
/balk/an standoff edition


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Other urls found in this thread:


Alternative new??

>ITS A FYROMBEY ALTER EGO!!!!! ITS AN ALTER EGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: d31[1].png (600x687, 36.55K)

in this scenario there would be about a million turkish, italian, german, american and swiss flags defending the albo cousin

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>NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CANT REPLY TO INFECTED PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: c69[1].jpg (640x590, 34.75K)

I don't have a hazmat suit.

>got the diaspora to defend the hypothesis that there is, in fact, a sentient 100 IQ shqip in shkupi

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bitch you're the minority, you don't get to make demands

daily reminder that if your posts are green or you have lines in your anonymous name you are a cuck and I will fuck your wife/girlfriend

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I have no close relatives in usa, their all in Europe

Cringe and Blue atpilled

we already fucking yours

seething virusposters

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>daily reminder that if your posts are green or you have lines in your anonymous name you are a cuck and I will fuck your wife/girlfriend

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>tfw got cured again
Cux t b h

>lines in name
you're done for, baloonhead

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It's the tranny's achievement for the day. The other being not going to the store during a state of emergency.

What this guys doesnt realize is that everyone once in their life will question everything, bit this guys very apparently never did that, probably read Richard dickson once and then went full retard

>posting pepe

>autistic greenposter keeps calling me a tranny
xaxaxaxax the state of this cuck


am i green yet ?

stfu tranoid

>loses by 2300 points because he has the vocabulary of a 5 year old girl
>will produce enough heat from his ass to power the 7 main cities in Bulgaria until the end of 2020
>only achievements this year are not going outside

you can only become green by replying to the autists who are but i don't see why you would want that

No. We're pure.

Attached: balk corona3.jpg (1920x1080, 507.39K)

The Green Quarantined ones can infect you by replying to you. There is some RNG involved though.

Wat ze fak
Don't reply to us, infectedfags

>still happy that he beat me in a drawing game
>still mistaking me for someone else
>still greenposting

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>only çair has no infected
Once again we prevail

>The Green Quarantined ones can infect you by replying to you. There is some RNG involved though.
no they can't i've been posting here all day without replying to green autists and they keep replying to me and i'm still normal

amerishqip replied to a green autist and immediately started turning green


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And there is also some time until your name starts scrambling... you can be asymptomatic and spread the infection unknowingly then suddenly your condition worsens.

Why did she refuse Macedonians?

You're probably one of he randomly immune ones.

t. Mehmet Grekoglu
t. Robert III Al-Siptari
t. Iordan Ismailov
t. Srboje Ivanov
t. Joao Ozcalan
t. Cesare Vladimir Bulgarescu

Still not sick


Imagine giving a shit whether you're sick on not in a tungusian basket weaving forum minigame for april 1st...

i wanna cum in greenposter's wives oh wait they're virgins

he really is turbo cringe, lmao

lmao back to lebbit kiddo and FUCK greenposters


Lemme spread my gheg seed real fast

like, extremely cringe

imagine being nearly 35 and that autistic
i'd take being magyarbey over that, unironically

you can't spread it by replying to me i can only get it if i reply to you

>wE sHoUld hAvE cLoSeD tHe bOrdErS liKe mUh rUsSiA

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>starting to fix his reddit lingo
like a puppet on strings, good

>you can't spread it by replying to me i can only get it if i reply to you
OH NO look at this dude

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Biggest country on the planet. It'd be tough to test all the peasants near the chink border, cut'em some slack.

>thinking i'm a 35 year old tranny when in reality i'm a 23 yr old chad who can easily fuck your girlfriend without you being able to do literally ANYTHING about it

>i'd take being magyarbey over that, unironically
well, Idk about that, but definitely comparable


based irishman telling it like it is

whatever, krum4o

Cичкитe тeзи ca в Mocквa

щoтo нe e лecнo дa тecтвaш ceляци нa 10,000 км oт тeбe

greenposters may be cucks but this greenposters is a cuck in real life damn lmao look at way he posts literally can see the heat from his ass

only the roach has not been infected, well I be damned, they were right about them all

that's not my point, I'll give you an example
>not as densely populated
>about the same population
>harsher measures
>got the virus later
and now they have more cases, when all the border spergs keep shitting bricks, I don't like open borders and shiet, but those retards can't make a coherent argument to save their live
>inb4 DPRK

>Lines start to appear around my name again



Shut your mouth you fucking bitch westerner ireland has been a country for like 50 years, when your people were farming potatos Bulgaria was the strongest empire in Europe (681-1018). Now today we are one of the only christian slavic white countries left and fuck up sandniggers that try to come to our country while you guys invite them to change you demographically



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Opet ne radim nista

>sat giour maut bits uesterner

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Good evening /balk/

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Slončo I know you're lurking

imagine being green

>Sashko got infected and disappeared in shame

Why did Tito invent Macedonia?


this evening just keeps getting better


thread theme


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Only the BMW and the iPhone is based

>tfw check all boxes

Where my biohazard at
We recovering n shit?