Town of Salem edition
Town of Salem edition
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Town of Reddit has been ruined by Discord (formerly Skype) zoomer groups.
Is today a holiday, do I need to come up with things I "worked" on from home?
Yeni raki is owned by Diageo....
Armenia looks like the wasteland in fallout 4.
koi si ti be sme6nik?
Imagine what a wasteland the europea union will be after the coronachan fad dies out
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I am Greek.
kat vijda6 ot emojito mi, moa samo da pusna salza ot smradnqta deto ti puska6
So, China's lying out their ass apparently. This shit might last indefinitely, lol.
I'm making a new thread with this kek
DEATH TO THE e""""u""""
Yes I like fruitcups
good thing i already have yellow fever
the thing with this corona shit is that even if you lock everyone for 1 month right now in their homes with enough food and all that stuff, the virus might still not die out completely because some people can be carriers of it for more than 30 days without being sick
all it takes is that guy to spread it to two more people and GG
and meanwhile the economy is completely dead
but doesn't it stop being contagious after 7 days from infection?
yeah I know, but the tards in charge won't risk anything considering chinese numbers are unreliable, and they got even more scared with the absolute plague this thing is begining to be in eu and us
in most cases yes, in some cases up to 14 days and in the rarest cases up to 25 days and more
fucked up shit
nidei ba bate
spukoi sa ba bate
ne si ciganin
This thread sucks.
Good for you Kelly, have fun
How hasn't EYП repressed the shit out of Kelly yet?
This is what BG authorities do to BG Kellys.
Have you heard of shadow poster ?
Isn’t US already doing human trials on a vaccine
When will I be cured?
when you die :)
Thank god.
Fuck internet is really shit now
da se spie ili ne mme
Do you have something better to do than sleeping?
>Do you have something better to do than sleeping?
actually yes but if i go to sleep now i can do it early in the mornng
Would you have more energy for doing that thing now or early in the morning?
a cute serbian girl keeps messaging me, what should i say to win her heart
I want to sleep but I'm sure I'll just end up laying awake in my bed for another hour
Bee yourself
early morning of course
no such thing
Is there something that can help you falling asleep? Maybe reading, listening to calming music etc. Sometimes opening window helps, because it is, like, supposed to be easier to fall asleep when you are cold or something. There are also some breathing exercises for that
Then you probably should get some sleep
read a text on your phone and you'll fall asleep fast
maybe i should but don't think gonna do it
Ill try that
Why not? Do you have trouble falling asleep or something else?
I hope you will get some sleep
no i have trouble with procrastinating
I want to learn Serbian. Wish me luck. Don't touch me, for I am infected.
Oh, i know how that feels. In that case, if this thing is important and you feel like you may procrastinate it in the morning, it might be better to do it now
Good luck. I am infected too, anyway
Good luck
Go back to your shithole
>if this thing is important and you feel like you may procrastinate it in the morning, it might be better to do it now
already started working on it
cya tomorrow lads gn
Good luck bro, I got a new job in zoo last month so I'm also learning Serbian too.
Haven't stepped foot on Yas Forums for about a week wtf is this Green shit
It is like April fool's joke or something
Don't respond to anyone with a fucked up user or an infection logo. Once infected avoid posting too much, you'll be on a timer and eventually you'll get quarantine banned.
Something is not right. The weather is crazy, April and tons of snow. Cant recall this to have ever happened. Corona hype and overly protective measures and media hype, economy crash. It's like all is an exercise to keep us at home to prevent something else , or to install something.
And how come some have it and others don't?
Nigger European hours started 15 hours ago, we know.
You are lost, you idiot. I said not to respond.