Are they the most unlikeable cunts in Europe?
Are they the most unlikeable cunts in Europe?
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I won't judge a whole country based on a single politician and a few Yas Forums anons. I've met people from there and they are nice people.
Yes. Never met one so I will just assume they must be unlikeable cunts.
seethe more asspainiard
No. Scandis are, in particular Swedes. That's assuming we are talking about western Europe.
Because the East is a whole other back of dicks.
tf, I like them now.
they're the most based in europe
Their language? absolutely! the people? mixed bag, they're not offensive really, other than the language, did I mention the language? I'm going to mention it one more time.
yes, they are, ironically worse than the jews
How can weed surpass jews?
Jews take care of their grandmothers, at least.
The Dutch will gladly kill their grandmother for a couple of pennies.
Well if a german is saying that someone is worse than the jews, than i believe it.
Lol literally why? Should we give you more free money or something. Please ellect some competent leaders next time who can fix your debt.
We are not responsible for your financial problems.
You've had years to get your shit together you lazy bums, go beg somewhere else
Shut up tax haven
Suck my big contaminated dick you lanket
by ended up in the same ashtray
>a b*lgian calling us a tax haven
Don't you have a shed to build along the highway somewhere?
The fact not only Southron politicians but even the mouthbreathing masses start to gobble this garbage up makes me reconsider how wrong corona chan was to pick them as her favorite.
>tax haven
Lol each country can ask their own tax, if we'dd ask more money they would just leave to the next country.
If your companies are leaving your country for a better one it is YOUR bad policie.
Do not blames us for your mistakes.
Dutch people are in fact, along with Spaniards, the most likeable people in Europe.
>people are dying
>MUH MONIES is all the Dutch can think about
Should honestly get invaded and thrown into the city you pathetic non country.
Not like you'd be able to do anything about it.
>should honestly get invaded
Is that a threat Heinz?
>Lol each country can ask their own tax, if we'dd ask more money they would just leave to the next country.
Not true. You are abusing favorable EU rules created to boost the EU market in order to export profits from other member states outside the EU. Litterally LEECHING of other EU member states. In 2021 it will all be over though. But this whole thing says a lot about D*tch "people". No wonder you people are known for being greedy fucks.
Should be kicked out of the EU desu
Nah, I like them.
As long as they don't call me a Kankermof or some shit like that.
shut up kraut
i will kill your family
All the germanics are.
Tais-toi, sale connard.
not even close
Ta gueule sac à merde toi et tes semblables êtes les pires de tous, suffisants et arrogants avec tout le monde.
No :)
Ta gueule et sucé ma grand bit de negre, petit fille.
Their own women consider them the worst lovers and vote for open borders so they can get quality dicking from Suriname. Google "nederlandse slechtste minnaars" and you'll find hundreds of articules on that. Not even their height can save them.
allez casse toi le boche
Is this the power behind the great dutch economy????
>steal money for years through tax pottery
>throw a tantrum when the other countries need them
>say even that is said countries problem if they don't have money
in normal circumstances they would have been bombed to dust
Nah, they're bros. You're speaking about eurobonds, right? I don't think they're unlikable at all, but apparently most people dislike us as well... They are based neighbors, good old swamp Germans.
>And the french come last
Why are there so many of your kind here in France then you gobshite
they are hilarious and chill but their language is disgusting
Good to see you back here Italybro. It is up to us to expose the Greed of The Shitterlands
That would be us senpai
You are the neighbor that is cool for a while, then suddenly rapes you anally and after some time he pretends nothing happened and gives you money. Polish-German relationship in a nutshell kek
Je m'en bat les couilles, branleur. C'est vous qui sont arrogant et malodorant.
J'ai gagné cette argument. Rends-toi comme toujours.
I hate them
>people are dying!! D:
Yes so??? What is your point? Giving these countries money won't save lives?
Stop using the death of your population as leverage.
hahahah what is preventing you from using the same fucking rules idiot.
No the port of rotterdam mostly is.
Yes they are the worst
They are on par with swedes
Oxfam is playing a significant part in sexually exploiting children in poor countries around the world.
*dabs on you*
hahahahhhahahahahhahaha??? just lower your taxes lol.
Oh and maybe pay your own taxes, would probably help. Fucking gypsie beggars.
Yeah fuck that tax haven german offshoot
not even their women like them
pay your taxes
Those men date ugly white women to get a residence permit.
The dutchies I've met irl have all been dead chill, think Yas Forums just has a particularly awful few posters.
The swamp krauts should be annexed by Germany. I just don't see any reason why they deserve to be their own country.
>pay your taxes
We do pay our taxes actually, and they are pretty high.
Foreign corporates who establish their headquarters here don't pay
I am 1/128 Dutch.
i take back everything good i ever said about dutch