post your genetic tree Yas Forums.
life is hard as an ugly hapa mutt
Post your genetic tree Yas Forums
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It would just all be Irish flags
ta mère WHITED
Korean man+Japanese woman feels wrong
all portuguese flags since the fucking 16th century. this meme was made for Amerimutts, to make them feel proud of their make-believe ancestries
uhhhhhhh japs ain't gonna like this.....
well thank to kpop, many jap girls love korean boys now
what is your mother nationality?
btw my genetic three is boring, all my great-grandparents are Italians.
my mother is korean/chechen
the evilest combination
One day I shall roam the steppes again...
why so many sami admixture?
chechens arent mongoloid so you are quapa
My grandfather's grandfather is German but has no effect
>jew genes without jew privileges
>Panda Express mixture
Checheno Asian french mutt
Racemixing truly is for losers holy shit
my mother looks like a kazakh, also my father left her for a polish woman who is only 5 year old older than me
Nah, plenty of Chechens are mongoloid
Ta mère la grosse pute qui s'est faite baiser par un français. Tu mérites de te faire battre à mort sale chien tu fais honte aux tchétchènes
can confirm, iam a hapa and ugly as shit. Never racemix with an asian woman, my father has a polish gf now
mais ma mère est asiatique
Don't really care or mind, but there are some things that you won't understand unless you lived next to Jews.
Anybody has the template?
the evil trinity
Allô département du basé ?
german flag is black red yellox
yeah i messed up
Bosting with coronavirus risk
stop posting random children on Yas Forums you fucking creep
based italian pedophile
Don't have the template but these are my DNA results.
thats super odd mix. was she raised as french? im guessing your moms side is korean diaspora in russia, got moved to chechen by stalin during the war, and somehow moved to france?
such as?
Are you a fragile of 1m65 like all the yellow "men"?
CHINKED. hows living as hapa in france? is it as fucked up as in angloland?
why its always an asian mom and a white dad ?
go back to hell demon
can someone pass the template
Jews make fun of other Jews a lot. Doesn't really matter if you are Reform, Conservative, Orthodox. American Jews make fun of Israeli Jews. Jewish humor is either the most snarky stuff you will ever hear or the most self-aware coming out from a specific group. There is a saying that I've heard, it goes "Two Jews, Three Opinions"
A lot of Jews in particular are not that religious at all. A large portion of Jews are secular. Most of these secular Jews come from Reform Judaism. Most Jews in the American media come from a Reform Judaism background while the more conservative denominations work less in the secular realm and more in the religious realm.
I am a 6th-generation Finnish American.
Can someone make it for me please ?
Paternal lineage
All algerian for my grandfather
All french for my grandmother
Algerian father
Maternal lineage
all algerian
Dios mio...
oy vey
Quickly becoming a popular combination.
>17% European Jewish
the gas chambers are calling and jew must go
It's a bit boring