
mad how I could be killed for having this image saved in china

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mad how /brit/ would have me killed for saving this image in britain

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grim lad innit

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im recovering anyway

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>imagine not being green
squealing like a piglet at this post

2020: these are back in

screenshot this post

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Hello Boris.
Good to hear.

how do you think she's doing these days

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Check these for my man Corbyn

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Double trips for Corbyn

probably being passed around and used up like the little whore she is.

Sucking a door handle

we're in here

So sensitive. Deary me.


how sunderland walked out to the apprentice theme tune for like 2 decades

vococaroo yourself saying the word yoghurt in spanish pls

did the janman die of 'rona?

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god I hope so

>Of the 62 patients, 48 (77%) presented with a fever, 50 (81%) had a cough, 35 (56%) had a productive cough
So this 'corona only gives you a dry non-productive cough' thing was bollocks

hmmm chocolate nigger willies


Love a good cock digging around my arsehole



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Janny is so fat when he gets on a scale it says they need his weight not his post number

gagging to be shagged by a 50 year old powerbottom


doing a video meeting with the gang

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meanwhile i can't wait for the lockdown to be over so i can spend my coronabux on some of adultwork's finest romanian beauties


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imagine not being immune to the chink flu

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the squad


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havent been seeing much of mogg as of late


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alistair darling mentioned

why wont my gf just fucking exercise ffs. she moans about her weight all the fucking time but does nothing about it
im scared shes left it too late and the double chin and extra skin shes gained has been around for too long and will stay even if she did lose weight. she genuinely used to be so fucking peng

>China lied their chinky arses off
what's the remedy here la
>a cheeky bout of sanctions
>final solution

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i'm blue
if i were green i would die


mad how this bloke wasn't invited

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>muh deaths

literally do not care doomer faggot. grow a pair you low test, bitchtits cunt.

been playing assassins creed 1, im up to the 7th kill. pure kino. acre best city, love jesper kyd. simpul as

Does /brit/ have about a thousand unique posters or how are some of you still getting infected

dogshit yank breed

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He is in the shadow cabinet

based commie corbyn would’ve locked us down the instant he got elected

I don't know which response is worse- Brazil's president declaring the pandemic a hoax and ignoring all warning signs, or Sweden who thought they knew better than every other country shutting down and are about to get overwhelmed by this virus due to doing almost nothing to mitigate it

edit: Just to put this in perspective, if Sweden's numbers were scaled to the US' population, Sweden would have about 165,000 cases and 7,900 deaths.


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lead by example lad

honestly grim and dire and mental and mad and maddening and sad

unironically yes

sweden wants to kill off white people and replace them with more niggers

Can someone put /brit/ personalities in here?

Tim Byrne

Has a lot

This Xi looks like some Jade mask made by Mayans.


I don't even read the green posts lol

Brazil, surely. They care more about money than the Amazon.

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this fucking dog

if you don't read this you're bent

mad what mental gymnastics people perform to oppose anything resembling a mainstream narrative

infected with AIDS

No fuck 'personalities' on an anonymous general

so does this little biohazard symbol mean i'm gonna be permabanned after this?

its pretty normal actually

they’re keeping him locked away somewhere they did it for the election if they’re in a crisis can’t have him rolling around saying old people deserve death anyway or something to that effect

She's actually 15. I know her.

face too plastic simple as like a good big nose me

wait... you can edit your posts on 4chins?

>mad what mental gymnastics people perform to oppose anything resembling a mainstream narrative

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hitchens did nothing wrong

Listening to freddie Gibbs spit some flows

almost all women do this

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had all of them apart from the blue one

>tfw immune

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what a very shiny forehead

/brit/ is huge. Throughout the day a few thousand people post here.

mistah Hitchens yor batu soup is leady

how many tripcunts do you think will off themselves today because they can't be the centre of attention?

would happily contract corona for a kpop waifu

Corbyn GET

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Jacob Rees-Mogg: Twitter “is not a serious platform”


unlucky la

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for me its kim dahyun


So lads who do you reckon will be the 'winners' & 'losers' of this so called Corona virus?

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What javs should I download before we all die?

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lmao lisicki's probably bawwing his eyes out


white people, ladies and gentlemen

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>a few thousand
probably a few hundred or so i reckon. most threads have less than 100 unique IPs

honestly these were a stupid irl gimmick
why was wearing a rubber bracelet with livestrong on it a thing

for me? it's sana minatozaki

Mad how BoJo already recovered from Corona

What a man

only the weak get infected

nah the conspiracy mongs are the fedoras

oh shit

already saw 190 have a sperg out earlier because his trip wasn't showing

he’s going to win isn’t he lads

mental how you can spot 190kg's shitty posts even when he has no trip on

Wanking to ahegao lads

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winners: china
neutral: russia
losers: literally everyone else

I never get trips

single-use plastic bands?
they better come with contactless payment capabilities

devastatingly boring lmao

that one where the girls batty is stuck in the lift door


absolutely SICK of this corona gimmick now
just want to post twice in peace thank you very much

state of that tattoo

>nah the conspiracy mongs are the fedoras

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>just voted labour

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I don't do it for attention though. Said it numerous times


i don't feel so good

Ah yes

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love how increasingly hysterical everyone has become about China over the last 4 years
barely anyone gave a shit before that

How is China remotely a winner in this? The entire world is going to be knocking down their door for their pound of flesh when this is through. You can see how worried they are by how desperately they have ramped up their propaganda.

>no beer gardens this summer

down the pub

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didnt read it the first time

yeah that's called lying

If you practiced social distancing this wouldn't happen

Nurgle can’t get me


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Currently reading "Bullshit Jobs" and finding myself agreeing with many of the arguments contained within the book

who do you think we're all getting our bailout money from? they've already gave america an 8 trillion $ '''''''package'''''''''

sounds like denial to me

omigod wow bigboobee!!!!

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*coughs on you*

Because China is legit becoming a real force to be reckoning and whilst china has a vision of the future and grows stronger everyday the west increasingly loses its vision and its identity and becomes ever weaker

haven't gotten around to reading that yet, but its on my shelf.

I already hate my office job, wonder if it will make me more apathetic.

fucked it lads

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haha big fan of this post, can literally see it flying right over the heads of student mongs

It would appear that my posts are being ignored simply because they're tinted green-
Many such cases!

get your tits out, Leslie

Why did everyone start worrying about Germany all of a sudden in c.1933?

Give us the rundown then lad?

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absolutely shit all on amazon prime video. why do i pay for this shit

Denial is a river in Egypt lol

miss the pub

I didn't

if you put your thumb over her face she becomes way more attractive

ahahahaha based Les

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Don't show up 9am either. Blame it on the pandemic innit





Disgusting plastic airbrushed whore

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based proto-NEET fuck toilberg

Lads, I’m scared about our numbers. I thought we were managing the situation well.

take the piss

You don’t realise how much you acc appreciate your job, seeing ur pals/boyfriends/girlfriends, visiting family n going out at the weekend until you’re not allowed to do it I’ll never take anything for granted again. Excited to make more memories when this has all blown over

>haha look at me I'm doing the anime face
dread to imagine what these trollops will be like in their mid-30's.

Heard you yesterday. Agree though it's for fuck all. Was going to watch the grand tour but cant be arsed

wash your hands afterwards

Thanks for the advice