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Other urls found in this thread:


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hola reddo

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sucking a lemon

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Cop the timezone joke almost every time I come into /brit/ for the first time in a day and I wouldn't have it any other way

welcome...to the CRYSTAL MAZE

pretty shite gimmick this

reddit april fools this year is VERY intriguing

get £10,000 a month from my onlyfans
basically lonely beta desperate men giving me free money to love the good life
btw down with the patriarchy, all men are sexist pigs holding women back
women really have a hard time in life

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mi nome clogwog me post da earli fred

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What the fuck? Why do I have a laughing emoji now?

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That fuckin bitch Carole Baskin killed her husband

need to drag my tongue alone the arsehole of a peng ting
will settle for a non peng ting IF the arse itself is peng

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190 told a banging joke

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Am I cured or something? Didn’t post for 5 hours

Joe internet time is over back to your cell

top shelf

Pot Noodle and a wank for a rock legend.

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Tell me, Irishman. What are your thoughts about the increasing number of Nigerians migrating to your country?

God she's so fit

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World at War created a generation of fascists and communists

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What's the go with your laugh crying emoji byos

genuinely have no clue

hello my fellow white men

I've just explained the reasons. If you don't like them, I am sorry.

Shit is cancelled months in advance to prevent massive expenditure. Such as E3 and Euros and so on.

they're normie scum

would love to spaff between her eyes

Still think it’s mental that a country which knows first hand the trouble outsiders moving on mass to your land can cause would fall for the multicultural meme

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ayy lmao

got dat damn muddafuggen coonvirus

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twice > all




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Reckon if you go into isolation (don’t post for a few hours) you lose the infection and get a laughing emoji instead

come get your vaccine

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Just found out Falling Down is on YouTube movies
Been meaning to watch that

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There's Irish people who post on /brit/ that wouldn't think twice about bombing your house and killing you and your family if the opportunity presented itself.

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excuse me?

Ireland should reunify with UK. Great Britain & Ireland would be a great meme. All the 1/128 Yanks would seethe.

died of aids


women are cringe

but who was phone?

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Why arent you crying about the great north run not being cancelled yet

is Moni on?

all im sayin is mo one likes pakis


Want my infection back

I did that, lost the infection but didn't gain an emoji

You can only have one deformed climate waifu

Make your choice

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Mad how all this time later you still have absolutely no idea about the conflict

getting weird tingling all over my body

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didn't think it could get worse the greta, but apparently I was wrong

they're both fit as

I have already. Also, you're not gonna be rubbing up and down on people as you run and snogging each other, are you? If you don't understand the difference then, well, that's on you.

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There wouldn’t have been a conflict if all the Ulster Scots and English hadn’t moved there, so what’s wrong with my statement?

greta is cute, but not in a nonce way, in a "I want to take care of her and keep her safe" way


>tfw you love musicals but find myself quickly running out of ones to listen to

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The thing about this, we've seen it all before in Sweden. It took them a decade.

Fuck sake still not be furloughed, still have to work from home
Just want my borisbucks

They've said they're trying to get him on

Check out the Phantom film from 2004
Gerard Butler and Patrick Wilson

215g of protein today

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morning lad

can we stop spamming these rancid trollops now please? yeah? okay

>forces a meme
>expects not to have his house bombed

You got a home gym lad?

Fucking mong

thinking about rolling a lil spliffy :p

The Nigerians arent planting a flag are they? Absolute fucking mongoloid

couldnt imagine having kids in the facebook age, beggars bloody belief

name on 190


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this isnt it

*flops and rolls about*

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God I hope one day the Irish lads stop moaning I really do.

It gets so boring move on, you can guarantee the lads here whining were no older than 5 when the GFA was signed

beta male virgins

Mboko seething

fascinating little animals

jillian janson

Yeah I get that but it’s still going to be a third column, we have whole towns in England now that are almost completely separate from the rest of the country.

imply that centre-right people are nazis and then say "kill all nazis" and then when someone objects to you attacking centre-right people use "why are you defending nazis?" as an excuse.

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I kinda like this pozz thing

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Does anyone here actually believe "coronavirus" is real?

having my doubts

*coofs blood*
nah mate, just a flu

reckon it’s a bit of a meme myself

Dont know of a single person that has had it

t. nazi

Want to see them split in half by BBC

a loaded question

>yeah I get that but

No you dont
Be quiet

Watched about 10 minutes of beastars there on the recommendation of a friend. What a load of childish nonsense shan't be asking him his opinion on anything ever again


still 50/50 on it, still havent heard of anyone i knew getting it

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It's just away of killing thousands of lower class people. Next year's cull will be bigger.

Can I get reinfected? Was full on biohazard and green earlier

no idea what that is sorry

had some absolutely peng Mexican food the other day

Desi + UK, Dravidian Bvll edition

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What films we all watching tonight then?

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not really

never seen a virus IRL so no its not real

Heard the situation in yankland is not looking so good

real, yes
worth these extreme measures? not even fucking close

Post arses

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The Vicious Kind
it's absolute kino

I have, they look class.


Whatever mate, all I’m saying is that importing people from a different culture at such a fast pace doesn’t bode well for the future.
Might all work out alright but it could easily go the other way

just imagined a yank saying peng and began violently cringing, went into some sort of seizure

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Have not been infected since 8am think im happy to give up now as it ends in 95 minutes

think my years of cocaine use are catching up to me
heart is about to peace the fuck out i reckon

Oh shit, better buy a gun.

Thoughts on people?

Shall be watching a few episodes of Tony Soprano

They're expecting upto 240,000 deaths within a few weeks, and that's only if they socially distance properly, or else it will be more than that

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hate em

heard one say ta once. imagine it. 'ta'. even worse than when they try and say bollocks.

strumming my pangolin

hate man
love mankind
simple as

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Why dont they just shoot the virus?

Why did China put out such hilariously fake numbers?
They could have at least made it believable

hate 'em
also say something derogatory about the chinks regarding the whole ccp virus mess, want to try something out here

What sort of council house dwelling goblin says "ta"?

Would you rather go scuba diving or thrash about on a dirt bike?


They'll be fuming at China after this

Cos this is England mate, nobody has guns

they call me corona bollocks

fuck off tarq

You mean bollix? Yous cant say it right either


lots of us

Dont like being surrounded by you infected freaks

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Corrrr I hope so, cant wait for everyone to want revenge on China

'chan now playing sound when you open the page, like taking a trip back to 2007.

Unironically trust the Chinese's figures better than many western nation's

Submarine dirt bikes

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Apparently the UK already does, read articles that Boris himself is absolutely fuming

ah yes, two kinds of men innit la
do you raise scapegoats in your backyard? you're obviously pretty good at breeding them