Should North America be split into 4 countries like this?
Should North America be split into 4 countries like this?
why would the maritimes be American?
Where is Mexico? you do know Mexico is part of North American right?
Two wars have been fought for Alaska and three for Hawaii, user. We ain't givin shit up.
t. reddit
so is Central America
Nevada and New Mexico and Colorado are blue af
I reject this map
America and English Canada should be one nation. Quebec independent.
Because they would be completely split from Canada. And making them part of Quebec would be gay since they speak English, not French.
True. Mexico's borders make sense though, so I didn't include them.
Annon.... I
Not a bad idea tbqh
You are forgeting about someone
holy cringe
>The whitest place in America would be literal hell for any stormfronter.
This is peak irony.
For people asking about the rest of North America, here's the ideal:
>All European and American overseas territories gain independence
>French Guiana changes name to Cayenne
>United States Virgin Islands and British Virgin Islands unite to form Republic of the Virgin Islands
>Sint Maarten, Saint Martin, Anguilla, and Saint Barthélemy merge to form the Republic of Soualiga
>Turks and Caicos Islands joins the Bahamas
>Sint Eustatius and Saba join St Kitts and Nevis to form the Republic of Liamuiga
>Montserrat and Antigua and Barbuda unite to form Republic of Waladli
>St Pierre and Miquelon joins Quebec
>Trinidad and Tobago changes its name to Kairi
>St. Vincent and the Grenadines changes its name to Hairouna
RI not included, not based
Anything besides this is quite frankly cringe and bluepilled.
Now this... This is accurate
I'm saving this one
>St Pierre and Miquelon joins Quebec
That map is flawed for several reasons:
>Mexicans aren't the majority in any states. I could see some border COUNTIES joining Mexico, but not whole states. Utah and Oklahoma have almost no mexicans btw.
>It splits the upper midwest. Everything between Michigan and North Dakota should be the same country.
>Alaska wants nothing to do with Seattle's metrosexuality.
Stop trying to balkinize America Putin
Stop trying to expand it Israel
Just a reminder that we were here first
Children please you're both awful. The US is perfect as it is, from sea to shining sea.
First whites
Fixed it. American Empire. Anglo Canadians are Americans who just don't know it yet.
Here are more details in case anyone gives af:
>Alaska becomes a province, not a faggy territory
>Prince Edward Island joins New Brunswick; its population is too small to be a state on its own
>Puerto Rico becomes its own country
>US Virgin Islands joins British Virgin Islands and becomes one country
>Northern Mariana Islands and Guam gain independence as one country
>American Samoa joins Samoa
Not to mention south/west Quebec, of which a significant portion speaks English, and northern Quebec, where they don't speak either
Yeah I've been playing after the end fan fork for crusader kings 2 a lot how could you tell.
God save our Queen and Heaven the bless the maple leaf forever
Indians are literally just a part of the fauna
Anyone trying to balkanize America doesn't know how retardedly patriotic Americans are about their own country
keep doing it putin
I can't wait until white genocide finally happens
very based
I wouldn't even mind your country if yall kept the better flag colors
*your country separating
I know, that's why I only separated Alaska and Hawaii. It's mostly white Americans who are patriotic though, and Hawaii is like -20% white
that's just too edgy for conventional flags
This is the most retarded idea I've ever seen, and it's worth risking infection to call you a retard, OP
>Mississippi States.
Kill yourself my man
labrador should be part of quebec
i have fixed your borders for you my friends
heres the actual fix
the only acceptable answer
physically, not culturally
northern ontario and everything west of it up to alaska should be its own country. don't care about the rest.
yes... YES!
exchange the word "quebec" for "louisiana" and it makes at least a little sense
Not a fan of communism but this is aesthetic as fuck
oh, i thought it was supposed to be louisiana territory rather than the fleeing quebecois