كسم الاسلام
كسم العروبة
/MENA/ - /مينا/
Other urls found in this thread:
ben shapiro destroy my pussy
>من الخليج الى المحيط
>*الله اكبر*
I like islam especially sufism :)
اريد انيچ
حتى اني
تخيل يكون ماعندك ايموجي
انت هم ما عندك
how do i cure?
i hate the fat Texan poster. doesn't belong here
why tho?
لاااا لترد راح تعدينييييييي
Either blonde Chad who wants to convert and slay pussy or Muslim diaspora.
How well can you guys communicate with those squiggly lines? --like between different countries, there must be some difference I assume
What about accents are they very different from one country to the other? Is there one that people like more than the others, is there one that is universally hated?
This is the /general/ I know the less about.
ولا تنسون العروبة اخطر شي على بقاء العرب
احوو احووو
In mena traditions there were many poems praising local mountains, and some tribes worshiped mountains, and there is an adjective just for complimenting mountains...
I personally envy having subarctic mountains. The adjectives that come to mind: Pure, Mighty, Numerous, Ego-less, Isolated, Quite, Out of the way.
But an average Muslim male or female would say a religious expression that expresses Wonder Towards God's Perfect Creation.
This post might have been autistic but I won't be stingy with using it.
this has been the Algerian national anthem lately. There is a curfew after 8 pm and every fucking day, there is a fiesta, police running after people who don't respect the quarantine.
اريد انيچ
Obviously there different dialects, and the closer a country is to yours the more intelligible its dialects will be.
I don't think there's any agreement on which dialect sounds best however pretty much everyone in the middle east thinks we (nafris in general but moroccans in particular) sound like aliens.
Nooooo i lost my plague
انون راح تموت عن قريب شنو الفائدة
When people start to learn Arabic, do they pick one dialect or just learn "general" Arabic?
I know very little about it, I was thinking the variations were more like the ones the English language has but it seems like it works more like Creole variations or like the several different dialects some European countries like Italy, France and Germany have.
I can't really relate to it. The most we have in Brazil although it is a very big country is a bunch of vowels pronounced differently and some small preferences for certain words.
اريد اموت
Do Egyptians get mad when Euros talk about Copts and how they're the real Egyptians while the rest are arab rapebabies?
Arabic is an easy language.
I hope they fix the internet at least
Do you have an Idea how would they fix the internet? I have an Idea.
Egyptians (including Copts) usually don't not concern themselves with who came from where, except those who want to claim some prestige from being from a specific Arab tribe or from a family of Turkic landowners, although even in that usually case nobody else cares
This basically, no one here is obsessed with race like some of the people you see on this site. An Egyptian is an Egyptian, Coptic or otherwise.
Pick the leb dialect, it sounds good.
Hey how was your day my friend?
لا كسم الالحاد
اريد انيچ
The worship of the aids ridden anuses of homosexuals is one of the hallmarks of western society.
>only way to get the emoji is to “recover” from the meme disease
no thanks
هات طيزك
انيچ مو انآچ
Sounds based.
أوك خذ طيزي
wtf is the emoji
انشر رجليك
I forgot to say this, but after a break from fortnite, I got a #1 victory royale on my own!
granted, i waited until the last two players dueled and sniped the winner, but I’ve survived a couple of ambushes and picked off a decently-experienced squad one by one beforehand, so it didn’t feel cheap.
invite me to your discord server.
pay attention to me
stop jerking each other in your discords
آفتهمنه اختلتنيج
hole me bros
wew you won against bots
good job tard
stop giving it (you)s guys
i really want that emoji though... can’t understand why Hiroshim00t thinks it’s fine to spam regurgitated frogs and wojaks, but not post emojis.
illiterate incel
only retarded people will post under this line