/belg//fort/ antiquity edition

welcome: Menapii, Morini, Nervii, Eburones, Aduatuci, Tungri, Caerosi, Condrusi, Paemani, Ambiani, Atrebates

also welcome: Germani cis-rhenani, Treveri, Batavi, Frisii, Chauci

>"The Belgians are the bravest of all Gauls" - Julius Caesar

welcome frens, welkom/bienvenue!

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Other urls found in this thread:


frens are you there?


Based and carapilsed.

hello fren, how's life up north?

I heard they are exporting Cara pils to Costa Rica now, where it has become the most popular beer in the land.

>Cara Pils verovert Costa Rica: 'Wordt hier niet gezien als marginaal flutbier'

>tfw no Anuna gf

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>'t zitten al drij besmette mensen in den draad

best je scherm inwrijven met verdund bleekwater

Based edish

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>"The first people to cross the Rhine and oust the Gauls, those now called Tungri, were then called Germani. It was the name of this nation, not a race, that gradually came into general use. And so, to begin with, they were all called Germani after the conquerors because of the terror these inspired, and then, once the name had been devised, they adopted it themselves."[13

Isn't it cool how these small things can grow to have a major defining effect on the mistory of mankind? I mean had we called ourselved "poepeloeri" Germany would be known as Poepeloeria today and the Germanic peoples as a whole the Poepeloerian peoples.



>usually use a baking tray for roasting stuff in the oven
>automatically use oven mittens
>this time use a stainless steel pan for the first time instead of a tray
>gotta do some stuff to the food halfway through the cooking
>since it's a pan, just instinctively grab onto the handle
RIP my left hand
it hurts so much

post hand

If it's really bad, ask for ''biafine'' at the pharmacy
If you're hero, let it heal by itself and bear the pain like the old ones

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This is an hour later with some ointment on it, can see the skin is all wrinkly

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What's cool is that there appear to have been little changes in the composition of our people, since its formation around 2500 years ago.

>When Caesar inquired of them what states were in arms, how powerful they were, and what they could do, in war, he received the following information: that the greater part of the Belgae were sprung, from the Germans, and that having crossed the Rhine at an early period, they had settled there, on account of the fertility of the country, and had driven out the Gauls who inhabited those regions; and that they were the only people who, in the memory of our fathers [i.e. as far as we can remember], when all Gaul was overrun, had prevented the Teutones and the Cimbri from entering their territories; the effect of which was, that, from the recollection of those events, they assumed to themselves great authority and haughtiness in military matters.

So even back then the confederation of tribe that were known as Belgae was a mixture of Gauls (Celtae) and Germanics who had crossed the Rhine. Just like today it is a mixture of both Germanic and Gallo-Roman elements.

We aren't the only ones where this is true. When Tacitus described the people of Sigtuna (which corresponds approximately with the county of Stockholm) he said:

>here the sovereignty is exercised by a woman. So notoriously do they degenerate not only from a state of liberty, but even below a state of bondage.

just like today. How does the saying go: the fox changes its fur but nut its nature.

Pretty cool if you ask me. I remember reading ancient descriptions on the character of Gauls and Britons too where a lot of it were carbon copies of the stereotypes we have of the French and English today. I bet that is what the maker of Asterix must have noted too when he got his inspiration.

Oh my god, that's a baby burn
t. had worse while ironing

Did you hold it under the tap running cold water for at least 3 minutes?

Put ointment on it regularly. Maybe something menthol based that has a cooling effect, just don't rub your eyes or scratch your balls.

Ye that's cool, what about Atlas-Phrygian peeps?

I love this serie



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efkes checken of da 'k al besmet zijn

ja lap

Imagine the bants.

Clap clap time

>Belgium is such a non-country they have to speak English to understand each other in their general

Rien à foutre couillon

Bouillonnant. Parlez français.


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Zéro (0) coupes du monde. Dilate.

Zéro couilles. Siffle

Bon les flammouches il serait temps d'apprendre un vrai langage, il va pas se faire tout seul ce thread

Mais je suis parfaitement trilingue Pierre, et toi?

Pretty based actually, thanks for sharing user.
I often interact with French youth due to church activities and i get bootyblasted every time because i constantly get mocked for having a Belgian accent, despite being a capitalcuck.
I have a friend from Namur with a legitimately thick accent who often comes with me and he's basically bullied by them. Even when he's in Brussels, a lot of people make fun of him behind his back.
Fuck the French and fuck people who don't appreciate accents, and fuck "good christians" who act like this.
>haha you can't say "huit" correctly, dude lol
Fuck them. I don't even hear that they have an accent, that's what baffles me and i don't consume French media at all.

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Le vierge monolingue
Le Chad trilingue

I'm also a brussels rat but don't have any accent in french, it does sound ridiculous in some contexts(especially the Borinage peasant one)
But to be fair, quite happy I have none...don't mind it on others tho

Are you referring to the mythical Phrygian origin of the Belgae? Funny that you say this as I was just reading the Genta Treverorum were it is said that the first king of the Treveri was of Assyrian origin. And I remember there are similar medieval works that talk about the first kings of both the Nervii and the Franks, both state the Phrygian and babylonian origins of their first kings. All of these seem to imply a very similar story, and in my opinion is connected to the wanderings of the tribe of Dan. Robert Sepehr on youtube has covered this theme well.

We wuz s-sumethin? Sounds wild, imagine telling people that their ancestors woshipped sandniggs with crowns, careful with it

haha leuk

Ok, cave à sperme.
I don't have an accent, that's the thing. These cunts speak exactly like anyone i know, but they somehow hear things that aren't typically "french", but can't explain exactly what, other than "huit" and the plural of "os" most of the time. Even when they say it the "right" way, i don't hear anything different from what i'm used to.

Bro, imagining being french: counting numbers like litteral retards, naming pastry ''bread+thing'', can't pronounce ''é'' and ''è'' properly, shit accents, ghetto arab mix
We are the peak of the francophonie with the Swiss, they can seethe more

For a country as small as ours we have a particularly rich history going back deep into antiquity. Look at pic related for example, all these names are originated from one coastal Belgic tribe from antiquity. According to Caesar they were the smallest of Belgic tribes even.

They even had their own tax haven on the south-east coast of Ireland (town of Manapia, now Wexford), they could avoid paying taxes to the Roman tax collector.

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Also look into the Fîr-Bolg, the fourth group of settlers of Ireland.

>The name may be based on, and cognate with, Belgae.[5] The Belgae were a group of tribes living in northern Gaul. Some have suggested that the writers merely named a fictional race, the Fir Bolg, after a real group, the Belgae. Others, such as T. F. O'Rahilly, suggest that the Fir Bolg, Fir Domnann and Fir Gáilióin were real peoples who arrived in Ireland in ancient times. He proposed that the Fir Bolg were linked to the historical Belgae, the Fir Domnann were the historical Dumnonii and the Fir Gáilióin were the Laigin.[10]

>They even had their own tax haven
Belgian dna confirmed

holy based

P-par Toutatis?

>can't pronounce ''é'' and ''è'' properly
Now that i think of it, Frenchfags really do not pronounce these in a clear way. Saying "voilière, pédé, même" and "sept" out loud, i realise their "e" is insanely neutral. Same with "o".
Fuck them either way, especially Paris niggers.
t. Brussels nigger
Also i would love using "octante" in everyday life, but people are too retarded and it melts their brains.

Pretty much all their "è"s sound like "é" anyway
Once again, the French in charge of speaking their own language lmao

>Fuck them either way, especially Paris niggers.
>t. Brussels nigger
B A S E D, huitante masterrace and fuck the frouze niggerinos

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Thanks for opening my eyes, next time i'll be the one mocking them and defending my Namur bro.
>mfw they say "dé o" instead of "dezo" when saying "des os"
The "s" isn't silent you fuckers.
I don't like it. Octante sounds more natural.

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*"dé os", my bad.
"s" in "os" is silent and you're retarded if you think otherwise. I often have arguments with locals who consoom too much French media about some words.

modern art was a fucking mistake

The worst being
''Je ferai'' pronounced as ''ferè''
and ''je ferais'' as ''feré"
Big yikes

>french from france
>belgian french


Cute accent from our flemish bros


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>"je ferai" as "je feurai"
>"je ferais" as "je frai"

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>you can't be a non-country and a kingdom at the same time

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Redpilled ket

>why yes I am not a country, what gave it away?

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>why yes I hate and love my country at the same time

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>mets-moi la p'tite sœur

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>W-what do you mean? You guys don't have a proper national tongue? You can't just have 3 national languages at once that's not how it works

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French media is soulless as fuck, i can't listen to it, movies, radio or news sound foreign.
>p'tite sœur
>not 'tite seur
Never gonna make it.
>mfw frenchfucks say it as "peutiteu seureu"

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It's been at least 5-6 years since I've not watched any french shit, only Arte but it's half german already so doesn't really count