I fucking hate seeing Mestizos taller than me (1.80m)...

I fucking hate seeing Mestizos taller than me (1.80m). It’s fine if it’s a white guy or something since they’re generally taller but another Mestizo? Get fucked! I’m the one that’s always tallest

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I'm 1.78cm and pretty much unnoticable vermin here might as well live in the sewers

>I'm 1.78cm
How did you even type this post without falling in between the keys of your keyboard?

I have a help helper for my severe manletism

One of my mexican/chicano friends is 193cm.

Kill him

My friend is like 195cm or something, a few inches taller than me.

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I'm 1.85cm and I have a friend who is 1.93m, but he's arab as fuck.

There used to be a Croat in our general, he was 1.65 m tall, balding and single at 26
He didn't post in quite a few months, I wonder if he's still alive

Some arabs who actually descend from Beduins are tall as fuck, Bin Laden was 1.90

I'm a Tepehuan-Basque mestizo and only 5'11" yet I'm unironically the tallest person of Mexican descent that I know apart from my also Tepehuan-Basque cousin.

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I'm a mestizo who is taller, stronger, smarter, and better looking than you. Fuck you gon' do bro.

>I'm a mestizo who is taller, stronger, smarter, and better looking than you. Fuck you gon' do bro.

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Fuck off Dylon, this is between me and the moor.

I’m 180 which is fairly tall for a Salvadoran and yet my four best friends in high school were all taller than me (the shortest of them was 183 centimeters). I always felt like such a manlet even though I’m really not a manlet in this country kek

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That is a pure olmec centraca

Im manlet but my cousins are both 5'10-6'2, we are mestizos.

Forgot to mention we're Salvadoran

>tfw 170cm castizo
Mami and papi are both manlets. What the fuck Spain. import some Dutch chads in the gene pool you manlets

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I'm 166cm midget manlet.... IT'S OVER

173cm here. I feel for you, the only people my height or shorter are old Asians that were probably starved in their childhood

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How do you know you’re basque, did you google your last name kek

I never gived a single fuck about my height until I started to visit Yas Forums and these kinds of threads
Get the fuck out of here, there's nothing for you here apart from poison for your mind

>he was 1.65 m tall

How did he ended up like that

Isn't everyone in ex-yugo is 180m minimum

I am 175cm.

I have to use drugs to cope

Me too bro.


hey Alex, when's the next due?

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What kind of drugs?

Are people from other countries really that tall? Here everyone's like 1.75, I wish I was joking. I remember some months ago I was waiting for my order at the mall and meanwhile I just stared at all the people there. Everyone was so short, me included, maybe out of hundreds there was like one taller person but that's it. And it's the same in college, maybe one or two guys are taller than 1.80 but no more, so every time there's a height thread I get so weirded out. Everyone talks about 1.85 being short and 1.90 being the average and just wow, why did I have to be born in manlet country.

Because my great grandparents who were still alive until two years ago were born in Spain and spoke Basque.

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I am Matt Healy.

Mostly speed sometimes mdma

that faggot? I don't want that shit. Give me some more fookin Arctic monkeys

How large is your penis?

They are just lying just watch videos from some random European country and you will see that the majority of people there are manlets. Lots of niggas here are just obsessed with height so when they go out they only notice the people that are taller than them. I think that’s called confirmation bias or something like that


>tfw 173cm

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*watch videos of crowds

what painting is that part of? looks like a handsome man

I think in South American countries the average zoomer is 5'9 or so but average European zoomer (18-19 year olds) are probably 6'0 or 6'1. Not 6'3 like most incels here claim.

Is it 16 or 173 cm dont lie

Yeah obviously europeans are taller than Latino Americans in average but here you have some dudes saying shit like “oh no I’m 185 centimeters tall I’m such a manlet” and shit like that it’s hilarious

i'm not talking about my penis. I'm talking about my "height"

How is your penis "height" 173 cm? It sounds impossible, longer than a child's whole body.

My height is 166cn and my penis length is 16cm

Wow I an bigger in both ways because I am swedish
204 cm and 22 cm penis
And im 135kg

Good for you :)

can you read? I said i'm not talking about my penis. I was talking about my height. I am a fucking manlet. My dick length is 13 cm

Sorry, I just didn't think male in 2020 can be so small with so much food and nutrition available. Were you starved at a soup kitchen for life?

You were making 2 posts like a weird guy, just include both information to the ame post next time and someone will not be as confused.
For example I would say my height 204cm my penis 22cm my weight 135kg, simple as

Not really I just lost genetic lottery

Eat milk more and protein and stretch daily to grow into your 30s dont worry you just need to force it
Do light exercise to stimulate whole body and growth will happen naturally
Reach for the moon

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Lol... it's over for me maybe I can save some money and go to surgery and fix my height there



That’s short in America. I’m south Asian and 6’5”. Why are Mexicans so small and cute

I was doing so well, and here you go giving me the green. Damn you, user. I'll kick your ghost in the groin once we're all dead.

Is he Arab though

Yeah, Palestinian family. He looks like straight outta ISIS