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Other urls found in this thread:


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sick to bastard death of it all

still sick to bastard death of it all


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atheism leads to nihilism, consumerism and suicide


Hume was a fag.

>literally has woman-like drama with Rousseau when he visited England

he stole my post and im not happy not at all

this is based

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Fuck anime

let's go outside

something seems to have summoned google translate
hes asking to translate from vietnamese

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tbf i am genuinely sick to bastard death of it all

wish i could

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gotta stop going on /x/ at night

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Most over rated goal ever and I like Becks desu


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dunno the stories of le epic ghosties don't spook me it's just the weird conspiracies that do

The infection squiglies are vietnamese

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how we feelin about the chinks today?

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cheers chinky

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Just opened /x/ and being on youtsuba b kills the ambient /x/ should have dark colours only

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Can't believe I've never heard of this podcast before. Love Bob Mortimer me.

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everyone rich person is a paedo
oh by the way plague part 2 ok bye

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might go on a mitchellian rant

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you're twistin ma melon man

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good things are coming

Ah yes, the London experience.

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>have a gander
>first youtube link i click on

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stop you sadact

spicehead got sent to the shadowrealm

the VIBRANT atmosphere

might watch the Chris-chan series. blast from the past

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imagine if yellowstone went kerblammo

alright last one

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does it

what about lake taupo?


Beckham always looks like a scruffy cunt

prefer not to say

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what about it

virtually all the enlightenment thinkers were tossers

ticking time bomb that

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you`ll be fooked in that case

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Mad if the rapid chance in pollutant levels made the earth throw a wobble and yellow stone blew and set Rainier off too



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something will happen
just you wait

remember when white island blew up? seems like years ago

good things are coming

You reckon Beckham had a hair transplant?


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so lonely
so alone

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what a weird advert

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just go out and have a good time LOL