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Map thread
Nathan Rogers
Leo Jackson
Oliver Martin
en abril aguas mil y tu madre disuelta en un barril de fluorhídrico?
Christian Hughes
fuckers, I'm not laughing at all, I never did and I will never smile
Adam Perez
main country of origin of inmigrants
Oliver Sullivan
Carson Peterson
Homicides per 100k citizens
Justin Campbell
evolution of brazilian states
Jason Parker
Islam map
Owen Hall
Jaxon Garcia
David Diaz
Northamerica in 1756
Jackson Morales
Population density in Africa
Henry Thomas
Luke Sanders
Territorial claims in the artic
Josiah Scott
>be Romanian
>leave to get gibs somewhere in Western Europe
>go to Spain for some reason
Levi Moore
>be romanian
>move to spain to work for 3€ an hour "helping" people park their cars
Sebastian Cooper
greater yugoslavia
Tyler Moore
USA military commands through the world
William Morris
greater greater yugoslavia
Matthew Morales
Corruption in latinamerica
Hunter Morales
Ian Myers
Arabic dialects
Austin Roberts
Synthethic fertility rate (children per woman)
Julian Watson
Adam Young
Sovet Union ethnic groups (1960's)
Caleb Walker
Poverty (people living with under $5,50 per day)
Zachary Moore
Percentage of population living in cities
Jace Thomas
these colours overlap way too much, but still a nice map
Tyler Collins
Landon Butler
literacy rate
Population over 14 that can read and write
Thomas Torres
Connor Watson
Left: Migrations from the 19th and early 20th century
Right: Migrations from the second half of 20th century to present day
Jordan Morris
Brody Perry
Nathaniel Fisher
Michael Kelly
Hunter Anderson
Brandon Ramirez
Benjamin Morales
fucking latins
Christopher Green
Logan Jones
united indochina
Hunter Hernandez
Justin Phillips
Carson Rogers
Connor Anderson
greater syria
Lucas Watson
Ryan Baker
oh yeah sorry about that
Zachary Walker
haha turkey
Xavier Wilson
Kevin Torres
Austin Mitchell
Jordan Reyes
Blake Johnson
Hudson Williams
Noah Miller
Irish trade with UK and EU
trade with other EU countries became greater than with the UK in the mid 90's
Jordan Lee
Evan Gray
>blue bar: amount of citizens from this country living in UK
>red bar: amount of UK citizens living in this country
Gavin Howard
Regional powers and influence in the middle east
Jayden Sanchez
Aiden Bailey
Jeremiah Ramirez
Easton Perez