UNITED ASEAN edisi/phiên bản/ထုတ်ဝေ/បោះពុម្ព/ฉบับ/edisyon/版
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it's 4 am in the morning goddamnit
The coofing continues
It's been showing the rain icon since last week and it never rained.
Why does Philippines use Salamat, despite being Christian country?
I wish it rained here, the weather's been very nice and sunny lately
>tfw cured and immune
Arabs had a lot of influence on maritime SEAsia. Circumcision is also common in the philippines despite being Catholic.
martial law now
imagine being infected
The streets awaits keks
What if Marcos saved the Phillippines from communism?
Was the Philippines ever communist to begin with? I know Marcos sent troops to Vietnam to stop the spread of communism over there, but the Philippines always remained capitalist since it has close ties with the USA
He would be coofing hard right now
Wew we gonna ded. More peoples ded daily now than being tested soon.
>still no corona bux
Don't worry user, you sacrificed yourself so our cunt get more tourists and investment.
Kiwis taking over
I wish this virus evolved and killed all of us
Hello Indo
>critical infection
indonbros how do i get a gun? AAAAAAAHHHHH
Ur honorary asean from now on, sheep
Be honest, do you actually know our recent border policy change?
Virtually all foreign unimportant are not allowed in
Not Indon, just learning the language.
if you are white, why dont you better go to Japan and South Korea?
Do flips still have communists in their country?
Ah finally got the symptom after more than 18 hours.
>already went to emoji and got cured
how do i get cured
wtf im cureed
Does /asean/ miss their dictators?
exposure to sunshine + vitamin C + asthma inhalator (Salbutamol) + hot soup
not sure , most countries if not all have left wing parties.
Soeharto was cringe but at very least he knew how to get the shit done. Unlike those 21st century presidents.
Wasn't he very corrupt and evil?
what are you guys doing today?
From what I've seen Gen Xers is split on him, Boomers OK with him and Millenials dislike him.
Reading hentai all the day as usual.
Because they are integrated states of the US empire
Is your wife from Indonesia? I don't really see any use in learning a SEA language
How to get corona am I immune? Coof plox
Malaysia. In a pure utility sense yes but it's easy, fun and I intend to live there atleast for some time.
time to purge the infected
come at me
Ah yes, finally, after 3 months, right? Wow that's so quick, must be able to stop us from dying!
Corrupt yes, Evil is subjective.
corrupt and competent.
By what I meant as recent is actually late february but sure
Lmao at the infected
Trying to learn Python, but usually, imageboards and videogames always distract me from doing that.
Is Hong Kong SEA?
No, they're part of China so they're East Asian
What do you SEAs think of my map? I balkanized a few countries to keep the balance of power intact.
>java in one state
Oh boy, imagine the internal struggle within the state.
wiwi mecahin rekor gaes
Why aren't flips balkanized?
Wait what the fuck?
Kalo beli barang di tokped bisa sekali beli dari toko yg beda2 gak sih?
The alternative was worse, imagine splitting Java among any line
I think this is a fair analysis, would probably fall into upward support line 2 depending on how other ASEAN currency fares.
SGD and ringgit is on upward momentum too I think
Bayarnya bisa sekali. Tapi ongkir tiap seller sendiri-sendiri
And bali or timor timor doesn't have its own power to be independent, no matter how good bali tourism is.
That map doesn't make any sense
kalo gitu masih mending beli di satu toko aja atau beli di beda2 toko yang harganya mungkin lebih murah tapi bayar ongkir sendiri2?