is this common in your country?
Is this common in your country?
>Our race has many superior qualities, compared with other races.
>Strongly disagree
a lot of old working class people are on the top left, not that many greenies though
Not anymore.
I think a majority of Indonesians is somewhere near the middle of that chart.
the bad guys might have won for the time being but they can't stop the truth
fuck hartoshit
fuck CIA
fuck jawaks and chinks
fuck mudslimes
workers above everything else
no, thankfully it isnt
dude weed lmao
Yes, but hopefully not for much longer.
Libertarianism is a uniquely american psychosis and very much irrelevant outside of it.
Libertarian-Left is actually a meme and cannot exist.
Only a few retards who live in Budapest on Sorosbucks are in the lower left corner.
>dude what if we all like lived on a farm but no one owns anything and all we do all day is smoke cannabis
i clicked the opposite one
Yes. I think libertarianism is the pinnacle form of existence and the only major roles government should play are in public defense, basic education & health and ensuring defense against monpolism & fraud.
at first libertarian is nonexistent
I always get green. I feel like the only way to get in the red square is to be an absolute bootlicker
Mostly Authoritarian Left in the cities.
I don't smoke weed or drink alcohol
fortunetly no
Get with the times old man.
Democracy has failed and will continue to fail so long as multiculturalism exists.
Wanna be libertarian? Fine. Hoppeanism is compatible.
Else the country slowly dies.
>libertarianism? of course the workers should own the means of production and hierarchies should be aboloshied
>what? anarcho-capitalism? you mean the completely defunct ideology with no consideration among serious discourse?
yes because i am one
How do you feel about the police and weed
Anarcho-Capitalism is barely even true anarchy if it allows for monopolies to form as that just simply replaces state control with private control of society. Falling to far left on the spectrum only leads to state monopoly, too far right to private whereas the truth is somewhere in the middle, a bit more to the left than right in my personal opinion. For any form of libertarianism to work, all participates must be proactive rather than just reactive.
Not at all, the only popular ideologies here are authoritarian far-left and authoritarian far-right.
I dont think so.
For me, its beer
political ideology
of japanese political parties
very confusing
Greenies are mostly just dumb radlibs. As someone who is economically left wing and socially conservative, I hate being lumped in with these fucking retards. I hope every single radlib in this country gets corona and dies.
Also, I rarely have sex so guess Im in blue area, now because I am Yas Forums feels like I can masturbate to more attractive porn stars, but anyway, most of the time is abstinence since non of my family members are horny fuckers. My dad scarcely could fuck my mother so here I am
>socially conservative
next time just say dumb idiot lmao its easier to type
not really
the green square is probably the least common of the political compass areas in the united states
Should only exist to go after violent offenders, thieves and any who endanger others. None of this bullshit that modern American police pull.
Should be federally legal. I don't use it personally, it gives me bad cotton mouth and I feel like when I used it I became slower and could not appreciate my life nor the world fully.
if ypu were actually left wing economically then youd have at least a basic understanding of how economic and social conditions might lead to a high black crime rate, or a high trans suicide rate
But that's assuming youre ideologically consistent which you arent you dumb idiot
How do you feel about transsexual women competing in womens sport leagues in public schools
I said nothing about blacks in my original post. Keep it up, man (emphasis on man, as you will never be a woman despite your delusions). You are really showing that straw man who's boss.
>Bottom left - cringe but redpilled
>Bottom right - cringe and bluepilled
>Top right - based but bluepilled
>Top left - based and redpilled
Freedom isn’t free
Are you saying we can get the trans suicide rate up to 100% through economic and social conditions? I'm listening
i know that, you only said socially conservative so i filled in the blanks, sorry i cant perfectly characterize a worldview that makes no real sense
also boldly crying strawman after accusing me of being butthurt transwoman twice
now call me some names a third time, maybe ill see it in the morning
I am that
neither are you feudal pleb
Try to enjoy that morning. You don't have many of them left before you take the final tranny pill.
>How do you feel about transsexual women competing in womens sport leagues in public schools
It should be up to a schools discretion to figure out whether or not they should be able to compete.
Most "normal" fags don't live to see their 50th birthday either. Mostly you just rope because you hit the wall like a truck but sometimes the AIDS gets you aswell.
Imagine taking this test seriously. It's made by some leftist tranny freak. This is how he positions the European nations lmao
>imagine blah blah blah
>muh trannies
You will never pass. Just do your family a favour and hang yourself.
>now because I am Yas Forums feels like I can masturbate to more attractive porn stars
Based. I'm sorry about what they have done to your country.
I'm top left, but I'm a sadist.
This pic looks correct, these countries (and majority of the world) have around the same ideology, neo liberalism
We're undoing it at a pretty rapid pace. Next election we'll finally have a proper right wing government for the first time in almost 100 years. (the last ""rightwing""" government was actually just liberals). They've promised a halt to migration, mass deportations, roll back on bureaucracy waste and a bunch of other good stuff.
Well that would be the bottom right square anyway. But that is not how political charts should work. There is no objective political axis given by nature, it's all relative to what the majority thinks. If you consider everyone else far right then maybe it's time to take a step back and question whether you are the extremist. The center should by definition be where most people are.
>tfw further down left again
think most people here would call me a conservative if not downright Nazi
i'm a stalinist?????
> The center should by definition be where most people are.
Center is in the far right, that's the current status quo and that's mostly a good thing.
> There is no objective political axis given by nature, it's all relative to what the majority thinks.
> bottom right
Govs are as big and powerful as they get with current technology.
>halt to migration, mass deportations
I'm a leftist, but I respect you right wingers more than the radlibs because of you anti-immigration position. It makes me sick watching radlibs call themselves defenders of the working class while simultaneously expressing open borders nonsense. Fucking self-described "leftists" clamoring for more unskilled labor to flood the country, taking away jobs from natural born citizens and then putting them in danger as these immigrants commit crimes.
>professional sports leagues
>private property
Comrade relax ,we will look back at those things and laugh
Social democrat. You need to be a lot closer to the upper right corner to be considered a Stalinist.
im Lithuania or denmark
Get fucked bootlicker.
I'm not a transsexual schizo.
Anyone not within the central square is retarded.
They would be leftwing by American standards probably. They won't touch universal healthcare, free university, working conditions etc etc. In fact they'll probably move towards stronger nationalizations and roll backs of the liberal market reforms the previous government made after this corona crisis.
So basically what socially conservative leftists would do in America
Go vote for PS then pekka, make us in the finnish diaspora proud.
What's the party name? I'd like to read up more about them.
I don't vote for right wing neoliberal idiots neither. The leader of PS believes that neoliberalism will work this time. Surely it will. It has worked so fucking many times before. Like we are seeing now. Tax payers have to bail out the companies, corporations and stock markets because there has been no preparedness for bad times.