anderthalb] Stunden zurückfahren, um es [zu holen / zurückzuholen / wiederzubekommen]! *wiederherzustellen, but that would mean restoring it, like the data on the hard drive or the operating system the noncontracted form would be 'ein und eine halbe Stunde' but most people don't say that
all caught up now I believe >de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Präteritum >In der gesprochenen Sprache wird das Präteritum meist nur für die Verben „haben“, „sein“, „wissen“, „heißen“, „finden“ (im Sinne von „empfinden“), „denken“ und die Modalverben verwendet, ansonsten durch das Perfekt ersetzt, das bei den meisten der erstgenannten Verben unüblich ist. this is the reason 'fuhr' and 'vergaßt' are in brackets btw. they're not wrong but unusual in (transcripts of) spoken language.
I don't really see much utility to it, besides practicing listening to the words you already know. If there's no context, I'm not going to suddenly start understanding what the other words mean. I would prefer to watch videos, that way you can at least associate the words with what's going on in the video. Subtitles also helped me learn as a kid, since I would constantly be reading the translation of what they were saying, and eventually I would know the words they said. If I just listen to a radio show or something that I don't understand, I don't see how I'm going to learn anything from it
It does, I learnt french by watching the news every day, It helps by getting used to their pronunciation and the speed of their speech and now and then you get the chance to recognize some words you'd learned by yourself, because one way or another you'll have to listen to them and you might as well start now, as of now I'm watching the German news while I memorize conjugations, which is a pretty neat feeling when you get to the point where understand them bit by bit.
Luis Long
*you understand them bit by bit.
Wyatt Sanchez
Since nobody has made any challenge yet, I will try to make it myself
>Easy Pass me the Paprika, please This escargot tastes like shit! Durian is not as smelly as they told me This Sauerkraut is way too sour for my liking >Medium Esperanto has been a complete failure, maybe if it wasn't too european, more people would learn it 18 grammatical cases?! Hungarian definitely doesn't sound like an easy language Why don't you try learning Russian, instead? Its way more useful and only has 6 cases Nahuatl is spoken throughout central Mexico, it used to be one of the most widely spoken languages of Mesoamerica >Hard It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood Hathor was a solar deity, a feminine counterpart to sun gods such as Horus and Ra, and was a member of the divine entourage that accompanied Ra as he sailed through the sky in his barque.
Nathaniel Diaz
Austin Lopez
I'm curious. Has anyone one of you tried to get into your target language with a course from coursera or something like that? Is that even a good idea?
Jordan Gonzalez
Do you guys change your phone language to your target language? Or not because it disrupts your tasks/important shit.
I usually change mine but more than often I have to turn it back in order to do stuff that's important :(
Leo Kelly
i think it's just you user
Brandon Bennett
No recursive link paths or glyphs that don't show up?
Nathan Morris
Euro Portuguese leaf >Pass me the Paprika, please Passa-me a páprica, por favor >This escargot tastes like shit! Este caracol prova como merda! >Durian is not as smelly as they told me Durão(?) não é tão cheirosa como é que me disseram >This Sauerkraut is way too sour for my liking Esta Chucrute é demasiada azeda para o meu gosto Médio >Esperanto has been a complete failure, maybe if it wasn't too european, more people would learn it Esperanto foi complexo um fracasso, talvez se não fosse tão europeu, mais pessoas o aprenderiam >18 grammatical cases?! Hungarian definitely doesn't sound like an easy language Dezoito casos gramaticais?! Húngaro definitivamente não parece como uma língua fácil >Why don't you try learning Russian, instead? Its way more useful and only has 6 cases Porque é que não aprendes russo ao invés? É muito mais útil e só tem 6 casos >Nahuatl is spoken throughout central Mexico, it used to be one of the most widely spoken languages of Mesoamerica O Nahuatl está falado no centro do México, antes era uma das línguas mais faladas de Mesoamérica Difícil >It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood É um facto aceitado universalmente, que um homem solitário em possessão de muitos ricos, deve querer uma esposa, porém pouco é conhecido sobre os sentimentos e as vistas de tal homem enquanto ele entra uma vizinhança pela primeira vez >Hathor was a solar deity, a feminine counterpart to sun gods such as Horus and Ra, and was a member of the divine entourage that accompanied Ra as he sailed through the sky in his barque. Hator(?) Foi uma divindade do sol, uma contrapartida aos deuses do sol tal como Horus e Ra, e foi um membro da comitiva que acompanhou Ra enquanto ele andou de barca através do ceu
Blake Morales
Thank very much user! very helpful! >there is the pronoun "en", yes i kknew i had to use it but i wasn't exactly sure where to put it so I didn't hah
is this from a novel?
hmm now i see it, must be outdated. maybe try to contact them, there's an email
Andrew Harris
Not exactly, it's from " Préface sur la traité du vide" by Blaise Pascal, so a philosophy book
Gabriel Bennett
Liam Peterson
"Préface au traité du vide " *
Jackson Campbell
>>Easy >Pass me the Paprika, please Porrige mihi paprikam, obsecro. >This escargot tastes like shit! Cochleae istae merdam sapiunt. >Durian is not as smelly as they told me Durio non sic olet ut mihi dixerunt. >This Sauerkraut is way too sour for my liking Haec acida brassica acerbior mihi videtur. >>Medium >Esperanto has been a complete failure, maybe if it wasn't too european, more people would learn it Lingua Esperantica omnino frustratio fuit. Nisi ita Europaea esset, fortasse plures ipsam discerent. >18 grammatical cases?! Hungarian definitely doesn't sound like an easy language Duodeviginti casus! Lingua Hungarica re vera non videtur facilis lingua. >Why don't you try learning Russian, instead? Its way more useful and only has 6 cases Sed contra, cur non linguam Russicam discere conaris? Multum utilior est et six tantum habet casus. >Nahuatl is spoken throughout central Mexico, it used to be one of the most widely spoken languages of Mesoamerica Linguam Navatlacam in medio Mexico loquuntur, quae olim inter maximas linguas fuit in Mesoamerica. >>Hard >It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood Omnes scilicet sciunt virum solum divemque uxore carere. I don't really understand the next part >Hathor was a solar deity, a feminine counterpart to sun gods such as Horus and Ra, and was a member of the divine entourage that accompanied Ra as he sailed through the sky in his barque. Hathor dea solaris fuit, socia aliorum deorum solarium sicut Horus vel Ra, et erat in sacro comitatu qui comitavit Ram navigantem in navicula per caelum.
Colton Butler
>Easy >Pass me the Paprika, please Passami la paprika, per favore >This escargot tastes like shit! Questo escargot ha un sapore di merda >Durian is not as smelly as they told me Durian non ha un'odore così cattivo come me hanno detto >This Sauerkraut is way too sour for my liking Questi crauti sono troppi aspri per me
>Medium >Esperanto has been a complete failure, maybe if it wasn't too european, more people would learn it Esperanto è stato un fallimento completo, forse se non fosse troppo europeo più personne lo imparerebbero >18 grammatical cases?! Hungarian definitely doesn't sound like an easy language Diciotto casi grammaticali? L'ungherese davvero non sembra una lingua facile >Why don't you try learning Russian, instead? Its way more useful and only has 6 cases Perchè non provi ad imparare il Russo invece? È molto più uttle e solamente ha sei casi. >Nahuatl is spoken throughout central Mexico, it used to be one of the most widely spoken languages of Mesoamerica Il Nahuatl è parlato per tutto il Messico centrale, anteriormente era una delle lingue più parlata in Mesoamerica
Aiden Phillips
>set out two hours a day >one for French, one for German >spend that time studying German, in the case of French just reading >read poetry, novel, newsite, etc. and either try to translate it completely or read it through and understand the gist of what's going on >will do this for German too when good enough >at least one hour (timed) for each, every day, but can go other/try and read in them outside of that is this good policy?