Your country?
How often do you hike?
Your country?
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Around 3-4 times per year.
once a week
Not enough. Don't wanna stop working because economy is shit. However I will be doing a canoe trip from Edmonton to Saskatoon area in August so that will be nice.
I don't live near forests or mountains plus my country is under quarantine right now. I wish I lived in Patagonia.
Truly white aryan hobby hiking is
a few times a year. luckily i dont live in one of the bigger towns so theres plenty of good trils around
I have to drive at least 30 minutes to get to any wilderness and even then it's full of all of the other people from the city who drove out there for it
Never because there are only busy highways and favelas here.
im hiking up to yo mama house right now
British Columbia is kino hiking territory
Every other day I hike to the supermarket.
>his hobby is walking
at least once a week
when the weather is nice and if it's my day off, I'm up in the mountain
whenever possible, need motivation and a destination though.
>her hobby is whoring
Tree huggers are not white, one of the most important preconditions for whiteness is an irrational hate and envy for nature
The Faustian/Nordic will-to-power has always been the drive to subdue natural forces under your will
Modern pagans have no idea what they're talking about, the way true noble Norsemen perceive nature is as an unpredictable, evil force that you can only learn to coexist with
Rn I don't, but once the corona shit is over I'm gonna be hiking all day long
Over here as a general rule of thumb those who '#lovenature' tend to be the ones living the furthest away from it. So the few pieces of 'nature' we have nearby cities like Amsterdam and Utrecht are always chockful of soyboys going on their #hikes
Often, but there's now the quarantine going on, means I'm not allowed to be by myself up in the mountains because something something virus reasons.
I mean if the authorities say that everyone should be crammed inside their homes in the city because it's safer for us, it must be true, right guys :)? Surely being stuck for weeks upon weeks between 4 concrete walls with a computer or phone screen glued to my face, with no possibility of going out by yourself in the outdoor nature, is safer for me and my health, right haha?
Noo this can t be happening
You are. Not white if you don't hike
You're out in the wood alone, far from anyone else. Up ahead, you see this girl. You notice her ass first
What do you do?
Probably strike up a conversation, given we really are the only ones there
I'd take her for a hike, if you know what I mean.
Like literally never. We don't have hiking culture.
You begin talking to her. She says she enjoys nature, and it's her first time hiking. You notice she has not brought enough food, water, and the wrong clothes for the weather.
What do you do?
Would you swim in the Ganges to become a brahmin in the next life?
Would you drink 1 litre of Ganges water for a lightskin aryan gf?
offer her a Cliff(tm) bar
not as often as i would like to haha
>You notice she has not brought enough food, water, and the wrong clothes for the weather.
Ah yes just like me her car is parked 100 meters away and she's only there for the instagram shots or to inform her friends about how much she loves #nature and #hiking
"Thanks, user. I feel so energized now"
The clouds cover goes away and she removed her jacket.
As you talk to her more, you begin to suspect she may be a little slow.
What do you do?
ask if she's retardded
Everyday ofc. NEET-life truly is the optimal life for any free human.
I went hiking once ten years ago.
She's asking for it
Take her to a scenic cliff face. Kick her squar in the lower back. Take shoes off and walk in sock feet back to vehicle.
I used to do 10 miles 2-3x a week, listening to sports. No sports now, so no hiking.
Wish I could go on nature walks more.
never. I'm a shut in loser
She is offended by your question. She put her jacket back on, but it is hot and she begins to sweat.
What do you do?
Very often. I grew up in mountains.
Once every year at most. I do it while backpacking. Next destination will be the scottish national trail which will take at least a month.
It's too hot here to ever go hiking.
i would hike up her ass, if you know what i mean... ;)
This must be a white American, have heard of them
hiking is soy
No day trails are soy. Back country camping requires lots of protien and raw force.
I'd stick my reproductive organs into her reproductive organs if you catch my drift
I blast past cross country skiers on my hilux
about every other weekend when the weather is good
How would that work? That's a boy, user
Break her legs, draw her to an isolate spot, commence reproduction. Just like our forefathers did
Pretend not to notice her and walk faster to pass her by
Never. Cause I live in concrete jungle.
You heard right, Balkan shitskin
Never because it's boring shit. It's neither exercise or relaxation.
Id hike every time she went hiking
I'd just try and keep up with her, I am soooo slow..
Funny schnitzel, but this humor would get you SHOT in America.
i dont have mountains in my town/county, only danube