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/v4/ + Turkmenistan
Adam Robinson
Josiah Myers
first for fuck holes
strictly figuratively
Bentley Jenkins
magyar cigany
Carter Young
this ethnic hatred must stop
Henry Richardson
haha pooplak
James Gutierrez
Liam Taylor
Hi Aptechka!
Julian Evans
How have you been mate?
Kevin Harris
Leo Reed
At least we are quarantined together user
Xavier Stewart
Shit like always, wbu?
Julian Hughes
I want to immigrate to Hungary. Been there twice, best time of my life both times. Thoughts?
Logan Walker
Stay away.
Colton Bell
fantasies like this become less and less appealing every day
Nathaniel Phillips
Ryder Baker
You won't be liked and you'll never learn the language.
Nolan Mitchell
Camden Wilson
Tyler Rogers
Do you mean the language is hard or that immigrants are lazy? Don't really care about being liked I'm practically a hermit
Cooper Sullivan
delete this you mutt
Ian James
>Do you mean the language is hard
This. I mean I guess it's not impossible to learn, but ye it's tough for Indo-Euros.
Joseph Hernandez
Life = ruined
Easton King
Alright. Been working from home mostly.
Got sick for a few days and thought it was corona.
Robert Torres
What do you think about the number of corona cases in Russia drastically increasing? Will Putin be able to contain it?
Elijah Bell
Looks like they've only delayed the epidemic instead of stopping it. Which is useful, provided they've prepared properly. It seems they've built a new hospital in Moscow for especially the infected. But then again the media has been sending mixed messages to the people in terms of how alarmed and prepared they should be until recently. Hopefully they'll be able to flatten the curve though.
Gabriel Green
Ryder Kelly
why are south slavs so bad at war
Hunter Ross
This green shit is burning my eyes
Jaxson Jackson
Andrew Johnson
holts are nearly always close to the sea in fallen boulders, old ruins, and cliffs
Henry Thomas
This is how women treat short men every. Single. Day.
Andrew Jackson
He's fucking repulsive regardless of height, of course even an insectoid would have enough self respect not to kiss that.
Jose Barnes
Poolack reporting in
Thomas Butler
The fuck do you want from him? Dresses normally, doesn‘t have greasy hair, has a normal face.
Benjamin Lewis
He has a greasy face and a creepy fucking smile like some gremlin. Even as a guy I'll refuse to come close to him.
John Bennett
Luis White
Owen Ward
Carson Jones
why are we still here?
Brody Williams
Gabriel Carter
To eat, love and laugh.
Joshua Russell
i'd rather not. but i have nothing better to do
Connor Howard
Good night my friends
Thomas Morgan
what music do you listen to argie I want to know
Jack Wright
Very mixed desu, bit of pop, metal, classical and some soundtracks too
Logan Carter
anything specific you liked recently?
Bentley Baker
Baruch Feldheim of Brooklyn was busted for hoarding personal protection gear and selling it to health care professionals at inflated prices.
Baruch Feldheim Accusations
The Brooklyn man is allegedly accused of price-gouging. On March 18, according to authorties, he was caught selling around 1,000 masks for $12,000 to a New Jersey doctor.
He also faces charges of making false statements to the feds on Sunday outside his Borough Park home where he allegedly peddled and stored massive amounts of N95 respirator masks, federal officials revealed.
The 43-year-old accused is believed to have directed another doctor to an Irvington, New Jersey, auto repair shop to pick up another order. There, the doctor reported to investigators that Feldheim was allegedly hoarding enough medical supplies “to outfit an entire hospital”.
Baruch Feldheim Materials Included:
His materials included:
Hand Sanitizers
Clorox Wipes
Chemical Cleaning Supply Agents
Surgical Supplies
Two days after operating from his Brooklyn home, offering to push surgical gowns to a nurse by last Monday, the hoarder received an enormous shipment to his home of about eight pallets of face masks.
Nicholas Walker
Can't stop listening to his lately desu
Henry Wright
You should call the based department on him
Dylan Parker
i will go to bed I reckon. looks like i will survive this virus.
Brody Wood
You too my friend? Good luck to us...
Grayson Thompson
I fell asleep :(
Jackson Williams
Good night Otti :3
Alexander Thomas
Lmao state of you
Ryder Wilson
Ikr :(
Robert Jackson
Brandon Gray
Joshua Mitchell
>be vak
>see these guys crossing the Danube
James Collins
I don't get it
Oliver Davis
Mason James
Everytime magyars tried to fuck with Slovaks they got btfo, whats your point ?