Do people in European countries actually unironically identify as Europeans?
Do people in European countries actually unironically identify as Europeans?
Not really
And here in Spain most people don't even identify as spanish.
Worse, they identify as “world citizens”
Only paid germanic shills do.
Purely in a geographic sense. I never really had the need to identify myself as anything but portuguese.
There are several levels of identity. The regional, national and continental identity.
I am Westphalian, German and European.
One thing does not rule out the other.
Hey somebady can say me why the text isgreen?
You have the gay. There is no cure.
Do burgers really do this
and what about this?
They really do?
What a fucking nigger
Shit! what a waste on sperm
You've seen nothing Maradona.
Dear fucking God, Meth is something else
Do americans really?
They really do be like that.
they really do, only in the new world has our ethnic heritage been preserved and can you experience actual english, spanish, french, german, etc. culture
Ok John Lee
>not a randomly mixed up bunch of British prisoners who were sent to Australia for punishment
Only Germoids and Belglings and Luxembourgungars
Portuguese first
European second
the first one is what truly matters.
This, Europe is over and has been for at least a decade
>Only paid germanic shills do.
>Only Germoids and Belglings and Luxembourgungars
>Portuguese firstEuropean secondthe first one is what truly matters.
Not really, I don't feel like I share a common identity more with a French or Czech person than with an Australian or American.
i barely identify as italian
only the lefty vegan 50 iq mongos
that's coz your Asian lol, all you Hungarians, finns, turks and Bulgarians need to go back to thailand
I am Balkan Slav, all Slavic countries in the balkan are fake artificial countries, Yugoslavia will rise again.
>Yugoslavia will rise again.
>literally one of the fakest and most artificial countries in history
Only in front of americans, because I don't expect them to know the countries of Europe.
do africans actually unironically identify as americans?
I am Sarmatian
I feel closer to Persia than e*rope
a pro EU Irishman. fascinating.
first is always nationality
then its european as a geographical location for 3rd worlders or new worlders
so to an italian, i will say im hungarian obviously
but when an american asks i say im from hungary, its in europe
because you are a burgermunching, fat, disgusting zoomer, die
Australia is an outpost of undiluted Anglo-Saxon culture. Most Aussies are of a higher English pedigree than I am.
Magyar here. Fuck the French. They are the plague of this world, and this is probably best exemplified by the Treaty of Trianon.
I identify as nothing because I took the buddhist pill, there is no self
I find it hard to believe people willingly speak to Hungarians
What a retarded question. Have an upvoterino so everyone can laugh at you.
They are often pro-EU because the UK is often anti-EU. It's contrarianism on a countrywide scale.
I hate people from my city, but I hate people in other cities more.
I hate people from my country, but I hate other countries more.
I hate Europeans, but I hate other continents more.
>Defining yourself by your nation of birth
>Defining yourself by your continent of birth
Same shit; taking credit from other people's work.
sounds like something a Nigerian would write... hmm...
i'm first rheinländer, then german and then european
as a hardcore europhile, yes
lol no
only paid eubots and larpers
> continent
Why are wh*toids like this?
regionalism is mental illness, you are not speshul for speaking like a fucking peasant
Because they're brown third world peasants?
Very sad attitude this, variety is the spice of life
t. proud balkanite
Think you bumped your head too hard bru
he never claimed to be special, brainlet. you're not special for being Hungarian or from Budapest, you just ARE.
nobody knows whats wesphalia unless they have some interest
im from the strom corner! now you know where im from right
fucking faggot
you dont, but you should. theres literally no difference between you "people"
as european yes
as European no
i do, because i hate the shithole(shithuania) i came from
Nah I identify as a white hungarian. European identity has been hijacked by cucks.