Are they the new master race?
How have they kept the # of cases down?
Crazy how simple minded the modern human is that they actually accept what fucking China says as fact.
Prove the numbers are false. If anything the US numbers are false
do you not know how burden of proof works? fucking idiot.
We can't all be evolved like the average American.
Lying. It's what the Chinese do best.
China lied people died
China lied
You know the rest
>A Wall Street Journal report published on Tuesday cited a top Chinese public health official who admitted that China was not counting those who tested positive without manifesting the coronavirus symptoms.
they keep their numbers down by lying
So no proof we are lying. Got it
you have to prove your own claim. China has to prove their claim.
>US source
>saying China is lying
Uh huh
China Lied
People Died
1) they lie
2) if they don't lie, they're the only nation that can literally make 2 million people of a different ethnicity disappear into re-education camps one by one because the Party is that powerful.
When you don't have to account for individual rights you can uphold strict rules ez.
Hey buddy suck my fucking dick.
>US intelligence
a contradiction in terms
So no source. What is true is that only foreigners are being quarantined in China right now
Press N to inflict China with 100 nuclear holocausts followed by 100 years of radioactive holodomor
this is 2020 you know, china is now more advanced than the states in a lot of domains, funny how anglos are coping right now
>us intelligence
Look I'm not gonna defend China or anything, but come on.
They are probably dying by thousands and thats a good thing
Not true. They are easing restrictions, but haven't fully removed.
why would you think a country that welds people in their homes wouldn't have better results than a country that still isn't doing shit?
their numbers are probably not accurate, but which country actually has accurate numbers right now?
France is hit worse than any Anglo country (US is not Anglo), so I'm not sure what you're saying.
>post sources to back up claims
>*posts source*
>lol thats not a REAL source because i dont like you suck lmao.
fucking neck yourself you faggot chink enablers.
i hope someone spits in your fucking face.
you are literally this mad
>you are literally this mad
you don't understand ? well that was to be expected from an anglo flag
>imagine being racist
Holy shit dude you'll get jailed in China for that picture dude
Anyone who has an amine profile picture isn't allowed to have an opinion.
USA Virus NO.1
No I don't, I advise you to re-learn English so that you can communicate properly.
>Only 47,192 deaths worldwide so far. Still a drop in the bucket compared to the millions killed around the world by Americans, and at least 10 times less than the deaths in Iraq alone.
American '''''''''intelligence'''''''''' BTFO!
you don't understand ? well that was to be expected from an anglo flag
>Are they the new master race?
They've always been the master race.
Ah yes, French intelligence
well, either they invented magic and are conjuring up ashes from thin air, or they're lying about their numbers
cause they're handing out way too much ashes for the numbers to be real
yeah next please
indeed, i mean i understand your motherr tongue but you don't understand yours, that's rich don't you think ? i thought you were monolinguets but you're in fact illiterate lmao
You certainly can't write English though, your point about Anglos and China doesn't make sense.
how can't you understand ? do you really have a temperature room iq ?
Because France is hit worse than the UK. I'm not sure why you're bringing up Anglos out of the blue when they are unrelated, are you just obsessed with them?
>Taiwan was acting to fight coronavirus back in January, closing borders, banning the export of masks, preparing to ramp up domestic mask production, doing contact tracing and quarantines, etc.
>Singapore was already mandating temperature checks in early January and later implementing strict quarantine measures and travel restrictions later that month
>these two countries knew that China was lying back in fucking January but it's totally China's fault your country didn't start taking corona seriously until March and has turned into a real life Holocaust-debunking experiment with all the bodies piling up at crematoria
How did Taiwan and Singapore know this while you didn't?
We should have nuked China desu
Yes. It is clear the west needs to adopt an authoritarian government.
If I were a burger I'd be praying night and day that China's numbers are real the rest of the world can afford to be sceptical.
that's why they fucked up so hard
uk got more deaths a day than france, even their clown prime minister is infected, americans are leading this shit as expected, so it's not out of the blue you know, it's factual than anglos are dealing this way worse than france and at the end of the crisis we will count the deaths and i will laugh af ;) do you understand now ? lol
China chucked a massive hissy fit when we banned entry for them back in early February. They called us racist, xenophobic and blackmailed us to re-open borders. They are entirely at fault.
People have been saying China is lying for ages though. This is just more proof that its true.
They're not a shithole "white" western country that waits to the last minute and tells people stupid shit like "don't wear masks". Its not just a China thing. SK did it too. Here in Vietnam (ignore flag) with some of the dirtiest public hygiene in the world and terrible hospitals there isn't much of an issue because the government acted early. Even in remote shitholes like Bac Khan you have police everywhere enforcing rules. Or maybe the Vietnam diet of gutter oil and fish guts makes the country immune.
And yes their numbers are probably fake, but everyone in China is back to work and most people were back to work March 16th. People are wearing masks and taking precautions though.
They decided to take proper firm action, unlike many other countries that basically ignored it and are still essentially ignoring the virus spreading. China, Japan and Singapore were pretty much the only ones to take an appropriate course of action. Here in Australia there are dumb cunts screeching about government overreach and becoming a police state because cops want selfish rich cunts in Sydney's elite northern suburbs to stop congregating in public.
Normalfags are braindead fuckwits and sometimes firm """authoritarian measures""" are more important than the temporarily arsehurt of subhuman extroverts who would rather see half the population die than not be able to be obnoxiously interacting with people in person for a few weeks.
yeah and people used to say america is great, you know things change and they change fast forward.
You have twice the infections and nearly twice the deaths of the UK. What's more, your Eurozone partners are completely fucked financially and are demanding aid from richer Northern European countries, which they arn't accepting. You border two of the worst hit countries in the world and you've test half as much per capita than the UK (nearly 10 times less than Australia). You are completely fucked mon copain
>Wall Street Journal
May as well cite Breitbart.