
morning edition

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>jah ma olen delfi kommentaator, kuidas sa teadsid?

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>tfw keep failing to bump /balt/ threads during their sleeping hours
sorry i failed you all


I love Estonia.
Do you love Estonia?

sorry. i keep hoping for quarantine to give me neet time but they dont wanna let me stop working :(

morning! I hope this infection shit is over soon, int turned to shit :( how is everyone doing today?

I hope the quarantine ends as soon as possible in real life, as it is making me go crazy, I need to go outside, I am sick of my family, I want my old routine and life back, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


inb4 these bitches get raped, clothing style changed to burka and then honor murdered,

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I think whining about it makes me feel better. what did you do before the quarantine that you miss now? I'm a neet and I feel less bad about my situation right now but I miss drinking with friends and going to painting classes

I miss going to the gym early in the morning and going out with my friends and attempting to study in the library but really just having a lot of laughs

that sucks, I can't find any replacement for those activities. I was going to join a gym just before all this happened but maybe it's good I didn't sign up just before so I can be content with my fatness. I'm mostly worried about my friends getting fired though :(

where the fuck is everyone

>/savižudybė/ is kill
buvo smagu su jumis būti virai, iki kito karto

>no /rus/
we have won

it was ok, kol nepradėjo žmonės kosėt ir kalbėti apie instagramerius

how do you get your mouth so small and cute? welcome russian. can you tell me about your culture?

what am i looking at

Prisipažinsiu, buvau vienas iš kosėtojų. Bet jo, kad apie instagramerius kalbėjo buvo šiek tiek keista, gaila pas mus nėra tokios pacukų gatekeep'inimo (dūchinimo?) kultūros kaip kokioje anglakalbių temoje.

Ir išvis, e- įžymybės yra didelis vėžis skirtas pacukams ir liliputinių smegenų turėtojams.

I want to impregnate a blonde latvian and care and provide for her and our children

whatevs. anglakalbiai irgi debilai kaip mes. mes visi debilai, kad čia postinam. dūchinimas tik vietą užima ir dar kai pradeda ant moterų rautis, kurių yra dafiga, tai išvis smegenų ląstelių genocidas, bet then again ką daugiau veikti.
blet kaip aš autistiškai lietuviškai rašau, I can't live in this country
take a look at your coutry's male/female ratio and just DO IT user

Morning, lads

>take a look at your coutry's male/female ratio and just DO IT user
Majority of women are over age 60,20-30 ratio is normal

The new Spanish people


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that's true. but I believe you can do it, if you keep an open mind and appreciate the individual. how old are you? where do you look for gfs?
yes sir

le epic meme sir xDDDDDDD i tip my hat to thee

vēl putru on läti keeles sama nagu eesti keeles veel putru
mv :D

hahaha benis :D



this is my favorite Estonian song but I can't find the Heinavanker version on youtube. does anyone else like Heinavanker?

visi tie SIMPS >:(((

>vēl putru on läti keeles
What oatmeal?

pašol nachui, zūmeri

Cringe thread

vel putru is same as veel putru in Estonian

havent heard of Heinavanker, googled and its some christian sacral music group so theyre not big as religion isnt big here

>More oatmeal, thank you!
Vēl putru, paldies!

Well what did you expect? Majority of Eesti words for agriculture come from balto speek and majority of Latvian terms for forest fauna and fishing comes from Finno speek

Ej dirst, zūmer!

whats weird is that its even in the correct case and your ē is double ee, so 1=1 match :D

>vēl putru
Veel üks jama?

>aaaaa taip... mano laikais mes juos vadinome baltaisiais riteriais

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HEY, I ONLY LEARNED THAT WORD YESTERDAY [spoiler]and really wanted to use it on someone[/spoiler]

Well you are here for long one, there are two ē and e letters. We just write them as ē and e respectively.

neee, man aiškino, kad čia blogiau, čia kaip cuck ir white knight sujungta į viena

Two for each ē and e, so technically 4

their "Mu süda, ärka üles" is the best and makes me love Estonia, but it's only on spotify. I found them on Yas Forums. the Estonian folk songs I heard in folk festivals were really depressing but your costumes are beautiful. do you have any good pictures of national costumes? this call is open for everyone, I want to draw them

>pašol nachui

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is this Putin ?

>is this Putin ?
No, this is Čeburaška.

Got drunk yesterday and now have diarrhea. Always when drunk I listen to patriotic stuff, this was in my recommended:youtu.be/7CDEEH-mmoE

when I drink solo, I start listening to kpop

Yeah I start listening to Latvian stuff. I have never even been to army training, besides I can't enroll because I'm literally blind without my glasses.

vėl putrų
"again SHITTY gruels"

Putra > cepelinai

there are so many like each county has their own as back then Estonia was every county basically independent little Estonia

1) island next to Saaremaa, 2) Saaremaa, 3) mainland Pärnu, 4) subcounty of mainland Pärnu

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