Do Americans really not know how to read shorthand indicators of demographic/geographic values?

Do Americans really not know how to read shorthand indicators of demographic/geographic values?

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We don't care. Fucking leaf.

Only the ones in leadership.

Kek. They don't even seem know what elevation means. They probably think it means a lift.

The quintessential american response - I don’t understand this thing so I don’t care about it

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38 million lifts = 38 million population

How can anyone with more than 60IQ vote again for this mongoloid?

Tokyo metropolitan area has 38 million residents. I could see Trump confusing capital of Japan with capital of South Korea.

mega is indicated with a capital M

If you think this is bad, think about how many ameriniggers sanctify the absolute mongoloid who made this mistake. Nation of retards.

why do americans say "caucasian"?

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that's a lot of japs

For some people basic geography was a subject their inner city school system considered unnatural

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Caucasian is considered to be the polite / formal way of saying white here.

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Why are you so fucking obsessed with race, seriously it's ridiculous.

it's simply PC multikult that's been with us since at least the early days of the 90s


With all due respect, this is not solely an American phenomenon.

das ist nicht gut! das alle is ein problem conduktor!

If the president is this dumb, imagine the average citizen...

I'll never understand american mentality of taking pride being ignorant.

it's a similar sentiment shared by euros that take great pride in knowing nothing about the United States

One aspect of American culture regarding people with an intimate knowledge of something with suspicion as well as believing that those who know better and looking to deceive you, thus prideful ignorance is used both as a defense mechanism and a way to signaling to others that you are honest and not a threat.

Very interesting insight

>American culture regarding people
*American culture IS regarding people

Americans have been obsessed with race for generations. When they were sending troops over to Europe during WW2 they literally had to be told Europeans don't have the same autistic beliefs as Yanks.

To make trannies like you seethe.

Your post is very bad history.

It's worse in the US. Also, everyone there seems obsesses, here it's a tiny minority. Whether it's conservatives or liberals, Americans seem to constantly talk about races and racism and race relationships.
I have never seen a German election be as heavily based on something like that as many American ones are.

Nazi Germany unironically treated blacks better than Americans did.

>Imagine basing your election choice on how much you can offend other people.
No wonder the country is so fucked

>Tokyo metropolitan area has 38 million residents
>総数 13,951,791人

and yet I seem to recall blacks in a certain region of germany being universally sterilized on the orders of that regime

Strange, I seems to recall blacks getting lynched with impunity in a way larger region in the US for a way longer time.

It's not surprising that a country built on immigration acts like that actually, especially when there are different classes of settlers (like WASP racism against Catholic Irish/Italian) that do not get the same treatment in the telling of American history.

while it did take place in the south like 60 years ago it wasn't even then as commonplace as your hyper sensationalized media would like to portray

they are a part of american history

what are you implying to have first hand knowledge of?

Okay, then why are those sterilisations relevant?

Well, you claimed they were treated better than in the US, and our government fought very strongly to ensure their rights were protected while the government of germany at that time sought to remove them from society

Remember when Bush was mocked for being stupid back then? He was a gigabrain in comparison of Trump

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Still, the best representative for USA

comparing US blacks to German blacks isn't a good comparison for historical reasons

a better comparison is American blacks vs German Jews

Western Europeans just exported their racism to their colonies because they kept the non-europeans away from their own nations

On average they were treated better. No segregation for example. And American leaders were definitely not fighting for blacks during WW2, especially not where blacks actually lived.

you're being ridiculous, we didn't even treat with the hostile indians that way

The worst thing about Bush was him misspeaking from time to time. It was funny of course, but you could tell that he was actually an intelligent person generally capable of leading a nation. Trump is a moron is everything he does, when he talks like an idiot he is being serious, not just making misttakes like Bush.

i'm not saying Americans treated blacks like German Jews (though slavery was pretty fucking bad, even though that was just the South)

i'm saying it doesn't make sense to compare German blacks with American blacks because Jews, not blacks were the most oppressed minority in Germany

ah, I see what you mean, still in either category a US black was better off in comparison!

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Germans just shat on Jews and Slavs instead of blacks, what's your point?

Not an opinion

ta gueule



That's not the same thing, you dumb military brat.

Because despite his retardation he's still as smart or smarter than most americans

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you can't be less retarded than retarded retard

tfw no stacy gf

lol cringe what a loser hahaha