Why are they so fucking evil?

Why are they so fucking evil?

Attached: langnl-1200px-Flag_of_Russia.svg.png (1200x800, 1.35K)

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they aren't evil
they are just soulless insects who would do everything what their emperor/leader/president wants

fuck you we are nice

Shut up flu


Just like you germanoids

they're extremely cute

Attached: Puchad.jpg (576x632, 51.48K)

They are the least evil nation in Europe.

Europe ends at the Elbe.

everything west of vistula is gay faggot land

because of me

At least they're not the Germans.

Пoтeмy чтo кaждый дeнь oни пьёт кoшaчьи мoчи

monke le makak

but we are not

Tы гpyбый и нeвocпитaнный мaльчишкa, oбижaющий кoшeк и кoтят! A-нy Пpoвaливaй oтcюдa cкopee. C глaз дoлoй! Boн!

They literally have no reason to exist anymore. They're the embodiment of an inert body.

elbe in the east
and ebro in the west

Why does Canada exist? All your provinces are geriatric welfare states. Just end the inevitable slow death now and join the USA.

Tишинa Hиггep

Attached: Putin.jpg (735x467, 80.23K)

i am evil

Єтo тi, a я Oлeг.

This is a suppressor though. If less people drank in Russia, they'd be stronger than they are now.

They don't value human life at all.

The same with non-human life

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janny won't like this

Russians, stop eating each other

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>If I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.

the russian people have always shored themselves against ruin.

Attached: san.jpg (1428x1921, 757.36K)

>this thread has been pruned or deleted

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sl*v genes

If only we could all be so lucky to stumble into a calamity that made us space faring super powers.

The USA is the embodiment of slow death.

what the fuck

нa хyй иди, вoт пoчeмy

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Care to explain why? Every problem with the USA is 10x worse in Canada.

>Every problem with the USA is 10x worse in Canada
The inverse is true.

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why the fuck does google translate not know basic grammar

Culture of starvation

Dutch legacy.


Russia has SOUL
I like their music and literature youtube.com/watch?v=k9p4B6s0j4U

These same people would be REEEing the loudest if the garbage stopped being collected for one week or the utilites were rationed and they had to take cold showers.

They are greedy as fuck

Compared to the west, it's not

Burger on vacation kys

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>Yas Forums always made fun of Asians for eating dogs, cats and bats
>not this

Polacks arent human

My country has always been at the crossroads of Europe and Asia and has never been a full member of one of these civilizations. We tried to befriend with you Europeans, your anglo-saxon masters refused. Constantly trying to destroy my country and our economy, you are saying we are evil? Heh, amusing indeed.

Eating cats and dogs is an Asian culture but cannibalism is a punishable crime.


And Russians are not leading in this shit.

how can you make fun of russians for this if all people this article is about are ukrainians

They are devil incarnate

Attached: Sakhalin THEN & NOW.png (1596x1022, 2.29M)

It's over

Fuck you!

I honestly don't know. What I do know is that as long as even walks the earth there will never be world peace.

I have a few russian friends.
I like Russia. I don't like putin, but even putin is better than US-Israeli globohomo liberalism

How can I find a cute smooth Russian twink bf? :^)

>your anglo-saxon masters refused

Only when the last anglo has perished will the world finally know everlasting peace.

Attached: germans want to see uk suffer.png (655x961, 542.4K)

>Polacks arent human

Let's do it again, Ivan

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I notice germans generally resent everyone. Like every other nation, except like the Netherlands maybe.

I used to think you just hated Americans.

>We tried to befriend with you Europeans, your anglo-saxon masters refused. Constantly trying to destroy my country and our economy,
Britain went into WW1 for Russia. Britain fought Nazis while Stalin was still best friends with Hitler. I think you need to reexamine history.

You did it just to preserve your status of the major power in Europe, John.

1) I'm not German, I'm Bavaryan.
2) I fucking LOVE the real Europe and I am not ashamed to admit it.

Attached: eu-map.jpg (1374x1245, 719.28K)

Stalin simply wanted to remain neutral, because industry and especially the military industry at that time went through the stage of modernization. By the way, the military leadership of the USSR planned to repulse the German attack on the border and counterattack, but something went wrong.

You're not bavaryan, you are r*ssian