Literally what is wrong with them?
America is China Tier
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The funniest thing is they fucking take it. Americans talk all this shit about fighting for something then roll over immediately and squeal like the little piggies they are
What's the problem here? They don't want to cause a panic.
America is a magical place where even toothless hicks can attain positions of power
both are the same shit with different skins
mutual annihilation when
They're a slave race, their existence is to work and die for their masters.
"They don't want to cause panic"
"It's for the greater of the people"
"The masses wouldn't understand"
"The state know better"
and so on
those are the excuses ditatorships uses
Okay. Let's be honest. It's beyond retarded.
enjoy your DLC
Who tf is surprised? Of course USA is China tier of brainwashing and secrets
America is a third world country.
At least the air in the room was free of charge
>can get to a situation that there are not enough doctors
>fire doctors for speaking out against real problems
don't give them ideas!
What is this? A monthly subscription for dental care discounts?
You Europoors do the same thing though
>speak against invasion of "refugees"
>get locked down
>holocaust is unspeakable of
>any criticism of immigration gets you labeled a racist schizo and you risk losing your job
is pretty much the same shit.
white people shit. this bullshit is free.
always here white faggots complaining about how baby bills are super expensive and like 40k at the hospital. shit is free, i didn't pay a cent. same with all these surgeries and whatever, just literally dont pay it. after 7 years it gets wiped off your credit.
>b-but how will I buy the new Tesla vehicle1!!!1!
Don't, buy a car with cash. you dont need every new baby rattle consumer toy
>b-but getting a mortgage!1!!!
Use your VA homeloan if you were in the military, or save money from not paying dumbass medical bills that aren't real to offset a poorer interest rate from your mortage loan.
all this shit is LITERALLY white people being dumb gullible losers. I used to be a neonazi Yas Forums type, but white are so fucking dumb, wimpy and useless that I am now in the complete opposite side. if you're this dumb and get jewed so easily, you deserve to get wiped out for incompetence.
What's an elf on a shelf, some kid of Dog?
Americans have free health care from Jesus!
Why do racist schizos always try to play the victim
In the Netherlands political discrimination is illegal. You can't get fired for it.
Those numbers do not add up to the total at the bottom.
um sweetie, tax-deductible charity isn't socialism
Crazy to think things like this still exist in a first world country in 2020
It's probably not one page.
all governments are evil, suck it up
They are free to work in some other hospital
That's nightmarish.
it's ok, 5 million is 50% of a billion to americans.
a plastic toy.
This. Just like China trying to silence the whistleblower. Don't want to cause a panic.
hillarious. love it when double digit iq morons eat shit. You know for a fact that most of the opinions they hold are just part of an associated package of their political opinion which they use to define their identity.
But yeah, just don't pay medical bills, that shit is for whitoids.
In the Netherlands the government requested the people to give their protective masks and such to their doctors if they could. And within days they had giant stacks again.
So, it didn't cause a panic.
>teachers have to buy their own supplies
>mechanics have to buy their own tools
>doctors have people donate masks to them, cry on reddit and get upvotes for working an ABSURD 12 hour day(most working class people in the USA do this every day for 30 years)
I fucking hate doctors. I seriously do hope many of them die to this coronavirus. Upper class kids who get funneled into a high prestige/money profession through a pay2win school system in the USA. If the school were free and there wasn't such extensive monetary gatekeeping to become a doctor, most of the present day practicing doctors probably wouldnt cut it.
>whistleblower for something thay was already in the press
Western propaganda is so tiresome.
Freedom, the Market, Patriotism, small-town American family values and Gawd will cure this pandemic.
Capitalism (tm)
Why Americans tolerate this shit?
Shareholders fear more losing money than their health
i fucking hate the culture of excessive money and stock market worship here
Not a single employee anywhere here has to buy their own supplies..
Well, except in the military.
we do suck. heard theyve just been telling people negative no matter what and diagnosing the virus as pneumonia around here because they ran out of some material or something. shits fucked.
A lot of us don't but what the fuck are we supposed to do?
>it's illegal
>therefore it doesn't happen
Cutest thing I've heard in a while.
Such a sweetie you are.
In the Netherlands you don't get welfare if you don't object to being fired. And all cases of a person being fired are tested by either a judge or the welfare agency. If they don't agree with the reason, the employer has to pay extra damages. If you have a good reason the damages go down. If you have bad reasons to fire someone the damages go up.
Use your GUNS and FREEDOM like you always say you would.