RIP Japan.
Japan will have the most cases in the world in a few weeks.
RIP Japan.
Japan will have the most cases in the world in a few weeks.
Serves them right for lying like China. Notice how South Korea, a Christian nation, is the only one who has been completely transparent and honest? They may mutilate their dicks, but Koreans have shown themselves to be honourable. God won't forget who was honest with the world and who lied during this time of crisis.
Sorry, but I don’t think Japan can go beyond America. America is number 1 about everything!
You will be #1 per capita.
Don't these fuckers also eat dogs and cats?
we can handle it.
Because Japan is the most cleanest country.
And we have customs to keep everything clean.
Pride before the downfall. Nice.
Makes it more entertaining.
The Japanese government has not hidden any cases though. It just doesn’t test people with mild symptoms unless they contacted with patients who were tested positive for coronavirus.
It’s waste of medical resources to test everyone.
>being that trusting of your government
Kek. You Japanese are so naive.
>over 1000 deaths in a day
RIP Amerika-kun
and one third of the hospitalized patients in Japan are you foreigners
Jose the drug dealer, don't mix japanese with dog-cat-bat eating chinese/korean
Japan is going to be like NYC times 1,000.
Fucking retard. You have to test as many people as possible and trace everyone who's in contact with past cases. Otherwise, no matter how much you treat people those asymptomatic carriers are still gonna go everywhere giving it to other people and while your hospitals are filled with people it's still gonna multiply uncontrollably. This is especially in Japan where you have such a big proportion of boomers who are susceptible to the coronavirus.
>muh naive
I mean if someone is in contact with past cases, you should test them even without symptoms.
But if they have just mild cold but have not seen anyone with coronavirus, it's waste to test.
hospitals/clinics should not be infection hubs like european/mutt cunts
unfortunately some of ours are also no exception and they got/spread infections
>and one third of the hospitalized patients in Japan are you foreigners
Stop spreading fake news!
deaths? probably, their population of seniors is pretty fucking high.
>gaijins blame japan
>yet they want to get hospitalized in japan
Just 3 days ago, your fellow Canadian was heading to Japan to get medical treatment
and sadly failed
>A chartered flight from Manila bound for Haneda Airport in Japan exploded during takeoff on Sunday night
>Airport officials said an American, a Canadian patient and 6 Filipinos were on the plane. The patient scheduled to receive treatment in Japan was traveling with a family member and medical team.
nah, but the number of new cases, and it's not an exponential growth seen in the US and others.
death toll is still around 70. op is just a retard
You're a sheep. Japan is fucked.
fucking based plane
i'm not a sheep
Haha byebye Japan
Thanks for your AVs
Now fade down to past history
japan, the country of "too good to believe", as always
dog eaters have yelled 24/7 "No Japan!!"
Japan closed the border
dog eaters chimped out "why did you refuse us?!!"
Kind of happy desu they weren't taking it very seriously it seemed like compared to all the other countries because they had so few cases.
Sorry but that 2nd place is for us
Japs get major earthquakes every 10 years or so and it takes them barely a year to rebuild the entire country every time. They'll be okay.
>This is especially in Japan where you have such a big proportion of boomers who are susceptible to the coronavirus.
Implying it's not Abe's plan
>Another Netouyo with always same picture. They never advance because their iq < 60. They were never clever. They probably copypaste from Japanese website or discode server.
>Another Netouyo with always same picture. They never advance because their iq < 60. They were never clever. They probably copypaste from Japanese website or discode server.
>If that guy was willing to become look alike a Japanese he probably pulled off his front teeth to make it look bigger
>look at me, me have very gook teeth, oh no scratch that, me have good teeth!
I'll be honest here, other than LDP supporters who actually think LDP is the actual heir of amaterasu and one and only non Korean controlled party, nobody takes the number seriously
~54k test of corona chan from the beginning to the end meaning that there's literally thousands of people (or more) just struggling at home and nobody's going to test them at all
The government have also decided that you need to have
>contact with corona chan people
>37.5 for more than 4 days
All these 3 to do a test (for normal people only. athletes, celebrities and important people can test whenever they want)
I don't give a shit to the netouyos claiming I'm a gook or davido, this time LDP fucked up and your Lord and Savior Abe Shinzo isn't going to help your ass when you're coofing and dying, considering the pathetic mask he's wearing right now.
>gook teeth
The Osaka Flu
No wonder he's super popular in Japan
>Notice how South Korea, a Christian nation, is the only one who has been completely transparent and honest
Then come Korea and kill yourself with virus
The number of Korean infectees are rising up to 10,000 and it's very severe figure compared to Japan. In case you bullshit like aigo~ Japan is hiding infection~ you may hide the number of infection, but can never cheat about the dead. And the number of the dead of Korean is twice more than that of Japan.
Korean gov completely failed in prevention of epidemics and it has nothing to do with moral for them to have failed.
Not testing is a retarded strategy. Not blocking Chinese visitors early was stupid. Abe fucked up and now people will die.
Nice proxy, Bukkake-kun.
Killing off the elderly will be great for the economy
Hopefully in the aftermath, something could be done to raise fertility rates among the young
How about asymptomatic carriers, stupid jap
Even flipland test everyone, better to know how many of these people are positive so you can plan better
I cannot fathom for the life of my why Japan, with a superior healthcare system isn't testing more and hiding their statistics. Too scared of your corporate overlords when you institute a lockdown?
Shut up fat
2 million dead amerimutts best day of my life
Out of 206 people tested yesterday in Japan, 173 was positive for coronavirus.
JFC, dude. Japan is fucked.
You can read Korean, Kim?
Read these and see how honest your country is
원인불명 폐렴환자' 999명 코로나19 전원 음성
18일 숨진 17세 소년 , 코로나 최종 '음성' 판정
검사 없이 장례 치르고 화장한 병원, 그뒤 확진 75명 쏟아졌다
Why are posts green again?
Park, I understand you miss your motherland.
But You shouldn't look away reality just because you love your country.
Seriously, Is this time to point the finger at others?
Just care for your fucking country.
You're delusional. If that's how most Japs think then Japan is fucked.
Russia will be next US in 1 week.
+700 cases yesterday
Osaka flu
Fucking hilarious. Korean Christianity is the worst, most backwards, stupidest form of Christianity to exist in the world. They're led by shadow cabals of Mu, with Mudang being the most powerful.
The number of infected people in Corona can be determined from the number of deaths without testing.
Japanese people like to lie to themselves to feel better. First they told themselves,
>Testing only critically ill people is a good idea!
>Japanese people are very hygienic. So coronavirus is not a problem.
>Japanese BCG vaccine is effective against coronavirus. No worries!
Poor Japanese. Your government is an abomination. Does Abe have any serious contenders for power?
I think the Japanese are some of the most frustrating people in the world.
I get annoyed just looking at fat people, so it's mutual.