These are the most developed places in africa

Green- developed
Red-Not developed

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Based southern and northern Africa

Best : North Algeria / Cape Town
Worst : Chad / Somalia

Keep in mind that here, in Germany and in France they claim to be ''refugees from wars''

>Germany and in France they claim to be ''refugees from wars''
Why tho

Oh nevermind
Well HDI is a bit of a bullshit statistic considering lybia isn't dark red but still
I didn't know they had to deal with isis there

It's only in the remote desert and mountains, rest of Maghreb is safe

Because betwee the claim and the verification and repatriation they can live by gibs

"refugees from wars" is just a desperate excuse to seek asylum, Algerians who do it aren't allowed to come back here.

my ancestors :)

Whats the problem with Chad?
Sure, they may have spillovers from the autism in Darfur and Boko Haram and have experienced multiple coups, but else?

I thought Rwanda would do better here

Africa's developed is balkan tier

Developed is a relative term and based on western standards of what is 'good' and 'bad'.

It's mostly a moroccan and tunisian thing.
We have less than 20.000 algerians here.

>Algerians who do it aren't allowed to come back here.
What do you mean with "who do it"? Those that attempt it and getting refused or those who are allowed to stay in Eurolands as "war refugees"?

Yes, the western way is the best way to measure development instead of cows. You're right.

But then again, those attempt to claim they are from Iraq or Syria. Doubt any Moroccan successfully claimed asylum for the stuff in the Western Sahara.

>tfw the most developed parts of africa are french territories
decolonization was a mistake

Botsuwana seems to be a good country if i dont care the HIV and i own a car

>I thought Rwanda would do better here
Nah, the Rwanda is 1st world is a meme
It's one of the poorest countries in in the world
Even compared to African standards it is Uber poor.
The Rwanda is the Singapore of Africa is a bit of a meme.
Rwanda is incredibly safe however compared to the rest of africa and compared to the USA and India.
It has 1st world tier in terms of the crime rate.
It's also the country that is inovating the most in africa, from sending a satilite in space to using drones to help it's healthcare.
And it is trying to develop its secondary cities as well as villages with modern equipment and technology.
>>tfw the most developed parts of africa are french territories
It's British not fr*nch
>decolonization was a mistake
If the west could make unique buildings for its colonies instead of the same garbage, and actually give a shit about its colonies then shure

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Constant warfare, being landlocked, uranium mines, being part of Françafrique isn't really good for your health

Algerians who flee, seek asylum under pretext they are "war refugees" aren't allowed to come back here, you automatically resign your Algerian citizenship the moment you do it.

Algeria could had been a lot more developed.

Lybia is still at war though

You left us, that's why

>French colonial legacy is good
>French colonial legacy is bad
The duality of man.

I though Tunis and Marocco were better than Algeria lol

Makes me think what the autists in B*rlin or Paris want to do with them, once their asylum application is rejected, but Algeria doesn't take them back anymore.

>You left us, that's why
The french left all of africa.
Not just you guys
>Lybia is still at war though
>I though Tunis and Marocco were better than Algeria lol
Hdi is a bit of a meme
>Algerians who flee, seek asylum under pretext they are "war refugees" aren't allowed to come back here, you automatically resign your Algerian citizenship the moment you do it.

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Based, tahia djazair!

I think it is the Berber element
they are organized and industrious people
the west of the country had more french influence but it is not as developed as the north east.
I am an arab, and I envy the organization of berbers (Chaoui for military, Kabyle for Administration, Mzabi for Trade)
We arabs of Algeria have no social structure and we don't cooperate with each others or have any form of familial organization, we laugh and play together but never wish to work together.
There are Telemcanis but they are just a bunch of powerless arrogant families thats all.
They never left us muwahaha

>I think it is the Berber element
they are organized and industrious people
really wished this applied to all Berber people

Since we actually never left most French speaking countries it would be more appropriate to speak of the "current phase of colonization" rather than of "legacy"

this map isn't even accurate. morocco is more developed than tunis and libya used to be the best place in africa before the war.

Niggers are not into civilization much apparently

>Niggers are not into civilization much apparently
Botswana is tho

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Uh what do you mean? Because I like to know more about berbers, fuck that brainwashed Chaoui Boumedien arabist, he tried to kill off the identity and pushed the kabyles to be slightly more openly arrogant than the rest of us.

Tell him about Tanzania. Their capital got skyscrapers and palm trees.

I've been in a village in a light green area without electricity supply for 2 years


>Tell him about Tanzania. Their capital got skyscrapers and palm trees.
Tanzania is as developed as Bangladesh

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>They never left us
True lol
>I think it's the Berber element
It probably has more to do with how Algeria economy is centralized toward the capital, the closer you are to Algiers, the more developed you will be. Though, what you said isn't entirely wrong , I don't think it's the main reason.

That's because Botswana is fairly ethnically homogenous, so it doesn't have as much internal turmoil as other Africa states.

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Also Nigeria, despite being one of the richest nations in africa has the same HDI as Rwanda a country poorer than it and having very little resources.

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i am not talking about any legacy whatsoever, i am talking about retaking them as territories.

Only 62% of the population have electricity. Also they all have aids.

These stuff happen here too, and they happen because of two reasons
1- The mayor of the village is a corrupt fat dumb ass who enjoys stealing public money and wearing an oversized suit
2- The village community is passive and irrationally afraid of the government because they don't know how to write a letter or even protest.
The gov are a bunch of pansies in reality.
Yep you cleared things for me. and it helps me to clear thing for you.
You say centralization, that explains why the dark green states are around the Capital, and the Capital lays right in the center of the coast.
I say the Berber element, Because look how the eastern states and southern states of the capital are dark green (which are home lands to Berber tribes) while the western states which are closer to some eastern states are only light green, and you know how things are there, personally me being from there I say they are the states where Berber Individuals come to escape their family organization and have a more independent life style.
Nigeria has to feed 400 million people two meals each day. And 50% of them are underage and illegible to work.
Rwanda does not.

>Only 62% of the population have electricity.
Better than most of africa
>Also they all have aids.
17.25 of the population has aids

Botswana and Namibia seem to be doing OK, what's their secret?

>Nigeria has to feed 400 million people two meals each day. And 50% of them are underage and illegible to work.
>Rwanda does not.

>Botswana and Namibia seem to be doing OK, what's their secret?
Low population
Fairly homogeneous

Being near South Africa and having had ambivalent relations to Apartheid SA does wonders. Also diamonds and tactical leaders Seretse Khama not throwing out all colonial administrators outright or keeping friendlier relations to western corps when compared to other African countries etc.

>Better than most of africa
So it's shit. For example Afghanistan is a war torn country. Americans fucked every part of it but 97% of Afghans can use electricity. Botswana doesn't have wars and its population is only 2 million but almost half of them live in dark

Few people, a lot of resources and space, capitalist policies and good relations with global economic powers

Based Cape Town

>>Better than most of africa
>So it's shit. For example Afghanistan is a war torn country. Americans fucked every part of it but 97% of Afghans can use electricity. Botswana doesn't have wars and its population is only 2 million but almost half of them live in dark
70% of Botswanans have electricity
Still you make a decent point

We're okay

Is it warzone tier crime ridden like the rest of south africa

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Botswana also has the highest rate of AIDS on Earth. Shagging there is akin to playing Russian roulette

>Botswana also has the highest rate of AIDS on Earth. Shagging there is akin to playing Russian roulette
It doesn't
Eswatini (Swaziland) does