This is unironically my last day ever on Yas Forums...

This is unironically my last day ever on Yas Forums. Even after witnessing a clear decline in content quality across the whole website, I'd been coming here because old habits die hard. But the response to this new quirky coronavirus meme has finally and completely proven to me that this place is reddit, but without the usefulness.

I feel like I'm not alone, I can't be the only guy who wasted this youth here that wants to quit this place as it's not even entertaining anymore.

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See you tomorrow.

April fools?

Yeah this. But without the shitskin flag

Nedense nefret etsem de hep geri dönüyorum, ben de anlamıyorum hocam.

not this time.

Thank you it was very delicious.


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the kinda of "humor" that prevails nowadays.
I wish, newfag is a compliment these days

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Attached: 32.png (300x100, 43.16K)

Roaches spread the virus

Good riddance

what crawled up your butt mehmet?

Been here since 2006. You're not going to find any other community online where you can actually speak your mind. Everywhere online has you forced into complying with being a pozzed nigger faggot that worships transexual children and coons. Memes aside, Turks are pretty white and dont have any reason to have an inferiority complex, so unless you're a huge pussy, the rest of the internet is going to piss you off and censor you for not worshipping weakness and petty hypocritical censorship.
If you know of any other site that's like Yas Forums, please let me know.

>this place is reddit, but without the usefulness
how long did it take you to realize this?

same mehmet, I'm leaving for personal reasons tho

see you soon

see you tomorrow Onur

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Just ignore the corona posts faggor, it's not hard. Reddit is freaking out about this way harder.

What's so much more "useful" about Reddit anyways?

t. Turkish Shahar


Incredible that some people think that Yas Forums is a place for serious discussion hahaha its been puerile from the very start, if you don't like that how did you end out here in the first place



good riddance you fucking trash. nobody gives a shit about turks you're the worst posters here. you should leave and no need to explain it

it was entertaining, I had no real friends and I was young, connect the dots.


>decline in content quality
This is such a meme... Yas Forums has always been about shitposting, if anything of worth has been said it was purely by chance


Organization of posts and willingness to discuss without strictly resorting to memes probably. Downsides are the voting system and no anonymity.

Once your here your,here forever

Reddit is hyper pozzed, pana.
You cant say shit without getting censored or downvoted and your posts hidden, unless you 100% agree with the hivemind. You might even get banned.
It's also hypocritically selective as to what they're allowed to break the rules for. Making fun of fat people or blacks? Banned, look at fatpeoplehate or coontown. Making fun of rural white people or anyone with social habits the group doesn't like? Publically shamed and practically doxed on r/trashy. Just one example.
Dont forget you have to toe the political lines or get banned too. Look at the Donald subreddit, everyone else hates them, they cant show up on the front page, anything pro trump has to be locked and censored only to that subreddit. Anything pro Bernie can overflow to any board. I'm not even a trump supporter, just stating facts. Reddit is like China.

imagine taking le interwebz n muh freeze peach this seriously

>Turks dont have any reason to have an inferiority complex
yes, but why did you bring that and how could you interpret OP's post that way?

Good, one less turkroach

You sound like such a huge faggot, jesus christ

he said no lies

That place is like a dystopia and makes me completely understand why Yas Forums types exist.

>A: you've already been replaced, no one cares
>B: yeah no, you're not going anywhere
Pick one.



tbf anything that doesn't agree to the hivemind here will just get spammed by "kys" or "reddit" and saged instead. We're one and the same.


nothing of value was lost
playing the hate and blame game on an echo chamber will just lead to nowhere, these bunches are just sad

people are the same here and there but the dynamic is different, here getting people that disagree with you gives your post more visibility, there it's the opposite

That's not the same as having your comment downvoted until it's deleted or it sinks to the bottom of the page where nobody can see it
I keep seeing faggots like you who jump in to defend reddit everytime this shit is brought up by saying "it's the same here lol" it's just not true, cut it with that crap

yeah but at least it doesn't hide your posts according to your karma
OP is doing the same

LMAOing @ faggots having deep connection with Yas Forums or any other web site/app. Just shitpost 30 min a day to relieve the stress and that's all

See you tomorrow

See you tomorrow, Berkay.

Basically this.
One must relief the tension somehow.

thanks for the tip master, now fuck off.

I mean they have done stupid shit like this before and on b hiding everything behind a puddi puddi video. I feel like it's just that we have all matured a bit that I don't get a kick out of it either

It's all on you tho, make it clear to you what you want and what you enjoy. Autopilot living aint living

Based Turk knowing how to correctly use websites.

I want to write what I think without being thought policed or shamed

It is. The both feed into each other.

Cool, guess whee you cant shitpost or you'll get gone? Reddit

replacement for companionship, otherwise there is no one

What does the emoji next to my name mean?

that's some deep analysis, wise oriental man

late stage cancer

I think it's recovery

Let me guess: you got banned for being a Nazi.

>Making a thread announcing you're leaving 4chun

If you were serious about it you'd just stop. Otherwise you're like a teenage suicidefag crying for attention.

Remember kids, Corona-chan can't get you if you sage

Yeah, yeah. Shut fuck up and just leave no one here care about you or will ask for you to stay and take this useless blogpost with you, Roach.

I want others in my situation to do the same

>if my opinion is different they will spam me "kys" "dilate" It's the same as being censored
No, it isn't because nobody hide/deletes your posts

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>I want to write what I think without being thought policed or shamed
>Cool, guess whee you cant shitpost or you'll get gone? Reddit
Just make a new account, cuck.

You'll be back. What are you going to do? Talk to Turks?

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He's white, so it's clear he is a pussywhipped Nancy. Honestly these days I just avoid having conversations with euros or white Americans. Sissified white pussies

>Honestly these days I just avoid having conversations with euros or white Americans. Sissified white pussies
Unspeakably based