Are Japanese white?

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Other urls found in this thread:

seems white enough to me

skin is maybe white but not w*stern

White passing to me

Attached: 宍戸錠5.jpg (640x640, 92.72K)

Japanese are white after all

Attached: 吉田輝星3.jpg (2202x1554, 123.73K)

Wtf Japanese are white?

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Stop samefagging, retard. We can see the IP count. And no, you're not white.

go back davido

Japanese are white-ish 2bh

Attached: 3935cd10.gif (363x380, 1.25M)

And btw "white" is a word only mutts use. Europeans use the word foreigner/immigrant and national to designate non whites and whites.
Japan uses western and Japanese or gaijin and Japanese.

Why Japanese look white?

Attached: 62447_201602221016549682_1_.jpg (640x372, 95.1K)

No but I will marry a White girl for sure

Not sure about whites, but they definitely recognized as Aryans.

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Japanese girls love big gaijin penisu of igirisu men

their skin is white, but they're superior to non-Asians

holy shit wh*te women are so ugly

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Attached: 山本秀勝.png (254x179, 78.47K)

Yes, they are honorary white people.

If you’ve ever had sex relations with one of these insectoids you’ll notice their skin has a yellowish/gray tint, jaundice like

Who is she, does she have a bf?


Attached: 1579496020826.png (696x602, 325.76K)

on what fucking planet do these people look anything but asian


Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-11 b47fae14fdad5a7dc7c8ba60fb62ec88 jpg (JPEG Image, 400 × 300 pixels).png (279x300, 152.51K)

Whiter than real europeans.

Literally you

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Where is the Japanese thread? I cannot find it.

This is one of the pictures that show up when you google "Japanese crowd". Are they white? Make of it what you will.

Attached: https___s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com_psh-ex-ftnikkei-3937bb4_images_9_0_3_1_11321309-1-eng-GB_1219N-People-praying-at-Tokyo-shrine.jpg (2605x1842, 586.65K)

Eastern beauty + Western body is the greatest combo

Attached: protip 5.jpg (2593x1244, 2.64M)

honorary whites


She is 1/8 Russian though

No but I'll personally make sure they will be in 2-3 Generations

No, unlike whites, they only come with one hair/eye color, true insectoids

whats the name of this cowtited babe? And I'm not talking about the badly photoshopped asian

Attached: DeEYXECVMAAnC6m.jpg (337x651, 48.2K)

White, right?

Attached: Sanada.png (701x475, 683.35K)

>"Honorary" whites
>When the Japanese are superior to whites in pretty much every single way

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We sure are the whites of this continent, that's for sure.

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My hair quality is different from Asian

Attached: F263C498-9EA1-4B49-BB7C-489627FB1533.jpg (750x1334, 582.64K)

yeah, hes BLACK

Attached: DS_eSiyVMAAOeC1.jpg small.jpg (680x511, 55.39K)

japs are brown


You don't have Japanese thread today?

Are u takahiro

>>When the Japanese are superior to whites in pretty much every single way
Japs have not contributed anything important to civilization, there biggest moment in history was bombing america then being nuked to shit

I really don't care if Japanese are white. I don't need approval from white people

No, japanese are meds


then tell your jap friends to stop making these threads, they are annoying

My dick is White supremacist

Learn some history you moron. Also, whites have a lower IQ than Japanese.

Actual Japanese are Mongoloid mixed with very little Arab

ok what are japs biggest contributions?

Good post.

Antenna developed

Look it up yourself, stupid low IQ subhuman.

"""Yellow""" skin

Attached: Shibata-1.jpg (777x437, 279.64K)

i have, but i can't find anything important, or at-least not close to important as many british inventions.
Find me some Japanese invetions that compare to britain(a smaller country)

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Jomon or Yayoi?

Some Japanese especially the ones in the north have obvious Siberian caucasian admixture, it can look pretty cool.
Look up Jômon. Pic not really related.

Attached: young mifune.jpg (625x478, 65.58K)


also based
Neck yourself idiot. Japanese having a higher IQ than whites makes calling them "honorary" whites retarded by default. There is nothing honorable about being stupid.

scythian (aryan) + jomon (australoid) + yayoi (gook)

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Japanese have a higher percentage of chad than other Asian countries

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I literally went through that entire list and can't find anything important. Maybe karaoke and instant noodles? Other stuff like first handheld calculator don't matter, they didn't invent the calculator.
Are you trolling? They're brown not white.


Attached: just fuck my shit up.jpg (1884x586, 156.93K)

Literally built for a big black cock

Honorary retard, kys.

japs aren't white, stop calling them honorary, they're asian

Saudi is black?


UYU is good TEKKEN player.

That phenotype isn't caucasian it's just ugly fetal alcohol syndrome

Attached: jomon japanese.jpg (399x600, 71.04K)

Attached: 757e2c09.png (600x515, 265.99K)

Jomon phenotype STRONK

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