Have you noticed the explosion of the number of nerdy blacks lately?

Have you noticed the explosion of the number of nerdy blacks lately?

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Good. Autism means high IQ.

no, there aren't any blacks where I live

Need a nerdy BLACK QVEEN gf

There has been an explosion of all nerds in the west, blacks are just less numerous

Fucking nigger loves anime

They've always existed, so it hasn't really been an explosion. They're just cooler now or rather they're more accepted because "nerd culture" has entered into the mainstream. With social media and the crazy increase of nerd events such as comic cons nerds of all colors are able to come out of their basements and into the limelight.

Playing games and watching anime/capeshit doesn't make you a nerd.

Nerdy black girls are usually the ones that want to get bleached the most. Usually they have a skinnyfat ginger boyfriend.

I want to fuck her.

There always were a lot. Media just likes to front the stupid thug identity.

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nerdy black girlfriends are the best

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>round frame eyeglasses
>retro t-shirt print of superhero logo

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This is legit

no, there aren't any blacks where I live

What kind of sex toy is the left one holding?


>capeshit tshirt
No thank you.



they were bullied as kids for being black so they watched anime to cope.

haha cmon finland dont be frowning like a bitch
btw there's something with your flag dude, you fuckface )

"""nerdy""" black girls, you mean

one that goes all the way up your butt

So it'll light up my mouth?

Blacks are immigrants here so they're not nerds

yes, exactly
it's advanced Japanese sex toy

A lot of South Americans are nerds
Also I knew some eastern europeans like this, but not blacks and moors

Yes, I'm friends with a black weeb.

>no one ever knows the source for pic related

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Black nerds are nice, the nerdiness tames theirhypermasculinity.

White nerds however should kill themselves, you're the reason why we're going extinct.

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nope, there's still very little number of "nerdy" blacks

>navel piercing

vomit inducing

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Leave my society

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Only humanly decent post ITT

no. you need mental help. Your perverted desires aren't normal or healthy, either for yourself or society.

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blacks have been going to school/graduating college at good pace the past 20 years. where i live they are getting out of ghettos and poverty and living stable lives. tolerance and opportunity does that for a community innit. when people are not solely focusing on surviving the mean street they end up getting hobbies and getting into nerdy shit. people love nerdy shit

She looks like she fucks white guys

>not wanting women with T levels almost as high as a man's
ok sasha.

>She looks like she fucks white guys

She has higher T levels than you but that's because you're a soyfaggot

>calling other people soy

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How's your t*rkboy holding up, limey?

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no idea. Don't care.

This comic could not be made in today's censored online climate.

isn't that cute they think they are smart

My best friend through middle and high school was a black nerd who played saxaphone and piano. Made me immune to racism.

They spend all day dreaming of a white bf.